Still, the product has rarely been pitched to consumers with that angle in mind. Instead, its ability to quell the headaches and acid indigestion that accompany hangovers was passed via word-of-mouth along like an open secret.

2D from Gorillaz, with his droopy eyes, perpetually messy hair, and the crooning voice of Damon Albarn, is practically the hangover mascot. This short jam about surviving the apocalypse should strike a chord after the craziness that was your weekend.

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The progressive-leaning cohort prefers brands that read as authentic and fun. Alka-Seltzer owning an association with hangovers therefore might resonate more than dancing around the issue. The media playbook supporting Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief also factors in the channels where Gen Zers and young millennials are spending more of their time.

Machine Gun Kelly drew inspiration from his personal experiences, battling addiction and grappling with mental health issues. The song serves as a cathartic release, allowing him to reflect on his past struggles and provide solace for others facing similar challenges.

Ethanol consumption disturbs the balance between the pro- and anti-oxidant systems of the organism, leading to oxidative stress. Electrolyzed-reduced water (ERW) is widely used by people in East Asia for drinking purposes because of its therapeutic properties including scavenging effect of reactive oxygen species. This study was performed to investigate the effect of ERW on acute ethanol-induced hangovers in Sprague-Dawley rats. Alcohol concentration in serum of ERW-treated rats showed significant difference at 1 h, 3 h and 5 h respectively as compared with the rats treated with distilled water. Both alcohol dehydrogenase type 1 and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase related with oxidation of alcohol were significantly increased in liver tissue while the level of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in serum was markedly decreased 24 h after pre-oral administration of ERW. Moreover, oral administration of ERW significantly activated non-ezymatic (glutathione) and enzymatic (glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase and catalase) antioxidants in liver tissues compared with the control group. These results suggest that drinking ERW has an effect of alcohol detoxification by antioxidant mechanism and has potentiality for relief of ethanol-induced hangover symptoms.

A prairie oyster (sometimes also prairie cocktail) is a traditional beverage consisting of a raw egg (often yolk alone), Worcestershire sauce, vinegar and/or hot sauce, table salt, and ground black pepper. Tomato juice is sometimes added, reminiscent of a Bloody Mary. The egg is broken into a glass so as not to break the yolk. The mixture is quickly swallowed. The unbroken yolk causes the drink to bear a texture similar to that of an oyster. The concoction has been referred to as a traditional cure for hangovers, and has appeared in media for decades.

Though considered a traditional hangover remedy, the prairie oyster has not been scientifically proven to treat hangover symptoms. Headache experts say that a prairie oyster will not work as a remedy for a hangover.[1]

It has been suggested that the raw egg in a prairie oyster may alleviate the symptoms of a hangover since eggs contain cysteine, an amino acid which helps the body break down acetaldehyde, a by-product of processing alcohol.[2][3] However, there is no reliable evidence showing that consuming foods with this amino acid relieves hangover symptoms.[4]

T-Pain perfectly served as the celebrity spokesperson, and we knew we also needed influential creators in music and dance to help scale the message and get others on social media to join the conversation. Linqia used our proprietary Resonate technology to identify creators on Instagram and TikTok who could speak authentically to their own needs for a hangover relief product, while also having the technical dance skills to remix and duet T-Pain's song.

Whether it's a heavily hot-sauced breakfast, a long video game session or drowning one's sorrows with the hair of the dog that bit them, every dedicated drinker has their own hangover remedy. No scientific studies have proven any of these methods actually work beyond their ability to distract ourselves from the devilish drilling in our skull, and yet people still cling to them dogmatically.

Numerous publications have offered lists of the best hangover-curing music. However, none offers any methodology for the choices about what kind of music makes for good relief. Part of the reason is that no psychological studies have actually rounded up a bunch of hungover people and hooked them up to headsets to track their physiological reactions, according to the experts Mic surveyed. Still, a host of related research regarding music's therapeutic effects suggests it could actually offer a very intriguing form of hangover relief.

