The USGS monitors and reports on earthquakes, assesses earthquake impacts and hazards, and conducts targeted research on the causes and effects of earthquakes. We undertake these activities as part of the larger National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), a four-agency partnership established by Congress.

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THE United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, in co-operation with Science Service and the Jesuit Seismological Association, has determined the epicentres of three recent earthquakes. The first occurred on March 7 at 3h. 01 -5m. TJ.T. from an epicentre situated 57 N. lat., 164B. long. This is in the Pacific Ocean near tho east coast of central Kamchatka Peninsula. The second and third were both on March 9, at 3h. 25m. 32s. and 9h. 48m. 37s. U.T, respectively. The first on March 9 was from latitude 42-2 N., longitude 80-9 W., which is in the bed of Lake Erie to the west of Erie (city) and north-north-oast of the city of Cleveland, and the second on March 9 from an epicentre at latitude 56 S., longitude 22 W., which is in the south Atlantic east of the island of South Georgia. All interpretations and calculations are tentative.

DURING January 1945, ten earthquakes were registered at the seismological observatory at Toledo, Spain. The greatest of these was on January 12, when an earthquake, registering initially at 18h. 52m. 01s. G.M.T., developed an amplitude of 50  at 19h. 36m. 13s. G.M.T. on the east-west component. The epicentral distance has been provisionally estimated at 12,830 km. During the same month one strong distant earthquake was registered at the Dominion Observatory, Wellington, New Zealand. This was on January 28 at 07h. 37m. 18s. G.M.T. from an epicentral distance of approximately 22. The shock was also registered at Christchurch, Auckland and Arapuni. In New Zealand there were twelve shocks humanly felt in the Dominion during the month. The greatest of these was on January 2. It was felt with intensity 5 (Modified Mercalli Scale) in the North Island, south of Wairo Taupo and Wanganui. On January 1 a shock was also felt at Wairo with intensity 5 (Mod. Mer.). The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, in co-operation with Science Service and the Jesuit Seismological Association, has determined the provisional epicentre of the earthquake of January 12 to be near lat. 34 N., long. 139 E., which is off the coast of Japan, to the south of Tokyo.

A member of the emergency services walks near a crack cutting across the main road in Grindavik, Iceland following recent earthquakes. The southwestern town was evacuated early Saturday after magma shifting under the Earth's crust caused hundreds of earthquakes that experts warned could be a precursor to a volcanic eruption. Kjartan Torbjoernsson/AFP via Getty Images  hide caption

Diana Roman, a volcanologist at the Carnegie Institution for Science, says that the region is considered to be quite seismically active, so earthquakes happen there fairly regularly. Case in point: The area has seen 20,000 since late October.

Most of these earthquakes have been too small for people to feel, but the biggest have reached a magnitude of 5.0, which Roman says is large for the kinds of earthquakes seismologists usually see at volcanoes.

Objective:  The aim of this study was to review the articles dealing with the mutual impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the recent earthquakes to elicit the various scopes of the lessons learned including the challenges, the successful measures, and the recommendations.

Results:  Seven major earthquakes have occurred concurrently or before the pandemic era in Albania, Croatia, Haiti, Great East Japan, Mexico, Nepal, and Utah. Thematic analysis revealed 5 themes for the "challenges" (management inefficiency, increased life-threatening, economic, socially related, and dual psychological challenges); 4 themes for the "efficient response measures" (health-care services measures, government measures, community-based cooperative activities, and disaster management response); and 3 major themes with 7 sub-themes for the "recommendations" including "the mitigation phase" (identifying probable natural disasters), "the preparedness phase" (preparing necessary equipment), and "the response phase" (mental care response measures, health-care-related COVID-19 measures, economic improvement measures, recognizing community-based capabilities, and government-related boosting measures).

