I would say something on this subject but the last time I did the entire post was censored because you violate youtube's TOS by downloading their videos and apparently this place's TOS by saying anything about it.

2. Double-click the downloaded RealTimes-Realplayer.EXE file to install on your PC. Depending on the browser you can click the file on the bottom bar of your web browser or open if from your My Downloads folder. Click through the setup.

Real Player Software Free Downloading

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Hi mha007,Apparently you didn't read or understand the problem. Not one single suggestion had anything to do with the actual problem. I'm a pretty advanced user and I'm trying to report that this is a Developer issue involving updating the compatibility of the Firefox Browser Record Plugin 15.0.1 specifically for Firefox 10.0. Everything you referred me to, of course, doesn't work because it can't work until the RealPlayer Developers get off their asses and update the Plugin. If I said it "stopped appearing on all videos", I meant what I said. This has nothing to do with any given site at all. I've tested every single idea in that stupid knowledge base. These are simply very basic user instructions for a user who doesn't know how this button works. They cannot ever clear up or even explain a compatibility issue that has to be updated by the Developers. We go through this every update of Firefox.Thanks for trying, though, but we really need users of Firefox 10.0 that are also having this problem with the compatibility of the Browser Record Plugin 15.0.1 to complain to ReaPlayers' Developers.

Hello CheckMate, I'm not a very "advanced user" in computers, but I know enough that I'm too having problems downloading videos with RealPlayer downloader and FireFox 10.0. It is very frustrating, IE does work with no problems, but I prefer using FireFox. Please let us know when a fix comes out and how to fix this problem. Thanks,

I really don't understand why???? Its so tired, b/c I really like firefox but when I tried to play a videogame like this: -table/ it doesn't work, what can I do?? b/c its with dif pages so thats why I don't think is /web.

Log in or Sign up to hide this advert.  2005/05/27PeteCSuperGeekStaffJoined:2002/05/10Messages:28,890Likes Received:387 Hi David 

Open up My Computer > Right click on optical drive (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM) > Properties > Autoplay tab and set it up from there. 

Pete C

Microsoft MVP Internet Explorer 2004 - 2011

 Keep all responses to BBS posts on the BBS so that others may benefit

If we have helped you please consider a DonationPeteC,#32005/05/27David FavinInactiveThread StarterJoined:2004/07/08Messages:149Likes Received:0 Christer said:Go to Control panel > Folder options > File associations and check what program is listed for each applicable file extension. You can change the default program.

ChristerClick to expand...Chester:

Thanks for the come-back. The associations for the files on the DVDs and CDs are exactly what I want. However, when I insert the DVD or CD the program that immediately starts and seems to takes over is RealPlayer.

For example, on DVDs one will find VOB, BUP, IFO, as suffixes. None of these files in my computer have an association listed with RealPlayer. Yet, when the DVD is inserted the RealPlayer starts playing the disk material. 

How do I stop the RealPlayer's startup action?

David Favin David Favin,#42005/05/27David FavinInactiveThread StarterJoined:2004/07/08Messages:149Likes Received:0 PeteC said:Hi David 

Open up My Computer > Right click on optical drive (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM) > Properties > Autoplay tab and set it up from there.Click to expand...Pete:

I tried your suggestion BUT.....

When I right clicked on the DVD icon and then chose PROPERTIES the window displayed only had one tab. It was the GENERAL tab. There was no AUTOPLAY tab displayed. 

Any further suggestions as to how to get to the AUTOPLAY tab?

David David Favin,#52005/05/27PeteCSuperGeekStaffJoined:2002/05/10Messages:28,890Likes Received:387 Rather assumed you were running XP - wrong?? Which OS please. 

Pete C

Microsoft MVP Internet Explorer 2004 - 2011

 Keep all responses to BBS posts on the BBS so that others may benefit

If we have helped you please consider a DonationPeteC,#62005/05/28David FavinInactiveThread StarterJoined:2004/07/08Messages:149Likes Received:0 PeteC said:Rather assumed you were running XP - wrong?? Which OS please.Click to expand...Peter:

I am running WINDOWS 98. (I find there are much fewer attacks on this system than XP.)

David David Favin,#72005/05/28Lifetime SubscriptionBillyBobInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:6,048Likes Received:0 I do have XP an I had the same problem. I could do all the re-associating Via Control Panel or the Registry several times and it still would not hold.

