Stress is a common part of everyday life.

In small amounts stress is perfectly manageable but if left unchecked it can be debilitating. Stress also leads to the production of a hormone called cortisol that, in large quantities, can cause serious heath problems. It is because of this that it is important to take steps to relieve stress and decrease cortisol levels in the body.

One of the most effective treatments for these two things is the 11th century yoga practice called Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is unique from other forms of yoga in that it has a focus on mastering the mind, the body, and the relationship between the two through the practice of positions called asanas. Since its creation people have understood that Hatha yoga has had healing properties but it wasn't until recently that Hatha yoga was scientifically proven to decrease perceived levels of stress and levels of cortisol in the body.

In this Instructable we will be providing a brief set of Hatha yoga asanas specifically designed to maximize stress relief through controlled breathing and stretching. These are beginner level asanas that can be performed by any aspiring yogi. By the end of the guide you should feel relieved of much of the stress you may be experiencing and should feel mentally and physically refreshed.

Note: a yoga mat or a soft pad is recommended for these asanas

Stress is ever-present. Fortunately, we have got yoga, which is proven to reduce stress and the health effects it causes. The good part? You do not require any prior experience to benefit from the practice. Whether you’re at house, work, or somewhere in between, yoga is here to help you relax. We’ll show you how to get started. Dating back over 5,000 years, yoga is considered by many to be the defined practice of self-development. The methods of classical yoga involve meditation, ethical disciplines, physical postures, breathing control. Traditionally an Eastern practice, it is now becoming famous in the West. Actually, lots of companies are seeing the benefits of yoga, identifying that relaxed workers are healthier and more creative, and are sponsoring yoga fitness programs. Several studies have found that small yoga in the morning, at night, and on a lunch break, can minimize stress and increase productivity. It’s believed that yoga is so efficient for stress relief because, aside from the physical benefits that yoga brings, it encourages a good mood, a rise in mindful

Try and be Positive


There are various different kinds of yoga: some are slow and more focused on stretching; others are quick and more of a workout. If you’re looking to relieve stress, no one yoga style is superior, so pick one that meets your level of personality and physical fitness. Any exercise will aid relieve stress by keeping the body healthy and releasing endorphins, natural hormones that make you feel good. Yoga relieves stress via stretching. The stretching of yoga releases tension from issue areas, involving the hips and shoulders.

Breath Control

Pranayama, and breath work, is an essential part of any yoga practice and one that translates well to life off the mat. At the least, yoga raises your awareness of the breath as a tool to relax the body. Though breathing is an involuntary act, you can select to regulate the breath. Learning to take deep breaths and realizing that this may be a fast way to combat stressful conditions is efficient.

Cat and Cow Flow

This’s a short sequence where you flow body between two poses, Cow Pose, Cat Pose. These poses combined provide relief for the spine and all the muscles in the back. It steadies your breathing as you move which helps in calming the mind. From table top, knees under hips, and wrists under shoulders, you should begin by engaging your deep abdominal muscles first. Then on an inhale start to sweep your chest forward opening up your throat and upper and to space in front of you while flaring your hips back behind and keeping that belly engaged. This’s Cow Pose. For Cat Pose, on an exhale begin rounding the spine toward the ceiling and let that movement occur all the way down the spine. Lift your upper, middle, and lower spine and begin drawing the crown of your head down toward the floor. Keep the belly engaged as you continue to flow via Cat and Cow, breathing as you move. Move via this flow as long as it feels great.

Clearing the Mind

Our minds are continuously active, racing from one thought to another, spinning possible scenarios for the future, dwelling on incidents from the past. All this mind work is stressful and tiring. Yoga provides techniques for taming the monkey mind. One is breathwork, as outlined above. Every breath is tied inextricably to the present moment; you’re not breathing in the past and the future, but right now. Focusing on every inhale or exhale to the exclusion of other thoughts is one way to clear the mind, it’s a basic meditation technique. Additionally, the performance of yoga poses, and asanas, acts as a form of meditation. The poses are so physical and have to be done with such concentration, that all other thoughts and worries are put to the side, giving your brain a break.


Every yoga sessions end with 5-10 minutes spent relaxing in corpse pose savasana. While this enforced relaxation may be difficult at first, eventually it serves the purpose of a total release for both body and mind. Savasana transitions you back into the world feeling refreshed and equipped with the tools to combat stress. Yoga is a practice that provides an opportunity for a longer, deeper period of relaxation and an introduction to meditation, which may be the best stress reducer.

