First of all, the use of the word Hail is great and drew me in. It is like a declaration of spiritual (not religious) joy.

My impression (from my viewpoint as a straight female) is that this is a man encouraging his woman to get out of her head and be fully present in her body and allow herself to enjoy making love as the simple joyful pleasure it can be. Women grow up receiving a lot of mixed messages about their sexuality - including shaming and anger, from very early on, so it is easy to be anxious about getting in touch with or sharing your sexual nature/self. You can be shunned, physically attacked or even killed over it, so knowing you are safe gives you permission to show it. I hear assurance about that in these lyrics. Also female arousal often takes longer then male arousal and is a bit more complex, which can lead to intellectual foreplay which I hear in these lyrics. Having a lover tell you that you look beautiful in this moment, don't hold back, reach into the core of your being and unleash your desire, is very powerful, and that is what I also hear in these lyrics. Finally, I appreciate the reminder "it's your business", because damn it, it is.Regarding the idea this could be about mainlining drugs- this song is way too upbeat to be about injecting oneself with illicit drugs. Although the use of "main vine" made intuitive sense to me, I still did some reading on it. The best explanation was regarding pumpkins (no kidding -check it out). If you can extrapolate from there, it is very poetic.

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