Has your brush been lagging within the past few months or year, even though you have a good spec'd out PC? The brush lags for 1-10 seconds after a brush stroke of varying sizes. You tried reinstalling Photoshop, rolling back versions, adjusting the scratch disk, performance options, RAM allocation settings, adjusting history states, cache levels, cache tile size, using graphics processing on or off, and nothing seems to work? But your system used to run Photoshop buttery smooth within the past year or so?

This has been me for the past 8-10 months and it has been driving me crazy. Nearly to the point of abandoning Adobe software since it is borderline useless due to brush lag. Well, I finally found the solution and I hope this is the case for you. And it's not Adobe's fault.

FULL Photoshop Brush Set

Download Zip 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2yg6hu 🔥

Not sure if this is a Photoshop glitch or a problem with my keyboard but the circular brush cursor occasionally disappears. Firstly, caps is not on, secondly, I haven't made the brush size too big for the screen. I've been having a problem recently with my Mac where my caps lock gets stuck on and I have to do a PRAM reset to turn it off, I initially thought the Photoshop brush problem was related to this but it happens now even when my caps is off.

I'm probably way late, but I just solved this on my own MBP in the most unexpected way and want to leave it for any future users. I initially reset Photoshop preferences and nothing happened. But I was using my laptop in clamshell closed mode and when I cracked it open, I discovered that even though caps lock was off on the external keyboard, it was on on the laptop, which somehow activated the PS brush toggle. Guess even with the lid closed, the keyboard remains active and receives priority

I'm probably way late, but I just solved this on my own MBP in the most unexpected way and want to leave it for any future users. I initially reset Photoshop preferences and nothing happened. But I was using my laptop in clamshell closed mode and when I cracked it open, I discovered that even though caps lock was off on the external keyboard, it was on on the laptop, which somehow activated the PS brush toggle. Guess even with the lid closed, the keyboard remains active and receives priority from the OS. Anyway, switching it off fixed the issue.

Hey guys, so when i use my brush in photoshop, mouse or tablet, its started running behind where it should be. When I research it everyone says brush lag. but i dont have photoshop lag, the canvas size dosent change anything, i've set drawing mode to basic, i turned brush catch up mode on / off it makes no difference. If i draw a line and stop drawing, the line slowly moves towards where it should be, if i speed up so does the brush but it always stays like a second behind.

I have the Mr. Natural Brush by Kyle T Webster for Photoshop [ ] and would like to use it in toon boom, and I was wondering if I just had to import the brush texture, or if there was a way to get all the brush settings into toon boom to make its own brush preset.

Hello and thanks very much for viewing my post, HOPEFULLY, someone can help me resolve what should be a simple issue.I am using Photoshop Version: 21.0.3 20200115.r.91 2020/01/15 and my issue is tied to brushes. I do not see where I can adjust the size of the brush icons like they are seen in the image on the LEFT. My icons are on the RIGHT and they are simply too small for me.

thanks again for your help. As a side note, I'm guessing that older versions of PS allowed you to adjust the brush sizes because the image on the left came from a class Im taking and the instruction has all of her brushes in one group where she adjusts the size of all the icons. 

Brush blend mode doesnt seem to work at all,. I have reinstalled photoshop, and reset settings.

If this is how opacity is supposed to behave then there must be another way.

If i put two light grey strokes on top of each other then I dont want it turning black. Painting light gray on light gray doesnt make it black wtf

I have the exact same problem right now.

It works perfectly fine in every other drawing programm and it also worked exactly how it should in photoshop for years - I got a new PC and I get the exact same problems you described above with the normal layer behaving like a multiply (problem is only in photoshop).

Did you find any solution to this yet?

This has been driving me mad for the past 2 hours. I am stuck in a course where I need to create a 1 pixel brush. Every time I define a brush preset, it doesn't work as expected. Anti aliasing is turned off in most options. I then use the magic wand (I tried the square marquee select as well, doesn't work). Then to Edit -> Define Brush Preset. The Brush says 1 pixel but it doesn't look like a square but rather a square with an arch on the bottom right. It worked fine earlier, a square 1 pixel brush, suddenly it does not. I have reset Photoshop to it's defaults and also Preferences -> General -> Nearest Neighbor.

