As we move into 2022, we are still struggling with Covid-19 and its impact on our Fellowship. We offer this memo to increase awareness of the things we can do to protect ourselves. Narcotics Anonymous has no opinions on outside issues. This includes providing guidance on health issues. We can share general suggestions based on our collective experience, NA World Services, and other Regional best practices throughout the world. We suggest contacting your local health authorities for appropriate information and to answer any questions about health issues. These are some of the things that groups around the world are doing to make a safer recovery environment so we can focus on our primary purpose.

June 3, 2020 - EPA prepared this memo and associated technical addendum to communicate recommendations on ambient data completeness criteria for the Regional Haze program. Referencing the 2017 Regional Haze Rule, this memo confirms that the baseline period for tracking progress is 2000-2004 and that the data completeness criteria contained in the 2003 Guidance for Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Rule EPA continues to be appropriate. The memo also states that the EPA believes that both data patching and substitution are appropriate for use in the current IMPROVE ambient data calculations for the second implementation period. The technical addendum to the memo contains a summary of the baseline, most recent (through 2018), and natural visibility condition estimates on the 20% clearest and 20% most impaired days for each IMPROVE site representing a Class I area in the Regional Haze Program.

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OSHA's process safety management (PSM) standard, which contains requirements for preventing or minimizing toxic, fire, and explosion hazards associated with catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals, does not apply to "retail facilities." 29 CFR 1910.119(a)(2)(i). The PSM standard does not define the term "retail," and on September 23, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit invalidated a memo stating OSHA's interpretation of that term.1 In light of the D.C. Circuit's decision, the following PSM enforcement policy guidance applies:

The Los Angeles Regional Board's Basin Plan is designed to preserve and enhance water quality and protect the beneficial uses of all regional waters. Specifically, the Basin Plan (i) designates beneficial uses for surface and ground waters, (ii) sets narrative and numerical objectives that must be attained or maintained to protect the designated beneficial uses and conform to the state's antidegradation policy, and (iii) describes implementation programs to protect all waters in the Region. In addition, the Basin Plan incorporates (by reference) all applicable State and Regional Board plans and policies and other pertinent water quality policies and regulations. Those of other agencies are referenced in appropriate sections throughout the Basin Plan.

Technical Staff Report (Overview) presenting evidence in support of an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Coastal Watershed of Ventura and Los Angeles Counties to prohibit OWDSs in the Malibu civic Center including the following memoranda.

12Ibid., Superintendent Burns to MaryHerber, HFC, memo, January 6, 1981. Photographs and paintings total 800and 700 respectively. (See Park Curatorial Program Data Questionnaireand Scope of Collection Statement, August 1974, File-Development andMaintenance, Folder-D2623 Reports, Other, SCBL Superintendent.

16Superintendent Homer L. Rouse toRegional Director, Midwest Region, memo, June 14, 1971,File-Administration, Folder-A8227 Special Events, SCBL Superintendent.The next year, the living history program was held only on Sundayafternoons. Thirteen VIPs performed before 1,753 visitors.

31Burns to Central Irrigation District:Holtorf, Hansen, Kovarik, and Nuttleman, Attorneys at Law, Gering,Nebraska, memo, September 8, 1980, File-Administration,Folder-"Chronological File—I&RM Division" Starting 11-29-79- ,SCBL Superintendent.

35Chief, Branch of Master Plan Drawings,Edward S. Peetz, to Regional Director, Midwest Region, and Chief, WODC,memo, July 29, 1965; and attached Master Plan, July 28, 1965;File-Development and Maintenance, Folder-D18 Planning Program and MasterPlans through 1975, Closed, SCBL Superintendent.

56Superintendent Burns to RegionalDirector, Midwest Region, Annual Report 1980, March 31, 1981,File-Administration, Folder-Annual Report (Superintendent's) 1936- ; andCivil Engineer Wayne Vander Tuin, Division of Maintenance and Energy, toSuperintendent, memo of telephone call, September 3, 1980,File-Administration, Folder-A2623 Situation Reports, SCBLSuperintendent.

