First, when using the Pre-User Registration, there is an option to specify the reason and user message in the api.access.deny(reason, userMessage) method, which could explain to the user why they were denied registration.

You can see the WP Discourse implementation here: -discourse/tree/master/lib/sso-client. The important part is how the payload is created: -discourse/blob/master/lib/sso-client/query-redirect.php#L93.

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It seems like the easiest solution might be to collect the users email and then create an "Alert" automation to send the URL of the follow-up form to the respondent upon submission of the form. You could then add helper text to the conditional question with something like "If you respond yes, you will be sent a follow up questionaire at the email address you provided.

So I want to scale this website. So if a request came from America I want to handle that request from USA server and If a request came from ASIA I want that to handle from an ASIAN Server. But keep in mind no matter where they were redirected content should be same on two servers. ( Two servers should be sync )

In other cases data integrity is more important. Consider two persons simultaneously trying to sign up with the same username. Telling both persons that they got the username is not acceptable, so in such a situation you would choose a slower approach with better integrity. It is acceptable to tell both persons that the username was taken, so a possible approach would be to try to reserve the username on each replica and only report success if you succeeded on more than 50% of the replicas. It is not unlikely that this approach would have the user wait for half a second to get a reply. But users don't go through this process often enough to be bothered by that delay.

In yet other cases you may need good integrity and fast updates, but only one person can update this particular piece of data. In that case you can put the authoritative copy of the data on a server you think is close to that user, and let other servers have a cached version, which is mostly up to date.

After i create a dashboard fetching the details from db. How do i use that dashboard in my node js application. That dashboard should be displayed after user logs in. I don't know if i put the question in a right way.

Because callback URLs can be manipulated by unauthorized parties, Auth0 recognizes only URLs on the AllowList set in the Allowed Callback URLs field of an Application's Settings as valid. To return users to callback URLs on the AllowList, it is necessary for your application to know how to continue the user on their journey.

During a user's authentication, the redirect_uri request parameter is used as a callback URL. This is where your application receives and processes the response from Auth0, and is often the URL to which users are redirected once the authentication is complete. To learn more about how the redirect_uri works, see OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.

You can use a cookie or the browser session to store a return URL value. This is a simple solution to implement, however, it can cause issues in cases where a cookie does not persist. There are two separate user sessions initiated in this situation. Each serves a separate purpose and requires some consideration to achieve the desired user experience.

Auth0-provided SSO Session: Auth0 provides a session for enabling Single Sign On (SSO) to allow your user to maintain an authentication session without being prompted for credentials more than once. This session is maintained by Auth0 and referenced as a cookie bound to your tenant domain (or CNAME). There are two tenant settings that determine the length of the Auth0 Session:

Application Session: Your application must also maintain a concept of a session. Throughout the user session, your application may need to request additional tokens or renew expired ones. You should store these tokens in your application and reference them using an identifier passed back to the browser using a secure cookie.

As an alternative method, you can create a deep link using the state parameter which your callback would interpret to determine a forwarding path. This solution takes a little more work to implement but guarantees that the application has the information it needs once the redirect is complete. To learn more, read Prevent Attacks and Redirect Users with OAuth0 2.0 State Parameters.

Sometimes, the callback URL is not necessarily where you want users redirected after authentication. For example, if a user intends to access a protected page in your application, and that action triggers the request to authenticate, you can store that URL to redirect the user back to their intended page after the authentication finishes. Store the desired URL using the following methods:

Choose the option that works best for your application type and the type of flow that you are using. Create the necessary logic in your application to retrieve the stored URL and redirect your users where you want them to go. The Auth0 SDKs also include support for redirect URLs.

OAuth 2.0 allows users to share specific data with an application while keeping their usernames, passwords, and other information private. For example, an application can use OAuth 2.0 to obtain permission fromusers to store files in their Google Drives.

This OAuth 2.0 flow is specifically for user authorization. It is designed for applications that can store confidential information and maintain state. A properly authorized web server application can access an API while the user interacts with the application or after the user has left the application.

Web server applications frequently also use service accounts to authorize API requests, particularly when calling Cloud APIs to access project-based data rather than user-specific data. Web server applications can use service accounts in conjunction with user authorization.

When you use a Google API Client Library to handle your application's OAuth 2.0 flow, the client library performs many actions that the application would otherwise need to handle on its own. For example, it determines when the application can use or refresh stored access tokens as well as when the application must reacquire consent. The client library also generates correct redirect URLs and helps to implement redirect handlers that exchange authorization codes for access tokens.

Scopes enable your application to only request access to the resources that it needs while also enabling users to control the amount of access that they grant to your application. Thus, there may be an inverse relationship between the number of scopes requested and the likelihood of obtaining user consent.

We also recommend that your application request access to authorization scopes via an incremental authorization process, in which your application requests access to user data in context. This best practice helps users to more easily understand why your application needs the access it is requesting.

The following steps show how your application interacts with Google's OAuth 2.0 server to obtain a user's consent to perform an API request on the user's behalf. Your application must have that consent before it can execute a Google API request that requires user authorization.

Your first step is to create the authorization request. That request sets parameters that identify your application and define the permissions that the user will be asked to grant to your application.

Determines where the API server redirects the user after the user completes the authorization flow. The value must exactly match one of the authorized redirect URIs for the OAuth 2.0 client, which you configured in your client's API Console Credentials page. If this value doesn't match an authorized redirect URI for the provided client_id you will get a redirect_uri_mismatch error.

Scopes enable your application to only request access to the resources that it needs while also enabling users to control the amount of access that they grant to your application. Thus, there is an inverse relationship between the number of scopes requested and the likelihood of obtaining user consent.

We recommend that your application request access to authorization scopes in context whenever possible. By requesting access to user data in context, via incremental authorization, you help users to more easily understand why your application needs the access it is requesting.

Set the value to offline if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. This is the method of refreshing access tokens described later in this document. This value instructs the Google authorization server to return a refresh token and an access token the first time that your application exchanges an authorization code for tokens.

Specifies any string value that your application uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the authorization server's response. The server returns the exact value that you send as a name=value pair in the URL query component (?) of the redirect_uri after the user consents to or denies your application's access request.

You can use this parameter for several purposes, such as directing the user to the correct resource in your application, sending nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery. Since your redirect_uri can be guessed, using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request. If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client's state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery. See the OpenID Connect documentation for an example of how to create and confirm a state token. 17dc91bb1f

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