Rebecca Coulson

Davies Fellow

Department of Mathematical Sciences

United States Military Academy

Thayer Hall 250

Army Research Lab

Aberdeen, MD

Email: rebecca.coulson at

I am currently a Davies fellow, jointly appointed by the United States Military Academy at West Point and the Army Research Lab in Maryland. For half the year I do research with the Army Research Lab, broadly in the field of artificial intelligence. My research at the ARL has involved NLP, reinforcement learning, and generalizability. The other half of the year I work at West Point, teaching mathematics and supporting cadet research. 

I received my PhD in Mathematics from Rutgers University under the guidance of Gregory Cherlin. My doctoral research was in model theory and its intersections with combinatorics, algebra, and other fields. I received my HBA (Honors BA) from the University of Rochester.

I was a Brown '20 Project NExT fellow.

My resume can be found here.