The Reel Hookup

Fishing Reel Maintenance

Something About us

With regard to small details, our team's cleaning and lubing is thorough, which keeps all of our customers' reels buttery-smooth. We keep the customer process as simple as possible, in the hopes that the time you save from sending us reels is time that you could be spending on the water.


These rates apply to name brand freshwater baitcast and spinning reels. We do not do repairs, we only tune and maintain. Please contact us through email before mailing your reels.


For one baitcast or spinning reel.


Per reel for multiple reels.

Feel free to email us with any inquiries or questions that you may have, we will try to answer them as well as possible.

When ready, include your address, preferred email, and phone number in an email. Wait for our response, which will have the shipping details.

You are always welcome to leave the fishing line on your reels. We always make sure to leave your line untouched, and exactly as you left it.

To save time and money, if you live in the Merced CA area, we will try to work out a pickup/dropoff if you feel comfortable.

Forms of Payment:

Venmo, Apple Pay, or you can include a check with your reels when you mail them to us.

After we finish cleaning your reels, we will notify you that we are done, at which point you will pay us and we ship them back.