"We have good proof that music works for pain of any kind," Dr. Alexander Mauskop, director and founder of the New York Headache Center, told Mic. "There is no reason to think that hangovers would be any different. It's not as powerful as morphine, but it might be as good as Tylenol."

What follows is a breakdown of some of the research regarding the kinds of music that have been proven to offer the best pain relief, ending with a suggested playlist of songs that may help ease the horror of the morning after.

Numerous studies have elucidated that music listening can offer some significant pain relief, in even the most dire circumstances. Music can soothe chronic pain and postsurgical trauma. Surprisingly, music has also proven to help with migraines and tension headaches, which hangovers resemble.

"I would think of a hangover as similar to migraines in the sense that you don't want anything too sharp, too loud," Dr. Lynn Webster, past president of American Academy of Pain Medicine and Vice President of Scientific Affairs for PRA Health Sciences, told Mic. "But if it can distract you, it theoretically is going to offer you some relief."

He underlined again that there's no hard data on the effects of music on hangover relief, but still spoke of music as a potentially powerful pain reliever, especially for musicians. "People who really likes music or like certain types of music or musicians, if they were in pain and they could get access to that type of music, there would be a memory that they would recruit and impart experience," Webster said. "Both of those would have an additive effect on their ability to displace and drown out the pain loop they're experiencing."

Hangovers, however, do not come with only pain, but also a general lethargy, misery and often a good amount of nausea. Thankfully, research suggests music listening to the songs one loves help relieve nausea. Numerous studies assert that music can improve one's mood, reduce stress and lower anxiety, which can in turn lower pain.

After the hangover's sludgy feeling has settled in, it can be extremely difficult to fall back to sleep. Music can likely help. A 2008 study found listening to slow (60 to 80 beats per minute) classical music helped students improve sleep quality while also reducing depressive symptoms. Other studies have found listening to slow, relaxing music can improve perceived sleep quality and shorten the time it takes to fall asleep by encouraging relaxation and distraction from thoughts.

If one does not have all the time in the world to sleep and lay around, music can still help one work up the motivation to face the day, despite the pain. When one is hungover their body produces an excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins that help stimulate one's immune system but also produce some of a hangover's more pernicious cognitive effects, such as memory impairment and mood changes. Studies have shown that a potent musical listening experience can actually relax the body's production of cytokines.

Below are two suggested playlists for each, incorporating the songs suggested above. Give a listen, experiment and consider swapping in some favorite soothing songs to stimulate those vivifying positive memories of times when you weren't hungover.

You need food, especially if you dispelled your late-night snacks in the backseat of your Uber on the way home. Similar to hydrating yourself properly, being strategic with your breakfast can also aide in the hangover relief. So wander on over to your local greasy spoon, aka the Starbucks on the corner, and order yourself some egg bites. Eggs are rich in the amino acid cysteine, which your liver needs in order to break down the alcohol toxin acetaldehyde.

I try to cure my hangovers the night before, with the old bottle-of-water-by-the-side-of-the-bed trick. Failing that, I go for a cure-all drink that my cousin came up with years ago, when improvising mimosas for a date: beer and orange juice. You can use good beer, but I like watery PBR and store-brand, no-pulp OJ. The combination is invigorating, hydrating, and just a little bit boozy.

We had more than an academic interest in whether there's anything proven to prevent or cure a hangover. But, unfortunately, a few years back some Dutch researchers looked at the published evidence and concluded:

No compelling evidence exists to suggest that any conventional or complementary intervention is effective for preventing or treating alcohol hangover. The most effective way to avoid the symptoms of alcohol induced hangover is to practise abstinence or moderation.

We also chatted with Brown University's Damaris Rohsenow, a psychology professor who has studied hangovers. She said the research community isn't exactly awash in grants to spur discovery of a hangover cure. "It's hard to justify funding a study to relieve hangover when the heavy drinking that causes hangover is also associated with many other long-term health problems," she said.

Hangover headaches are common enough, but they can have an impact on daily life. Some 29% of college undergraduates say they've lost school time to a hangover, while about 9% of workers in the United States say they've worked while experiencing a hangover that might affect their job performance. 17dc91bb1f

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