Kansas Reflector is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Kansas Reflector maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Sherman Smith for questions: info@kansasreflector.com. Follow Kansas Reflector on Facebook and Twitter.

Clay Wirestone serves as Kansas Reflector's opinion editor. His columns have been published in the Kansas City Star and Wichita Eagle, along with newspapers and websites across the state and nation. He has written and edited for newsrooms in Kansas, New Hampshire, Florida and Pennsylvania. He has also fact checked politicians, researched for Larry the Cable Guy, and appeared in PolitiFact, Mental Floss, and cnn.com. Before joining the Reflector in summer 2021, Clay spent four years at the nonprofit Kansas Action for Children as communications director. Beyond the written word, he has drawn cartoons, hosted podcasts, designed graphics and moderated debates. Clay graduated from the University of Kansas and lives in Lawrence with his husband and son.

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Alabama Reflector is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Alabama Reflector maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Brian Lyman for questions: info@alabamareflector.com. Follow Alabama Reflector on Facebook and Twitter.

Not if you want the impedance to stay the same. And no, the directors are shorter than the driven element(radiator) and the reflector is longer. But as soon as you start putting all those bits of wire in close proximity everything starts affecting everything else.

The gain increases with the number of parasitic elements used.[4] Only one reflector is normally used since the improvement of gain with additional reflectors is small, but more reflectors may be employed for other reasons such as wider bandwidth. Yagis have been built with up to 40 directors.[3]

Interference also occurs in the backward direction. This interference is influenced by the distance between the driven and the passive element, because the propagation delays of the incident wave (from the driven element to the passive element) and of the reradiated wave (from the passive element back to the driven element) have to be taken into account. To illustrate the effect, we assume zero and 180 degrees phase delay for the reemission of director and reflector, respectively, and assume a distance of a quarter wavelength between the driven and the passive element. Under these conditions the wave reemitted by the director interferes destructively with the wave emitted by the driven element in the backward direction (away from the passive element), and the wave reemitted by the reflector interferes constructively.

In reality, the phase delay of passive dipole elements does not reach the extreme values of zero and 180 degrees. Thus, the elements are given the correct lengths and spacings so that the radio waves radiated by the driven element and those re-radiated by the parasitic elements all arrive at the front of the antenna in-phase, so they superpose and add, increasing signal strength in the forward direction. In other words, the crest of the forward wave from the reflector element reaches the driven element just as the crest of the wave is emitted from that element. These waves reach the first director element just as the crest of the wave is emitted from that element, and so on. The waves in the reverse direction interfere destructively, cancelling out, so the signal strength radiated in the reverse direction is small. Thus the antenna radiates a unidirectional beam of radio waves from the front (director end) of the antenna.

In the reverse direction, on the other hand, the additional delay of the wave from the director (blue) due to the spacing between the two elements (about 45 of phase delay traversed twice) causes it to be about 160 (70 + 2Ā  45) out of phase with the wave from the driven element (green). The net effect of these two waves, when added (bottom, left), is partial cancellation. The combination of the director's position and shorter length has thus obtained a unidirectional rather than the bidirectional response of the driven (half-wave dipole) element alone.

First off I used it as a diffusion frame for some interviews. The diffusion material is quite thick, something around Full Diffusion to 1 1/2. I paired it with my FlaconEye RX-18TD LED panel to provide a really soft key source for some interviews. I was very happy how the diffusion worked out, and how simple it was to use, holding it in place with a lighting stand and a reflector holder.

Jerry prefers spacing his director about 0.08 wl from the driven element.The range from 0.07 to 0.09 wl is a good choice. Even though one might geta bit more gain from the antenna, the 1/12th wl spacing holds the feedpointimpedance of a D/DE Yagi set for a good front-to-back ratio at about 20ohms, which is quite workable.

If we compare this 5-element Yagi to the forward-facing 4-element version earlier,we shall see several differences. First, the reflector spacing has been increased.The chief result of this move is to increase the resistive component of the feedpointimpedance. The essential performance on 17 is not changed. You can feel free to useany spacing from the close spacing of the 4-element version to the wide spacing ofthis version.

Second, adding a second director changes the director dimensions and lengthens theboom considerable--a total of 17' for the entire array. However, besides obtainingbetter gain on 12, the array is less sensitive to minor changes of length of the 2directors. What you might change slightly by a small alteration of one element'slength can be restored by slightly altering the length of the other director.

Cubical quad antenna includes:

Ā Cubical quad antenna basics Quad beam antenna with reflector & director 2 metre cubical quad design The basic quad antenna element consists of a loop of wire a wavelength long in the form of a square as already described. As with the Yagi, parasitic elements can be added to make the antenna more directional.

For the Cubical quad beam antenna, the reflector and director work in exactly the same was as for the Yagi, using induced currents in the parasitic elements. This enables the signal in the forward direction of the quad beam antenna to be reinforced whereas the signal in the reverse and other directions are reduced.

A reflector can be added behind the driven element to make a cubical quad beam antenna. To give the right phasing of the currents in the elements of the beam antenna for it to reflect, it should be made inductive, and this can be accomplished by tuning it below resonance. This can be achieved in a number of ways. The first is to make the reflector slightly longer than the electrical full wavelength. Typically it is made between 3 and 5% longer.

Directors can also be made. They need to be capacitive to have the right current phasing and this can be achieved by tuning the element above resonance and making the element slightly shorter than the electrical full wavelength. Similarly directors can also use a stub to give the required characteristics, but in this case an open circuit stub is used.

The addition of a reflector adds about 5dB gain and a director about an additional 2dB. Further directors average out at giving very approximately one dB each. This means that a quad having the same number of elements as a Yagi will have about 2dB further gain. In fact the comparison should be made between antennas having a similar length and designed to have optimum element spacing.

It is found that adding a large number of quad directors produces diminishing returns, and the limit is generally accepted to be about four or five. If much greater gain and directivity is required then it becomes more viable to use the Yagi approach or the hybrid quagi design which typically uses the driven element and reflector from a quad beam antenna and the directors in the form of those used by a Yagi..

Amateur astronomer Andrew A. Common built the Crossley Reflector in Great Britain in 1879, around the time that the Great Lick Refractor was built. The Great Refractor was one of the last large refractors built, and the Crossley was one of the first large reflectors built. Large reflectors became practical after 1880, when a new technology for making concave, silver-coated glass mirrors was perfected. Prior to this, such mirrors required constant polishing to remain reflective.

With his reflector, A.A. Common was the first to discover that stars too faint to be seen through a telescope with the eye could be imaged in photographs taken through the telescope using a long exposure time. This discovery is the basis for all modern astrophotography and spectroscopy. For these early astronomical photographs, Common was awarded the Royal Astronomical Society gold medal for Astronomy.

After deciding to build a larger telescope, Common sold the 36-inch reflector to Edward Crossley in 1885. Crossley built a new dome enclosure to protect the telescope and observers from the harsh Halifax (UK) weather, but this climate was far from ideal for observation. After about 10 years, Crossley donated both telescope and dome to Lick Observatory, where it was put into operation in 1896.

The 36-inch Crossley reflector was used for observation extensively before the 120-inch Shane reflector was built on Mt. Hamilton in 1959. After this, the Crossley reflector was used occasionally for research until 2009, although it has limited light-gathering ability and is not physically easy to use. Research in the recent past includes SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) projects, eclipsing binary star research, and some extrasolar planetary search observations. 2351a5e196

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