MY final fix was to re-install WMP.

BillyBob Hug your loved ones today. You never know.

XP Pro SP2

98SEBillyBob,#82005/05/30MooreInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:301Likes Received:0 Real Alternative Download

If I download Real Alternative, will it Attempt to take over as default player? I`m using WMP 10 presently. 


XP Home XP S2 Home 768 Ram 

HD C 40GB HD2 60GB D=E=F 20Gb ea

Chipset Via VT8378A KM400A 

Asus A7V400 MX MoBoMoore,#92005/05/30Lifetime SubscriptionBillyBobInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:6,048Likes Received:0 If I download Real Alternative, will it Attempt to take over as default player?Click to expand...Yes. It is possible. That is what happened to me. And I was watching for the Question " do you want RP to be Default ?" so that I could say NO. but I never saw it. I had to reinstall WMP.

BillyBob Hug your loved ones today. You never know.

XP Pro SP2

98SEBillyBob,#102005/05/30MooreInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:301Likes Received:0 Thanks, as usual, Billy Bob. Let that be a lesson to me, "look before leaping" or something like that. Every once in a while I need Realone but I can survive without it. I thought maybe the "Real Alternative" might not be as intrusive 

Dick Last edited: 2005/05/30XP S2 Home 768 Ram 

HD C 40GB HD2 60GB D=E=F 20Gb ea

Chipset Via VT8378A KM400A 

Asus A7V400 MX MoBoMoore,#112005/06/05RayHInactiveJoined:2002/01/10Messages:740Likes Received:0 I used to reinstall Real Player and make sure that it didn't do anything...that is unless I asked it to. I made it default nothing.

Also, you should use Start Up Cop or Startup Control and Startup Monitor to make sure that Real Player doesn't start up automatically once you use it. E-Mail: TheGreatRaymond@sbcglobal.net

Pls. indicate in subject line you are from the board so I don't delete you as spam!RayH,#122005/06/05MooreInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:301Likes Received:0 -codecs.com/download/Real_Alternative.htm

The above site has a Real Alternative, that I ran onto searching for a codec I want. I wondered if anyone on the board had any experience with it. It appears to maybe be OK but I like to learn by other peoples experience. Evidently, by all the replys, it`s the same thing as Real Player, or nobody caught what I wrote.

Thanks for the reply.

Dick Last edited: 2005/06/05XP S2 Home 768 Ram 

HD C 40GB HD2 60GB D=E=F 20Gb ea

Chipset Via VT8378A KM400A 

Asus A7V400 MX MoBoMoore,#132005/06/12EckInactiveJoined:2002/08/17Messages:198Likes Received:0 Why doesn't anyone tell him to go into RealPlayer's options and only leave checked the file types that are Real file types? It's so simple. Then open WMP and check the stuff in its options you want it to play, open Quicktime and (usually use defaults in brower options and same in file types works here) do the same. Run PowerDVD and say okay to its options panel. Then choose whatever you want in autoplay on XP.

Jeez, these players don't steal file types if you don't want them to! Not going into the options panels to set what you want IS wanting them to steal them. The best way is to set this stuff while RealPlayer is installing, but it is easily changed to whatever you want in the player's options.

Use the players options first, then you shouldn't need to go into Windows File Properties File Types. Remember, it doesn't matter what is set here if you let the player's keep moving them back to themselves. You take control! And it doesn't require special programs to control what happens at Windows Startup. Dennis


AthlonXP 3200+/Sempron 3300+

ATI Radeon x850PRO/Gigabyte Nvidia 6600GT

Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro/Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

2x512 PC3200 CrucialEck,#142005/06/12MooreInactiveJoined:2002/01/07Messages:301Likes Received:0 Well Jeez, Eck there`s just a lot I don`t know about these options you`ve told me about. Appreciate the Help however. I don`t have Quicktime, or,to my knowledge DVD power player, I`m running Roxio Media Creator 7 I`m just now in the process of learning how it works, and haven`t graduated to DVD yet. Also the

 "Then choose whatever you want in autoplay on XP. "

statement I`m not sure about.

I`ve downloaded your message, I`ll go down and parse it out and see what I come up with.Thanks for the help!