Eagle Pose

This’s a balancing pose that needs deep concentration, therefore it is difficult for the body or mind to do anything else but concentrate on the present moment. Begin by standing in Tadasana, feet hip-width apart and shoulders down and back. Pick something to look at and concentrate on during this pose, maybe calming and pleasing to you. Slowly pick up your right leg and cross it over your left as if you were sitting cross-legged in a chair. Then you need to take the left arm and cross it over the right at the elbow creases. Begin to bend your elbows bringing the back of the hands together. You can deepen this pose by wrapping the arms and legs more, but find where you can maintain balance and breath. Not only this pose relieve stress but it aids to open and stretch the shoulders and hips which are points in the body that tend to carry many stresses. Make sure to do both sides and take a minimum of 5 breaths on every side.

The Core Components of Yoga Are:

Poses. Yoga poses, also known as postures, are a series of movements designed to raise strength and flexibility. Poses range from simple to difficult. In a simple pose, you can lie on the floor while completely relaxed. A difficult posture can have you stretching physical limits.

Breathing. Controlling your breathing is an essential part of yoga. Yoga teaches that controlling your breathing may help you control your body and quiet the mind.

Meditation and relaxation. In yoga, you can incorporate meditation and relaxation. Meditation can help you learn to be more mindful and familiar with the present moment without judgment.

Child’s Pose

This pose is wonderful to stretch the low back and help relieve tension via the hips. Modify it by adding any props that you like. Beginning from a table top position bring your toes toward one another, they can touch behind you and widen your knees out to the sides. Begin to slowly push your hips back toward your heels and walk the hands out in front of you as you lower your chest and forehead to the floor. Relax your whole body down and if you require some more relief in your shoulders and upper back, bend your elbows. You can add a pillow under your belly and blocks under your forehead if you require some more support as you relax and breathe. Begin to follow your breath in and out and allow go of any stress or tension. Stay here for 10 deep breaths and add props to stay longer.

Legs Up the Wall

This’s the best way to relax after a long day, letting your hips and lower back take a break is something your body needs. This’s a perfect way to unwind before you go to bed and gives you a chance to allow any racing in your mind to dissipate. Find some space on your wall and lay down with the head facing away from that wall. Then, swing your legs up the wall, and if you require support under your hips add a blanket and pillow. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, close your eyes, and perhaps even play some relaxing music. Let your whole body and mind let go of any stressful thoughts and worries. Be fully present at the moment as you relax and find calm. Stay here until you like. Letting yourself time during your busy day is important to reducing stress. Each of these poses may be done on their own held for some breaths and longer, or you can make a short flow doing every pose as many times as you like. The lovely thing about Yoga is it teaches you about your body and helps you develop a sense of awareness around it. As you continue to practice, you’ll begin to identify the symptoms of stress right when they start to occur and can rapidly halt that stress response in its tracks. Keep breathing, practicing, and finding time for yourself

Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose

This yoga pose is a combination of 2 poses. So, the effect of this pose gets doubled.


Come onto all fours. Exhale and move the buttocks halfway back to the heels. Bring the forehead to the floor and then breathe. Relax your body after some time.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This pose decreases mental stress by calming your mind.

It stretches your muscles and body.

It boosts up your mood and calm your mind.

Needed time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 to 60 sec will allow the release of the happy hormones.

Practice Rain

Tara Brach, a psychologist and meditation teacher, describes the acronym RAIN as a mindfulness tool to aid you to deal with stress and cope with difficult conditions.

R: Recognize what’s happening

A: Allow life to be as it’s

I: Investigate inner experience with kindness

N: Non-Identification the realization and awareness that we aren’t defined and limited by our emotions or stories.

Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose

It’s a highly efficient yoga pose for stress reduction. Along with it has several physical health benefits to offer like bringing relief in asthma.


Lie down on your stomach. Put your hands near your shoulder. Now, slowly inhale and lift the chest from the floor with your hands placed in the same position.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This yoga pose offers instant relaxation.

It eases our breathing process by opening up our chest.

Pain in muscles is reduced by this yoga pose.

Needed time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 sec are enough to relax.

Uttanasana: Standing Forward Bend

This yoga pose has lots of mental and physical health benefits to offer.


Slowly exhale and bend the body forward and try to try to touch your finger on the floor. Press your head against your legs. Hold for 4 to 8 breaths and come back to the normal standing position.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This yoga poses releases muscle tension from our thighs, hamstrings, hips.

It’s believed to relieve stress, fatigue, mild depression symptoms.

This pose cools down our nervous system.

