Royale provides a compiler (some call it a transpiler or cross-compiler) and a command-line debugger to turn your source code into compiled output you can share with users. The compiler takes AS3, MXML, and CSS as inputs.

The main output of the compiler is JavaScript. The compiler can also output SWFs for the Adobe Flash and AIR runtimes. There is some initial work on Web Assembly output.

HACK ActionScript - SWF Compiler

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In an Apache Royale distribution, there is a compiler-royaleTasks.jar in the js/lib folder that contains Ant tasks for the Royale Compiler. There is an mxmlc task for creating applications and a compc task for creating libraries.

Both mxmlc or compc should be available on the system path to run from the command line after installing Royale via npm. Use mxmlc --help to see the list of available compiler options.

At the bottom of your github link, there are instructions explaining how to compile using 'mxmlc'. This is the Flex SDK compiler. You get it when you download one of the Flex SKDs - -sdk-download.html.

You probably will just need to create a project in the folder where you have the files, specify which one is the 'main' one (which it sounds like is clear enough) and you should be able to compile. Depending on the project, you may need different versions of the Flex SDK to target when compiling, but hopefully what comes pre-installed with the IDE will get you there. As per your link's explanation of how to compile, you may need to configure a few additional compiler options for it to pass to mxmlc.

Before ActionScript and MXML code can be included in anAIR application, it must be compiled. If you use an Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment (IDE), such as Adobe Flash Builder or Adobe Flash Professional,the IDE handles compilation behind the scenes. However, you canalso invoke the ActionScript compilers from the command line tocreate your SWF files when not using an IDE or when using a buildscript.

You typically specify compilation options both on the commandline and with one or more configuration files. The global Flex SDKconfiguration file contains default values that are used wheneverthe compilers are run. You can edit this file to suit your own developmentenvironment. There are two global Flex configuration files locatedin the frameworks directory of your Flex SDK installation. The air-config.xmlfile is used when you run the amxmlc compiler. This file configures thecompiler for AIR by including the AIR libraries. The flex-config.xmlfile is used when you run mxmlc.

The default configuration values are suitable for discoveringhow Flex and AIR work, but when you embark on a full-scale projectexamine the available options more closely. You can supply project-specificvalues for the compiler options in a local configuration file thattakes precedence over the global values for a given project.

You can compile the Adobe ActionScript 3.0 and MXML assetsof your AIR application with the command-line MXML compiler (amxmlc).(You do not need to compile HTML-based applications. To compilea SWF in Flash Professional, simply publish the movie to a SWF file.)

The amxmlc command invokes the standard Flex mxmlc compiler withan additional parameter, +configname=air. Thisparameter instructs the compiler to use the air-config.xml fileinstead of the flex-config.xml file. Using amxmlc is otherwise identicalto using mxmlc.

The compiler loads the air-config.xml configuration file specifyingthe AIR and Flex libraries typically required to compile an AIRapplication. You can also use a local, project-level configurationfile to override or add additional options to the global configuration.Typically, the easiest way to create a local configuration file isto edit a copy of the global version. You can load the local filewith the -load-config option:

If you use a special naming convention for the local configurationfile, the amxmlc compiler loads the local file automatically. Forexample, if the main MXML file is RunningMan.mxml,then name the local configuration file: RunningMan-config.xml.Now, to compile the application, you only have to type:

Adobe's Flex SDK, Apache's Flex SDK, and Adobe's AIR SDK include mxmlc compilers. They can all be downloaded free of charge. These compile .as code into .swf binaries. The AIR SDK has the latest compiler from Adobe.

ActionScript is an object-oriented programming language originally developed by Macromedia Inc. (later acquired by Adobe). It is influenced by HyperTalk, the scripting language for HyperCard.[3] It is now an implementation of ECMAScript (meaning it is a superset of the syntax and semantics of the language more widely known as JavaScript), though it originally arose as a sibling, both being influenced by HyperTalk. ActionScript code is usually converted to byte-code format by a compiler.

ActionScript 3 is also used with the Adobe AIR system for the development of desktop and mobile applications. The language itself is open-source in that its specification is offered free of charge[4] and both an open-source compiler (as part of Apache Flex) and open-source virtual machine (Tamarin) are available.