BlockquoteHi thanks for the reply! so i tried other brushes and they work. the pencil tool even with another 1 pix brush does 4 pixels and they are about 50 percent opacity. i will delete the brushes i made and try again.

Anyone got a quick fix for this? I've tried everything and am a little stuck right now. When I use the photoshop brush, it won't draw when I have my mouse clicked down. It will only do one point and then I have to move somewhere else and do another point. It only draws in points if that makes sense and I can't extend the point. Thanks a bunch!

I'm a digital painter, using photoshop for about 10 years now and I was wondering if there was any improvements planned for the brush engine that is getting a bit old. The mixer brush added a few years back was a big improvement, but I'm thinking about something else : If you take Clip studio or paintstorm, they both come with extremely good brush engine and has features like multi shape sampling : for example if you want to create a foliage bush, you can create a brush with multiple leaf shape alpha samples, and when you make a stroke it will pick randomly among all these shapes and lay down a nice effect (you can create super realistic brushes). Maybe you will tell me, yeah well in photoshop you can randomly invert shape symetry, distort it and that will do the trick, etc ; but it doesn't look good enought in my opinion. You can see it looks kinda fake, funky, same shape squished and rotated over and over again. When creating comics of paintings, having complex bush/plant/tree/rock... brushes is a plus that can save lots of time and look awesome, like it was done by hand.

Another improvement that would be great is adding a modifiable custom curve graph behavior altering the tablet inputs (pressure, rotation etc) for every brush function (spacing, angle, opacity, etc) ; also brush stroke correction/control (starting and ending correction, ribbon brush, special effect brush like the firework or comet tail brush in paintstorm (a brush that starts super thin, then at 2/3 of the way suddenly spreads wide, and fades out))

Photoshop is way superior in a lot of ways, is much faster and stable, and has tons of unique features ; and swiching between softwares is troublesome, has compatibility problems, and in some cases corrupts the file (which can be reeeeeeally annoying). So I really look forward to see something similar in photoshop (and I'm sure a lot of artists are longing for this too) ; hence my question : Is there any improvement planned in a short or long term for the brush engine ?

Not exactly what you asked about, but the recently changed brush and preset management system was a step in the right direction, but still a work in progress. It has made it a lot easier to set up new presets. IM only recently realised that using the 'Save Tool Presets' option lets you save presets for the Dodge & Burn tools that store opacity and tonal range. That could be quite a time saver.

Other long threads pleaded with the Development team to improve the brush engine (as opposed to brush management). The thread I am thinking of was a good few years ago, but nothing has happened. In a recent thread I asked Pete Green, who is the forum's link man with the Photoshop Development Team, to pass on our request, and he said they were already aware, but not what, if anything, is happening.

I don't know the apps you mentioned, but I use Krita, and love its brush engine. It's this sort of competitive pressure that might make things happen, but user pressure is also important, so if you start yet another request on the feedback site, post the link here, and we'll back you up.

Concerning paintstorm, I'm also in love with it ! I've been using it since v1 and it has improved a lot over time. Its brush engine is almost perfect and I wish photshop had the same ; but like you said I also think it's not an alternative for a bunch of reasons, yet

When I use alt + right click to change brush size, the opacity of my brush also changes. This happens with multiple tools and multiple brush presets. This is extremely problematic for me because it is absolutely essential that my brush opacity remains at 100% at all times. How can I fix this?

same here. I work as a Disney artist and it constantly makes my coworkers laugh, but it is a huge workflow problem for us and other digital painters in the industry. We're hopping over to Procreate more and more.... Adobe, your competitors are outperforming your products right, left, and center. Absolutely NO professional that I know uses the brackets to resize anymore - they aren't convenient for the way our hands are positioned on the keys. We use the right button on our stylus, like civilized society. Nobody wants their opacity to slowly dwindle down as they use the brush, we can change that other ways.

Ever since I first worked professionally as a character designer for Disney Feature Animation I simply wanted a photoshop brush that would produce a nice line out of it. Other artists would share their personal brush sets but there were way too many to use and none of them drew their art purely in line. I looked up to great line artists from the past like Ronald Searle, Hank Ketcham, E.H. Shepard and always wondered if I could produce the same line quality in photoshop. 589ccfa754

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