Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy has been developed to be clear and objective, allowing our users and especially You (“You” or “User”), to understand how the Screen Recorder app works. Our goal is to maintain the most transparent possible relationship with the User. Feel free to use Screen Recorder and familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, we are open to hearing them. Your opinion is very important to us.

– This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, organize and protect User information in the context of Screen Recorder access or in utilization of any of services related to Screen Recorder (“Service” or “Services”) by the User or third parties.

1. Collected Information. We collect the following types of User information: (the following items below, 1.1. up to 1.2, will be hereinafter simply referred to as “information”).

1.1. Information for Analysis

– To always maintain the Services updated and improve their quality, we reserve the right to use software and monitoring systems to collect information from all users, including You. Such information include files/access registration data via the internet for all Users, including You, such as browsing habits and personal User interests. Screen Recorder can also store information provided when the user accesses the Service, such as language used, date, time, SMS, telephone number, type and model of equipment used, etc.

– We may use devices identifiers, through remote storage or in your small data files that allow us to specifically identify you, including software and hardware.

– By refusing access to the applicable monitoring, You impede the availability of Our services in the best and most complete way for You.

1.2. Log file

– Log file information is automatically transmitted to Screen Recorder by your internet browser (including mobile) whenever You request access to or visit Screen Recorder and/or our Services (also when the user downloads any content from Screen Recorder).

– When You use the Service, our servers automatically record certain information, including, but not limited to (i) the User Internet Protocol (IP); (ii) User type of internet browser; (iii) User mobile device or cell phone; (iv) the number of clicks and the way the User interacts with Service content and links, including pages visited, accessed content and information, frequency and hour of site access.

2. Utilization of Information. We may, but are not limited to, utilize the above described Information for the following uses as specified below:

– Assisting in the accessing of information and Content efficiently after accessing the Service;

– Recording information for access so You do not have to provide it each time when connecting to Screen Recorder;

– Providing content and/or information directed to You and other users, including but not limited to, advertisements or promotions;

– Improving, testing and monitoring the efficiency of our Service;

– Developing and testing new products and tools in our Service;

– Monitoring information relevant to Screen Recorder and its partners, such as the total number of visitors, habit and behavior of navigation and use of Screen Recorder by users, traffic and demographic patterns and characteristics and profiles of users;

– Diagnosing and correcting any problems or issues in the Screen Recorder system;

– Automatically updating Screen Recorder or any software related to the Service.

3. Sharing of your Information. We will not make your Information or other User’s information available to third parties or non-users without your prior and express consent, except in cases provided for in this Privacy Policy.

3.1. We may share user information, including Information and Content especially with:

– Third parties who assist Us in providing the Service, which will have access to Information and Content, in a reasonable way necessary for the provision and improvement of the Service.

– Third parties responsible for advertisements or promotions linked through/in the Service, considering that such information will be useful for directing and/or guiding advertising and promotions that are especially in the best interest of the User.

– To protect the User, We can remove data/information or part of data/information that can identify You and the other users when providing Information and/or Content to our partners. We may also combine your Information and your Content with other users, in order to make difficult the association of referred-to information to You and to protect your information and content, and as such we are not responsible for such conduct.

3.2. Legal solicitation and prevention of damages

– We will be able to access, monitor, or share your Information or Content if: (i) requested by judicial authority; (ii) it is necessary to detect, prevent fraud or other illegal activity or that which is not in accordance with this Privacy Policy; (iii) is harming the functioning of Screen Recorder or anyway damaging Our image.

3.3. In case of change of corporate control:

– If we decide to sell or transfer control of assets related to Screen Recorder to third parties, then User Information provided in/through the Service or collected by Screen Recorder may be among the items sold or transferred to third parties, without any remuneration or payment to the User. Nevertheless, We will endeavor for the acquiring third party to implement a Privacy Policy similar to this present one.

4. Related Sites and Applications

We are not responsible for any third-party site or services made available in/through the Service, as well as its access to or use by users. The Privacy Policy is strictly applied and limited to the Service provided by us. Access to any link or pathway available through Screen Recorder and/or the Service that directs the user out of the Screen Recorder space is the sole responsibility of the User, and accordingly we assume no responsibility.

If You have questions related to this Privacy Policy or to Screen Recorder, please contact us by email at

Welcome to Screen Recorder!