
Welcome to THE REsearch NEtWork on Industrial Decarbonisation!

The Research Network on Industrial Decarbonisation is primarily intended as a network for scientific researchers in academia and research institutes, focusing on Industrial Decarbonisation. The network is an informal and interactive forum for researchers involved in the field of industrial decarbonisation, to exchange knowledge and ideas, identify opportunities for cooperation around project proposals and events.

You can learn more about our network in the Q&A section and we would be happy if you would join our network using the registration form below. Feel free to contact us via

You can also find us on Twitter @RENEW_Industry

The RENEW-Industry coordinators

Timo Gerres, Institute for Research in Technology, Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid, SpainJohan Rootzén, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg, SwedenCaitlin Swalec, Global Steel Plant Tracker, Global Energy Monitor, California, United States Holger Wiertzema, NRL Norddeutsches Reallabor, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Max Åhman, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, Sweden