Fill in 3 second intervals. What I mean by this is press down for three second with your butane canister. Then let your lighter chill for a few seconds. I personally repeat about 4 times, that's when the lighter begins to not accept more butane.

Many smokers are looking to recharge their Zippo lighter without petrol. Whether it's to save money or simply because they don't have petrol for Zippo, many users of the famous American lighter want an alternative to Zippo petrol.

Refilling A Zippo Lighter With Butane

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If you have another Zippo lighter with the correct fluid in it I would recommend transferring the insert. This is easier than attempting to transfer the fluid itself as that is a complicated process resulting in losing a lot of the fluid anyway.

First, you must ensure you are away from any flame since lighter fluid is highly flammable. Then remove the inside unit from its case and turn it upside down. Lift the corner of the felt pad on the bottom of the insert to reveal the packing material in the fuel chamber. Slowly fill the lighter and saturate this packing material with lighter fluid. Stop filling the lighter when the fuel reaches the top of the packing material. Do not overfill. Once finished, insert the unit back into the case and be sure to wipe off all excess fluid from both the lighter and your hands before igniting the lighter.

Year's ago I took out the inside of my Zippo and closed the top, then slid a tight piece of heat shrink over the lighter case. Heated it till the heat shrink was tight the took a Razer knife and cut along 3 side's leaving the hinged area in contact. Refilled the cartridge with fluid put back in the lighter lasted a lot longer on one fill up plus it was gripper look pretty cool and keep the lighter looking New the lid closed nicely never got wobbly all my friends caught on and did the same, I've use the same lighter for 30+ year's in till it got misplaced or someone wanted for them self. For real it really worked. (Remember to take the cartridge out before heating)

George G. Blaisdell invented the Zippo lighter in 1932, and got his idea after discovering a large and bulky Austrian made pocket lighter. Blaisdell was an oil engineer who saw a audience for a good looking lighter that would function even in windy conditions. He produced the first Zippo lighter in Bradford, Pennsylvania.he called it the ZIPPO because he liked the sound of the word "ZIPPER"

Zippos are classified as windproof lighters, and are are able to remain lighted in almost any wind situation. They were common in the United States armed forces, particularly in the second world war standard silver Zippo a military zippo lighter was standard gear for all men in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. During that period, all Zippo lighters produced went to the Allied war effort. In fact, during the conflict, since brass was needed for weapon systems, the interiors of zippos were primarily stainless steel. Following the war, Zippo reverted to the traditional brass design.

Additionally, Zippo lighters are known for the lifetime guaranty they carry: if a Zippo breaks down, no matter how old, the company will replace or repair the lighter for free.

Approx. 200,000 Zippo lighters were owned by U.S. military personnel in the Vietnam War. In one instance, a Zippo lighter transported in a shirt pocket blocked a bullet from going in a soldiers body.

these are the facts i have read from various websites. now while i did copy and paste,I ALSO READ THEM AS THOUROUGHLY(spelling?) as possible.I have confirmed their accuracy,but feel free to comment otherwise.

what i like about zippo lighters:

1.the reliability

2.they are refillable

3.they can use any type of lightr fluid,although zippo brand is recommened by zippo

4.they are rewickable

5.they are reflintable

6.cost effective(inexpensive)for most models

7.they last forever

7a.i have seen many models that were made in 1932,and they still work!!!!!!!

what i don't like:

1.the fact that zippo(this is more directed at the company) only suggest zippo brand fluid,while really any fluid can work just as much.this often confuses new buyers,and causes them to be picky about what type they buy

PLEASE note:there is only one thing i don't like,and now you can avoid that problem.

i will list below some do's and some dont's.

1.ripping off flint from disposable lighters.......DO

but please note that you shoud have to cut it to zippo length flint pieces(i can usually get three pieces from one bic)

2.using alternative fuel........DON'T

let me explain.i mean only use lighter fluid,.and,in an emergency,axe.please look at my other instructable for further explanation -flame-with-a-zippo/

3.buying zippos from'T

they grossly overprice thier items.

4.buying zippos from

they grossly UNDER priced and sell genuine zippos.

(my zippo that is on order right now with 10 flints and 1 wick was the same price as just the zippo on the zippo site.) also shipping was 3 dollars less

i have seen many people do this.....

