This happens because the database (and cloud storage) keeps multiple versions of all assets. For example we have 50+ versions of our scene assets and they are really big. And we almost never need the older versions of scenes.

And I guess we can backup and locally keep the original database from our disk. And if we ever need a file from those early changesets, we can access it with plastic using those backups. (From this directory: C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\jet)

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I'm afraid we still don't have a feature to support this kind of workflow to easily remove the old changesets (repo history). Not sure if you are refering to the "cm archive" commnad, but I think it won't be useful in this scenario as it won't release the space used by the databases.

We have the same problem, we've been using Plastic Cloud for more than 2 years, and we love it, but the data size on the cloud is starting to pile up and as an indie studio the cost of storage is something we'd like to reduce.

We work with Unreal Engine and we have a lot of content, textures or binaries for instance, that we want to keep in source control but do not really care about very old versions, and this stuff takes a lot of space.

My team just asked me about this yesterday. Just thought I'd add another voice to the feature request; we'd also like to be able to purge old versions of large assets--the vast majority of our db size is made up of non-mergeable assets. I'm glad you're working on a feature for this. Fwiw, we'd love to have a way to specify something like "keep only latest N versions" on individual files or groups of files".

Ideally per sub folders as well, as we want to keep full history of code source file but not binaries and assets. But I guess as csets can affect many folders the simplest is probably "delete all csets before cs:xxxx" would do

This will tell perforce on the serverside to only keep 5 revisions of a particular filetype (the '+w' makes that filetype always writable, the '+S5' dictates number of revisions stored). Whenever a new revision is pushed the oldest now 6th file is deleted.

Those of us that only deal with art I exclude all extraneous files like source files and intermediates and push only executables and assets to their branch. They have several revisions available if something breaks. If I wasn't able to dictate a revision restriction the repository would grow out of proportion (with a single WORKING copy taking up 300GB there would have been, eventually, Terabytes of binary files stored on the server).

I'm trying out plastic atm as perforce is quite unweildy at times and I love the suite thus far, but not being able to dictate revisions will likely keep me on perforce for the time being. It's the same reason svn is an absolute no-go for me, as well as Hg.

Plastic seems like the perfect solution for small teams and inordinately large repository sizes (as games tend to be), but this feature is important to me. Storage really can be expensive for small teams and lone developers (and there's no way I'm investing in crazy cloud storage when I have my own nas) so having the tools to optimize my storage is essential.

For example textures that are deleted in 2018 still take space in the database including their revisions. We should be given a choice to get rid of them and their revisions in the database. For our case, we can get rid of all of them that are so old.

There is for example a demo scene (including textures and models) of a Unity Asset that we added to version control by mistake. We deleted it in some changeset but now there isn't an easy way to get rid of it from the database. And there is no reason for us to keep it.

One more voice to the crowd. Our DB is currently so large that I have to purge literally everything else from the machine to squeeze in a few more 100GB. The project has grown to over 3TB in size over the period of 2 years, 90% of it is probably useless at this point.

I'd like to add another voice to this feature. It will greatly help us to be able to do this as we currently have a lot of unnecessary pipelines in place to keep the bloating at a minimum. Frankly it's quite a hassle as it is so the sooner some rudimentary system for this could be in place the better. A way to do it even if it's awkward is still better than no option :).

Hi @manu, thank you for the response. We are a team of 2 people and the project is very small... but everytime we rebuild maps and lights (that generate big files) our storage size increase every month, and we can't sustain the expenses. Do you know if there is any workaround?

3. Create a new workspace to work with the new pulled local repo, you don't need to update the workspace, just create a new one empty. Open a command line tool to the new workspace path and run the following command to remove all the files greater than 300MB that are not the HEAD revision:

A possible reason is that the file contains that much data from one or more plugins.

Do you have plugins installed?


Are some object hidden?

Might there be block definitions still in the file?

Hi Willem

Thanks for your reply.

I have just uploaded the file. It is just a 3d model of steps (Escaleras2), I have deleted everything else and left only the steps however the file size remains far too large.

Yes I do have some plugins I have used Grasshopper to generate some features of the model. I have already deleted these features though, could they still have an effect on the size? I noticed while I was using GH on this file that the computer would slow down considerably, but I never had this problem using GH on other files.

I have also used blocks but again I have deleted them, how can I delete any definitions that might be left?

How do I look for hidden objects in rhino?



Yep, the file has masses of plug-in data- the objects, without plugin data (_-SaveAs etc as described by Mitch) and without the embedded image file (4MB, use testPurgeBitmapTable to remove it if needed- note the command will remove all embedded bitmaps so be careful) is about 300 K. Also, the obiects are very far from the origin, the meshing is terrible- move them to the World origin if you can.

After doing save smalls, a Rhino3D file can be compressed to about 25% of its original size with 7Zip. I always use maximum compression, with a non-solid achieve, which is safer than a solid one, in case you have a drive crash.

As I wrote, a compression option would be a good option for people who make a lot of progressive changes in a single file. I would bet 1$ that more people would choose to use an compressed save option, than the idle processor that is in Rhino, currently.

What I'll need to do is a significant reduction of code size. I've already turned on all optimization flags -Os, -fmerge-all-constants, -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections. What else do you do to reduce the code size?

You know e.g. whether the SPI interface uses 8 or 16 bit data, no need to check it in each operation. You know which timer channels are in use, no need to have huge switch instructions for all 4 channels each time. Unless there is a complicated power-saving scheme, you know the frequency your MCU runs on, replace HAL_RCC_GetWhateverFreq functions with inline functions that return a single value. Get rid of the peripheral handle structures.

The Auto Field tool is easily overlooked by new users but has multiple uses. First, it reads through all the records, and for a given column, it sets the field size to the smallest possible size based on data in the column.

There are two main ways to effect the file size of a scanned PDF. The main way would be to lower the scan resolution. For most black and white documents you should not need more then 100dpi to get a good quality PDF. If the file size is still to large, next to the PDF file type option should be a Set button. When you click Set, there will be radio buttons for PDF Compression. The default is standard, and if you change it to high, it will reduce the file size.

If you feel attach a smaller size PDF file in your E-mail, there are two methods. One is to compress your PDF document and the other is to convert your PDF document to other image formats in smaller size.

Actually, different PDF converter will create different PDF size. When I want to save word to PDF. I use formats converter can get a larger PDF file, but I get a smaller pdf file when I directly save Word to PDF with microsoft office PDF converting plug-in.

One thing I've found seriously cumbersome is the size of Cargo projects for each of my programs. While I understand the idea of containing all necessary files for the program with the program to aid portability, when developing or just messing around with Rust code, especially when using things like Piston's graphics crates, the size of the projects can become gigabytes each.

Is there a way to have Cargo Projects store their crates and other large dependencies outside of the project folder, and share that with other Cargo Projects that use the same crate version etc.?

As a concrete example, I used cargo-bloat to determine one source of unnecessary code in my application was using goblin::Object when in fact I only needed goblin::elf. The net effect was including code for all of the various object file formats supported by goblin, but totally ignored by my project.

I looked through the Cargo Book, and I may have found a way to a solution, but I'm not able to test it right now 152ee80cbc

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