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Tell-Tale Signs indicating Your Dog is Stressed

Stress is one feeling experienced by every living creature on the Earth- be it human being or animal. The only difference is human beings can express their feelings via words but animals convey the same with their body language. If you own dog as your pet for the first time and worried about how to identify Signs Your Dog is Stressed, this guide can be an eye-opener. Some of the warning signs clearly indicate that your dog is under stress are:

Barking or Whining: When dogs feel stressed, they cannot control their barking or whining. In other words, barking is an automatic response for stress. By barking more than usual, they give indication that something in the environment is troubling them or causing anxiety.

Growling: Growling is another clear cut sign states that your dog is under stressed. When these living creatures feel uncomfortable, threatened or hurt, they growl. It is important to pay attention to this warning sign and try to figure out the reason for the same as quickly as possible. If possible, change their surroundings.

Excessive Shedding: The professional veterinarians agree with the fact that dogs shed their fur more than usual when they are under stress conditions. This sign is clearly visible when pet owners take them to a veterinary clinic for a routine check-up.

Excessive Sweating or Yawning: It is a common belief that dogs yawn a lot when they are bored or tired but did you know they even yawn a lot when they are stressed? Besides yawning, they even sweat and lick a lot when they are extremely nervous,.

Changes in Body Posture: Dogs normally evenly distribute their weight on the four legs but when under stress, it transfers his weight to the rear legs. Even tucked tail can be an indicator of different emotions including stress and anxiety.

Some pet owners share that their dogs exhibit avoidance or destructive behaviour when they are under stressed. It may happen that your dog shows different signs when it is stressed. So, keep a close check on them and watch these signs and learn the ways to de-stress them. You can even consult a veteran to know the signs that your dog is stressed.

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