\"It's been 20 years since we had this large of an earthquake,\" Edelstein said. \"A lot of people are panic buying, which tends to happen after earthquakes. They're seeing it on the news, they're seeing it everywhere. They're afraid something is going to happen.\"

The twin holiday weekend earthquakes sent a double jolt reportedly felt from Los Angeles to the San Francisco Bay Area, but earthquake experts said it's highly unlikely the spike in seismic activity is an omen of the \"big one,\" the natural catastrophe for which Californians have long been bracing.

\"The magnitude, the depth, the type of shaking that was experienced at the surface was very akin to what other earthquakes have been and felt like,\" he said. \"So, it's a very good reminder that most Californians live in earthquake country and that we need to be prepared for this type of event and safeguard our homes and workplaces and so on.\"

The researchers looked back on data that tracked seismicity and oil and gas production in the region from 2017 to 2020 and found that 68% of earthquakes above magnitude 1.5 were highly associated with one or more of the following oil and gas production activities: hydraulic fracturing or the disposal of produced formation water into either shallow or deep geologic formations. Formation water is found in all subsurface reservoirs and produced with oil and gas. Companies dispose of produced water by injecting it into geologic formations that are separate from oil and gas reservoirs.

The researchers analyzed about 5,000 earthquakes, selecting the above magnitude 1.5 threshold. Forty-three percent of the earthquakes above magnitude 1.5 were linked with injection into shallow sedimentary formations, above the hydraulic fracturing depth; 12% were linked with injection into deep sedimentary formations above the basement rock and below the hydraulic fracturing depth. The 2020 magnitude 5.0 earthquake that occurred in Mentone, Texas, happened in a region where seismicity was strongly associated with deep produced water injection.

The researchers said TexNet played a key part in the research by providing around-the-clock seismic monitoring across the state and recently launched an online tool so that oil and gas operators can voluntarily report data on produced water injection, improving upon the information that is available in national registries.

Seven earthquakes have hit the same area of western North Carolina within the past two weeks -- all within a mile of each other. Although western North Carolina is not on a major fault line, earthquakes are not uncommon in the western part of the state.

On Sunday, June 3, a 3.2 magnitude earthquake occurred northwest of Asheville. There was a second 2.2 magnitude earthquake nearby later that day. On May 25 the U.S. Geological Survey reported three earthquakes, all within the same vicinity.

The two earthquakes that occurred this weekend in California, a 6.4 and a 7.1, were the largest to occur in the state in two decades, but they were not connected to the more well-known San Andreas fault, more than 100 miles away. That's too far away for the quakes to have had any impact on San Andreas.

(Top) Cumulative number of M2.5 or greater earthquakes in Oklahoma since 1997. (Bottom) The left axis shows the total combined injection rate of all UIC wells in Oklahoma by type (see the text). The right axis shows all earthquakes in the state by magnitude through time in the state. Earthquake data are complete through 2014. The injection data are only available through 2013.

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the aggregate monthly injection volume in the state gradually doubled from about 80 million barrels/month in 1997 to about 160 million barrels/month in 2013, with nearly all of this increase coming from SWD not EOR. Most of the SWD in central Oklahoma is occurring into the Arbuckle Group that is close to crystalline basement (20). A number of entries in the UIC database had obvious errors, either in the listed monthly injection rates or in the well locations. For example, some wells appeared multiple times in the database. In other cases, either the locations of the wells were not reported or the reported latitude and/or longitude placed the wells outside of Oklahoma. Fortunately, the cumulative volume of injection associated with these wells is only about 1% of the statewide injection in recent years. Unreasonably large monthly injection volumes in the database were corrected by fixing obvious typographical errors or taking the median of five adjacent months of data. Fewer than 100 monthly injection volumes (out of more than 1.5 million) were corrected in this way. In general, the most recent injection data are more reliable than the older data.

Monthly injection rates from EOR, SWD, and unknown wells within the Cherokee, Perry, and Jones study areas, as well as the times and magnitudes of earthquakes in each area. Detailed maps of each study area are also shown. The symbols for earthquakes and injection wells on the maps are the same as in Fig. 1. Note that the vertical scale is the same for each study area in this figure. Each study area is 5000 km2. ff782bc1db

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