57Superintendent, Scotts Bluff NationalMonument and Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, to Midwest RegionalDirector, Memorandum, December 16, 1983.58John Kawamoto, Associate RegionalDirector, Planning and Resource Preservation, Midwest Region, toSuperintendents, memo, November 12, 1982, File-Development andMaintenance, Folder-D18 Planning Program and Master Plans, SCBLSuperintendent.

93John Kawamoto, Associate RegionalDirector, Planning and Resource Preservation, to Superintendents,Midwest Region, memo, November 12, 1982, File-Development andMaintenance, Folder-D18 Planning Program and Master Plans, SCBLSuperintendent.

140Superintendent Jones to RegionalDirector, Midwest Region, memo, August 29, 1962, File-A9819,Folder-Youth Conservation Corps, SCBL Superintendent. Jones recommendedthat if a YCC camp was established, that it be both State andFederally-funded and located at Lake Minatare, "A small spike camp wouldbe sufficient for our projects at Scotts Bluff National Monument."

4Regional Director, Midwest Region, toSuperintendent Rouse, February 3, 1971, memo, File-Development andMaintenance, Folder-D18 Planning Program and Master Plans through 1975,Closed, SCBL Superintendent. For the views of an adamant boundaryrevisionist, see the Merrill J. Mattes interview by Ron Cockrell.

7 Regional Director Baker toSuperintendent Henneberger, memo, May 2, 1960, File-General,Folder-L1417 Boundary Adjustments 1959- , SCBL Superintendent. At thissame time, legislation changing the status of Fort Laramie, Bent's OldFort, and Fort Larned were pending. No complaints from the public werereceived regarding these proposals.

The second part of the Kansas 4-H Project Recognition process, is the Regional Project Award Screening. Senior age 4-H members, are eligible to advance to the regional screening if they are chosen as the project award winner in their local unit. Only one youth per project area is allowed per County Extension Unit. Extension Districts may submit one youth equal to the number of counties comprising the district. Each 4-H'er must submit a separate project award for each program they are eligible. The following items must be turned in for a complete Regional Project Award submission:

Subject: Pennsylvania Membership in the A cooperative cap-and-trade initiative undertaken by the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. To address the important climate (greenhouse gas reductions) issue, the RGGI participating states developed and are implementing a regional program for reducing emissions through the implementation of a multi-state market-based emissions trading system. Similar initiatives are being planned in the Midwest, through the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Accord, and in the West, through the Western Climate Initiative. Source: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Mobility is important to everyone; to our economy, our safety, our environment and our communities. Metro and the Oregon Department of Transportation are updating the regional mobility policy so that it serves each of us better and so that we all have equitable access to safe, efficient, predictable transportation options to the places we want to go.

This is the first report of a method of sequential regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) analysis, called Croma-Memo-Flow. This technique is a computerized modification of the initial slope method of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF init.), allowing temporal resolution of the flow pattern by calculation of the slopes of sequential segments of the initial 1-2 minutes of the Xenon-133 washout curve. The same theoretical analysis applies to this method as to the rCBF init. method. Each flow calculation is based on the slope of a discrete 16 second segment of the initial washout; and each second the segment is advanced by one second. A new flow calculation is made each second and is displayed as a color coded map on a TV screen. Each map is labelled, indicating the time in seconds following Xenon injection, and sequential rCBF changes during the clearance period can be immediately visualized. This allows for almost instantaneous analysis and display of rapid or transient rCBF responses to activation and deactivation of the cerebral cortices. The data is stored in a 35 channel memory for deliberate replay, photography, and analysis. Functional tests may be applied during the initial washout period and both the magnitude and chronological relationships of the evoked regional cerebrovascular responses observed. A clinical study is presented to illustrate the possibilities of applying the technique to assess cortical reactivity.

(b) The Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Commandant of the Coast Guard, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of Energy, as appropriate, shall conduct a study of the comparative operational and fiscal benefits and risks of a polar security icebreaking fleet mix that consists of at least three heavy polar-class security cutters (PSC) that are appropriately outfitted to meet the objectives of this memorandum. This study shall be submitted to the President, through the Director of OMB and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, within 60 days from the date of this memorandum and at a minimum shall include: 2351a5e196

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