Since the arrival of the Flash Player 9 alpha (in 2006), a newer version of ActionScript has been released, ActionScript 3.0. This version of the language is intended to be compiled and run on a version of the Tamarin virtual machine, formely ActionScript Virtual Machine 2, that was also fully rewritten (dubbed AVM2).[5] Because of this, code written in ActionScript 3.0 is generally targeted for Flash Player 9 and higher, and will not work in prior versions. At the same time, ActionScript 3.0 executes up to 10 times faster than legacy ActionScript code due to the just-in-time compiler enhancements.[6]

Like most bytecode file formats, Flash SWF files can be decompiled into their source code and assets (similarly to how Microsoft .NET files can be decompiled). Some decompilers are capable of nearly full reconstruction of the original source file, down to the actual code that was used during creation (although results vary on a case-by-case basis).[15][16][17]

In opposition to the decompilers, ActionScript obfuscators have been introduced, which transform code into a form that breaks decompiler output while preserving the functionality and structure of the program. Higher-quality obfuscators implement lexical transformations such as identifier renaming, control flow transformation, and data abstraction transformation which collectively make it harder for decompilers to generate output likely to be useful to a human. Less robust obfuscators insert traps for decompilers. Such obfuscators either cause the decompiler software to crash unexpectedly or to generate unintelligible source code.[citation needed]

Control the types of compiler warnings that the ActionScript compiler generates in the Compiler Errors panel. When the compiler reports an error, double-click the error to navigate to the line of code that caused the error.

It is not necessary to call require() for built-in Node modules in ActionScript. The compiler will detect when a module is used, and it will generate the appropriate call to require() automatically when generating the final JavaScript. (require() is necessary for custom modules)

Unfortunately, the only method available for compiling Actionscript was to use the Macromedia Flash editor, or to use Macromedia's server-side Generator product. There were no free ActionScript compilers, particularly open-source ones, until Nicolas Cannasse and Motion-Twin created MTASC, the "Motion Twin ActionScript Compiler"

Tools like MTASC, swfmill and other open-souce Flash resources grew in popularity. Fast-forward in time, Macromedia began releasing alpha previews of ActionScript 3.0 and the new ActionScript virtual machine (AVM2). This time, Macromedia did promise a free compiler (in the form of the Flex SDK). Rather than create a redundant solution for compiling ActionScript 3.0, Nicolas instead worked on a new programming language, inspired by ActionScript, but designed from day one to cross-compile to multiple target runtimes. Haxe was created, generating AVM2 bytecode directly (similar to ActionScript 3.0) but also compatible with JavaScript and PHP for client- and server-side programming.

The Haxe project was started on 22 October 2005 by French developer Nicolas Cannasse as a successor to the popular open-source ActionScript 2 compiler MTASC (Motion-Twin Action Script Compiler) and the in-house MTypes language, which experimented with the application of type inference to an object-oriented language. Nicolas' long-time passion for programming language design and the rise of new opportunities to mix different technologies as part of his game developer work at Motion-Twin, led to the creation of a whole new language.

Please consider that Apache Royale is an ActionScript compiler but is missing most Flash Player APIs, so math will translate but complex visual applications will be missing the rendering and other behaviors needed to support your use-case.

The best option is would probably be to use Adobe Animate, which supports exporting directly to HTML5 or to video formats. You can make small or large edits to the animation this way as well. This can be done easily if you have the original FLA document file used to create the SWF animation. You may also be able to use a SWF decompiler to revert a SWF into a compatible FLA file in order to try this method.

Note that, unlike its JavaScript cousin, eval( )in ActionScript does not allow for the compiling and execution ofarbitrary blocks of code in a string. Full support of eval() would require an ActionScript compiler in the Player, which would cause too great an increase in the Player ...

It talked about a -O4 Flag with compiling. Does anybody except ChatGPT know where you can you put this compiler option ? Or is it on by default in Flash Builder / IntelliJ. I sure want maximum performance with my game ! (Already super optimized but you can always get a extra boost somehow) be457b7860

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