Needed time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: one minute of this relaxing yoga pose can release your mental stress.

How can I get Rid of Stress

Ananda Balasana: Happy Baby Pose


Lie down on your back. Now you need to bend the knees towards the belly and stretch the hands to your feet. Open the knees wide and be in this position.

Why this is a good yoga pose for reducing stress?

This pose enhances our mood as well as improves our sleep.

It’ll help your mind and body be calmer.

This yoga poses decreases stress and fatigue as well.

Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Try to be in this pose for a minimum of 60 sec.

Halasana: Plow Pose

Though a comparatively difficult pose for beginners this yoga pose does reduce stress and stimulates glands.


Lie down on your back. Inhale and then slowly lift the legs and hip up towards the ceiling. Slowly low your toes to the floor. Hold this position for as long as you can and release it back to normal.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This pose decreases stress and fatigue.

It is therapeutic for body aches and insomnia.

Along with stretching muscles, it stimulates the thyroid gland.

Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Initially 5 to 10 secs will help you experience this pose

Viparita Karani: Leg Up the Wall Pose

It’s one of the happy for stress relief as it rapidly cools your body and mind.


The lie of the floor near a wall, Inhale exhale swing your legs up onto the wall. Keep your spine straight, and bend your knees a small so your kneecaps will not knock.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This pose boosts blood circulation.

It improves our sleep and regulates our mood efficiently.

This yoga poses aids in stress reduction.

Needed time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Holding this pose for 60 sec may help you calm down immediately.

Bridge pose: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

It’s a great yoga pose to relieve stress and anxiety. But that is not it. There are many mental health benefits that it has to offer.

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Being on the back, lie down while your feet are placed flat on the ground, and arms alongside. Inhale and lift your hips or chest from the ground.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This yoga pose has a therapeutic effect on the higher level of blood pressure.

It works as a gentle stretching for the back and legs.

This pose aids in the reduction of backaches, stress, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, headaches.

Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 to 60 sec are good, to begin with.

Garudasana: Eagle Pose

If you require unwavering concentration, stress reduction, endurance this yoga pose is great for you. Stand in Tadasana. Bend the knees and then lift your left foot up, cross the left thigh over the right. Then hook the foot’s top behind the lower right calf. For your hand to press the right hand towards the right side and the left hand to the left side, such that the palms face each other.

Why is it the best yoga pose for stress relief?

This pose improves your concentration.

It strengthens and stretches our body muscles.

This yoga poses decreases stress and fatigue.

Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 to 60 secs of holding this yoga pose are beneficial.

Use Your Breath

Breath is important to connect with your body and turn down the dial of stress. Begin with learning Ujjayi breath and use it in every pose. Take a deep slow breath via your nose and exhale via your nose while constricting the back of your throat in the ha shape, but keep your mouth closed. Your breath needs to be loud enough that someone next to you can hear it and sound like the ocean’s waves and like Darth Vader from Star Wars. Meditation is a necessary part of yoga and is shown to efficiently reduce stress.

Yoga Poses

It is no secret that life may have it is fair-share of stressors. From jobs to family responsibility, commutes, and more sometimes it may feel difficult to schedule in five minutes of time for self-care. Thankfully, that is where yoga may help. The practice of Yoga has tools you can utilize to relieve stress in life if it means taking some moments in the morning or at the end of every day to practice some poses. One of the chemical impacts of stress in the body is when our bodies and minds flip into fight and flight mode, otherwise called your sympathetic nervous system. This’s when the heart rate quickens, the mind runs, our breath becomes fast and shallow. This isn’t a state we can exist in for an extended length of time and so knowing how to calm your body and mind is an essential tool that you can see benefits from. Below are some yoga poses you can do to relieve stress in life, you can do them individually or make a sequence out of them.

Aim to Be Kind to Yourself

Kindness and positive emotions protect and cushion you from the burdens of stress and are shown to improve physical health and depression. It is easy to learn to be hard on ourselves, so unlearning that self-judgment may be tough but worthwhile. Being self-compassionate does not come naturally for many people, so it takes concerted practice and intention daily. How can you start to remember to be kind to yourself on an everyday basis? It is different for everybody. Perhaps you can give yourself time to spend time with a close friend, let yourself spend more time playing music that you do not enjoy, or maybe try a loving-kindness meditation. By extending kindness and love to ourselves first and foremost, we are capable of expanding our ability to love, accept, forgive. Positive emotion will naturally grow around you and decrease stress for both yourself and the people around you .

How can I get Rid of Stress

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