1.replacing wick once section of wick is gone......DON'T

the wick in a zipo is about 4inches once you think you need a new wick,pull at it gently with some needle nose pliers.the wick should advance.pull it to about the height of the chimney(refer PARTS OF A ZIPPO .) and cut the wick where the fresh wick starts

2.replacing a flint because it a milimeter shorter than standard size......DON'T

just because the flint is a little shorter than a new flint DOES NOT mean you have to replace it.

3.replacing the rayon balls in the bottom with cotton balls.......DO

if you lose a rayon ball,is it definitly ok to replace them with cotton balls,just go a little slower when refilling

and now because i promised a complete guide to zippos,the basics.

'''reflinting''' gently pull on the chimney and the insert should come out pretty easily.there is a screw in the bottom of the insert.take it will shoot out of the tube it is placed in,so keep a tight hold on it.once the screw is out,you will notice that the screw is attached to the spring and a small brionze piec at the supposed to be that way the bronze piece is NOT the flint,dont pull on it.the flint will come out after the small piece,or if you were completely out of flint,nothing will come out.get a new piece of flint,and put it into the barrel either way,it does not matter.screw the screw back into the tube,and there you go.

'''refillling''' to refill a zippo,you will have to remove the insert,pull back the felt pad on the bottom,and this is where you squeze the fluid into what is called RAYON BALLS there is five of them inside the insert,and they are slightly more absorbent than cotton balls.what i do it tip the can of fluid and let gravity do the rest,every second or so,i tip the can into the upright positon(not leaking) and let the rayon soak up the fluid then repeat until the rayon seems to not soak anymore fluid up.then wipe the insert with a paper towel,and imediatley WASH YOUR HANDS,so as not to catch yourself on is OK if the felt pad is damp,it just means you kinda sorta overfilled it,but dont worry about it.then put the insert back into the case,and attemp to light it.dont stop if it doesn't light on the first try,just keep trying to light it.soon enough,it will light every time.

'''rewicking''' go to step 8.please

Get a section of 1/2 to 3/4 inch jute, hemp or 100% cotton rope. Soak in hot wax. Allow to cool. Insert rope into metal tubing that has the same inner diameter as your rope. Light this instead of burning up all your lighter fluid or butane. Pull rope into tube to extinguish. If the tube is long enough it can also serve as a fire bellows

How long does the fuel in the zippo last when I put it in? I put some in and got it to light, but like a couple days after it wouldn't light anymore. Also, I have an odd Zippo. The flint is held in place with a pin, not a screw. And it seems like the kind that if I pull it off it won't go back on.

Since IDK what form of peanut lighter you bought I will say that the Exotac TitanLight is incredible. IF you keep an eye on the O rings. I've had one filled for over 2 years . Of course ALL peanut lighters will have some migration of fluid into the cap area because of slight internal pressures, and temperature changes, so TURN them upside down before you open them to check. If there is fluid in the cap, put it back into the lighter and wipe hands and lighter before striking. The Maratac XL peanuts are also great and can store fluid equally as long but they don't hold as much fluid. Aftermarket Peanut lighters? You might be better off buying a jar of JIFF. ? Tolerances are often faulty. Storage of any fluid lighter in a car is a toss up as to whether you will still have a working lighter when you need it. I would suggest an Exotac Firesleeve and a full size Bic in that case. Zippo now has butane double torch inserts and a soft flame insert that work well. Get the absolute best butane you can find

I'd like someone to please answer me this, how do I stop the lighter fluid from evaporating in zippo and peanut style lighters? I am not a smoker but I do believe in being prepared so recently I purchased and filled a few peanut and zippo lighters to keep in my car/go & get home bags. But after less than two weeks time they have all gone empty with absolutely no use. However the bic that I found on the ground and threw in my bag 5 years ago still lights every time. So could someone please tell me the point of carrying a high maintenance unreliable item for something as important as starting a fire? Or if I'm doing something wrong please advise.

There's probably one or more gadgets made just for that purpose, but really, anything you can think of that will isolate the lighter from the surrounding atmosphere will definitely help, like sealing all the way around where it opens with tape (masking tape would be good, as it's made to be easy to remove), or keeping it in a couple of small Ziploc bags ... or do both! be457b7860

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