Service Overview Trial Offer for Content Writing, Proofreading & Review

Engage your audience with compelling consistent content. I specialize in creating and co-authoring blog content, product or service descriptions, social media captioning, and crafting impeccable email and business communications. Let your words leave a lasting impression.

Here are the common tasks that will be covered under this service:

Blog Content Creation

Product or Service Descriptions

Social Media Captioning

Email Communications

Proofreading & Review

Thoroughly reviewing and editing content for clarity, grammar, and style.

Ensuring all written materials are error-free and polished.

Trial Pricing and Commitment

Monthly Retainer: $750 

To provide a clear understanding of what you can expect, here’s a breakdown of the average amount of hours I can commit to a client at this rate, aiming to achieve a comparable rate of $30 per hour:

Total Monthly Hours: 25 hours

Hourly Rate Equivalent: $30 per hour

Task Involvement Breakdown

Here's a suggested distribution of hours across the various tasks:

Blog Content Creation (8 hours)

Product or Service Descriptions (5 hours)

Social Media Captioning (4 hours)

Email Communications (4 hours)

Proofreading & Review (4 hours)

Reviewing and editing existing content, ensuring high-quality output.

Benefits of Choosing Remote Flow Services

Next Steps

Contact me today to get started with Remote Flow Services and see immediate improvements in your operations. Email Nherie at

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