Christoper's Real Estate Solutions

Referrals In Real Estate Business

Like many other businesses, real estate investment is also a business of referrals. Recommendation are always required for a good start. It can be very challenging to get attention in the real estate sector if one is not recommended at first. The real estate industry is as savage as profitable it is. But there is a simple solution to such a problem. Developing a great reputation can help a lot in the real estate business. A portfolio full of referrals can help in getting successful in the business. In real estate the referrals let you play even more easily. An investor usually looks for deals that carry least amount of work and a huge return. This has to be balanced with the client’s needs. It is all about how your clients feel about you. If they feel that the investor is taking care of them and fulfils their demands and needs they are surely going to recommend you to their friends and family. Let’s see how such an impression can be created among the clients.

By being honest

It is of no use to hide the options one has in the real estate business. There are times when putting the house in the market is not that feasible. One may not have to face such a situation with all clients. Even if the investor is being recommended by some client but the deal does not suit him it is recommended to refuse politely. Do not avoid the option of listing the home, making the option better is recommended. One can talk about the short closing time or the list of items the home inspector goes through etc. The investor should be brave enough to let the seller know that even if they don’t come up with a deal among themselves, there are other ways of relieving the financial burden. In such a case the investor might not be able to grab a deal but a lot referral. Being honest, courteous and respectful can earn more than just a single deal.

By being mindful

Empathizing with the client is very important here. If the investor feels like the client is not getting satisfied, talk to them. Give them enough space. They may be having other options or other people suggesting them about other choices. They may be confused about the process and may be feeling uneasy. Listening to the clients and answering their questions can help a lot in comforting them and bringing them to a point where they feel safe enough to enter deal. Even if it does not happen and no deal is formed, your polite behaviour has brought you a lot of referrals. The investors may face this situation often but for most of the clients this can be the first and the last time. They will surely not forget the act of kindness. If the investor is mindful of where the situation is going and how tackle it and successfully communicate with the client, there is a lot of deals coming your way.

By being intentional

If a transaction is going well, documenting it is a good option. Keeping track of the amount earned by the client is another good option. The investor can even ask the client to share a statement with future clients to accompany these numbers Thanking the client via mails or even sending them personalized gifts can also help. In this way the client will remember you and this ensures more and more referrals. One can even ask to take pictures of the happy customers. Pictures forms memories and helps a lot in getting referrals.

Getting Ready to Sell Your Home During the Winter

While a lot of people are looking forward to a nice Christmas vacation, this can be a great time of the year to consider selling your home. Historically, November and December are some of the best months to sell a home, as the market is less saturated and a lot of people are preparing to sell their home in the spring. You may be surprised that there are actually advantages to selling your home in the winter! Here are some of our favorites.

Lots of downtime:

What’s great about the Christmas season is that people have a lot of time off and a lot of time spent at home on their phones and computers. If people are considering buying a home, you bet that they are using some of this time to be on the lookout for new listings. Since most people do not want to physically drive out and see a home since it is so cold, having great photos of your home online is going to be even more important. Some real estate agents will even line up a 3d tour of the home, to better showcase how much space is actually in the home and for a potential buyer to get a better feel. Having incredible photos cannot be stated enough. Make sure the lights are bright, and that the camera has a good resolution. Do not just use your iphone!

Less Competition:

Everyone knows that spring is the traditional time to buy a home. Beat people to the punch by listing your house now, and getting a jump on the competition. The analogy of being a big fish in a little pond works great here. With less homes on the market, your home will get viewed more on search engines and real estate websites. Again, having awesome photos and being accessible for giving tours or doing an open house will be important during this time.

Incentives to Buy:

Sometimes people have end of the year deadlines they are trying to meet and have to buy a home before December ends. One reason can be because of tax breaks, as there are several advantageous ways that people can use buying a home to get certain write-offs. What is even more awesome is that as the seller, there are several tax-breaks you can receive as well if the person purchases the home by the end of the year. A true win-win for everyone.