Privacy Policy

Welcome to the  our app .That agreement is comprised of these Terms of Service and Company's Privacy Policy (collectively the "Terms").

Protecting your privacy is important to us. We hope the following statement will help you understand how our app deals with the personal identifiable information ('PII') you may occasionally provide to us via Internet

Acceptance of Terms. In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the Terms. You may not use the Services if you do not accept the Terms. You can accept the Terms by using the Services. In this case, you understand and agree that Company will treat your use of the Services as acceptance of the Terms from that point onwards. You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if: (i) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Company; or (ii) you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.

Changes to Terms. Company may change the Terms from time to time. When these changes are made, Company will post the revised Terms here. You understand and agree that if you use the Services after the date on which the applicable Terms have changed, your use constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms.

Requirements. You agree to use the Application only for purposes that are permitted by the Terms and any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices in the relevant jurisdictions.

Generally, we do not collect any PII from you when you download our Android applications. To be specific, we do not require the consumers to get registered before downloading the application, nor do we keep track of the consumers' visits of our application, we even don't have a Server to store such PII.

Acknowledgment. You acknowledge and agree that: (a) you have read and understood the Terms; (b) the Terms are fair, reasonable, and not unduly restrictive; and (c) you have had the opportunity to confer with legal counsel of your choice prior to agreeing to the Terms.

How we use your information

In above situation, we guarantee that your PII will only be used for contacting you and improving our services. We will never use such information (e.g. your name and email address) for any other purposes, such as to further market our products, or to disclose your personal information to a third party for commercial gains.

Contact us

It should be noted that whether or not to send us your feedback or bug report is a completely voluntary initiative upon your own decision. If you have concern about your PII being misused, or if you want further information about our privacy policy and what it means, please feel free to email us , we will endeavor to provide clear answers to your questions in a timely manner.