Dick XP S2 Home 768 Ram 

HD C 40GB HD2 60GB D=E=F 20Gb ea

Chipset Via VT8378A KM400A 

Asus A7V400 MX MoBoMoore,#152005/06/12EckInactiveJoined:2002/08/17Messages:198Likes Received:0 Yeah, it's unfortunate that the companies that provide these media players don't advertise how to remove their usually default setting of grab all the file types it knows how to play and steal the associations from whomever is associated with it now!

Of course, they all want to make it easy for us to use their player exclusively for everything. And while they're at it they want to not let us know how easy it is to turn off their "Message Deliverer." In RealPlayer this is also in the options or preference panel.

What I mean't by Windows Auto-Play is when you open My Computer and right click the drive and choose Properties, you'll see a tab for Auto-Play. Here, you can set which player you want to automatically run when a cd or dvd spins up. I usually set each to Take No Action. That way I can open the program I want to use first, not worrying about needing to hold down the Shift button while I load cd's. If you want to have a cd or dvd to auto-run, just set your prefered players for each kind of content there. Dennis


AthlonXP 3200+/Sempron 3300+

ATI Radeon x850PRO/Gigabyte Nvidia 6600GT

Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro/Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

2x512 PC3200 CrucialEck,#162005/06/13David FavinInactiveThread StarterJoined:2004/07/08Messages:149Likes Received:0 Eck said:Why doesn't anyone tell him to go into RealPlayer's options and only leave checked the file types that are Real file types? It's so simple. Then open WMP and check the stuff in its options you want it to play, open Quicktime and (usually use defaults in brower options and same in file types works here) do the same. Run PowerDVD and say okay to its options panel. Then choose whatever you want in autoplay on XP.

Jeez, these players don't steal file types if you don't want them to! Not going into the options panels to set what you want IS wanting them to steal them. The best way is to set this stuff while RealPlayer is installing, but it is easily changed to whatever you want in the player's options.

Use the players options first, then you shouldn't need to go into Windows File Properties File Types. Remember, it doesn't matter what is set here if you let the player's keep moving them back to themselves. You take control! And it doesn't require special programs to control what happens at Windows Startup.Click to expand...ECK

When you say go into RealPlayers Options just exactly where are these "options "? On the tool bar if I chose TOOLS->Preferences-> I get something labeled OPTIONS but it hardly gives any choice of a starting program. None ofthe other choices on the tool bar indicate anything like OPTIONS. I would appreciate being steered to what you have in mind as OPTIONS.

David David Favin,#172005/06/13EckInactiveJoined:2002/08/17Messages:198Likes Received:0 Tools-Preferences-Automatic Services-Message Center.

Tell it to only run when RealPlayer is running. Also in the popup Message Center when there are no messages you have a big button saying "Configure Messages." Click that, and uncheck everything (Sports, news, etc) as well as the 3 options on the bottem regarding player updates and whatnot. This way Message Center won't even pop up when RealPlayer is running because you have it set to not check for anything.

And, you'll notice Content-Media Types as well in the Preferences. Click that and uncheck the hog the whole system option and choose to customize the file types. A box pops up where you can uncheck everything you don't want. I usually leave all the Real file types checked as well as that AAC thing that nothing else I have seems to have.

Another thing I do is in General I use the drop down menu to choose Player Only-no media browser. This way it opens with a little player and all I need to do if I do want the Real site with all the stuff to watch is click the tab on the player.

If you set up this stuff when you first install it it's easier since you wouldn't need to open up your other players like you do now. Now you've got to set WMP, Winamp, Quicktime, whatever, to tell them what stuff you want them to take back as when you opened RealPlayer to do this stuff it stole all the file types. Now, it won't do that anymore.

Next time you start with a fresh system, don't just click next when installing RealPlayer, but look for the screen that "Recommends" that you have RealPlayer play all supported media types. Uncheck that and choose to customize. Do there what you did now to just leave the Real types checked.

Pretty easy. There's no mythical spyware or file format stealer. Naturally any company that gives you something for free is probably going to by default want you to use it all the time and leave all its advertising (Message Center) options checked so you see all the ads. It's nice that we can turn it all off. Actually pretty surprising. It's ad supported but lets us turn off the ads! Dennis


AthlonXP 3200+/Sempron 3300+

ATI Radeon x850PRO/Gigabyte Nvidia 6600GT

Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro/Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

2x512 PC3200 CrucialEck,#182005/06/14David FavinInactiveThread StarterJoined:2004/07/08Messages:149Likes Received:0 Eck said:Tools-Preferences-Automatic Services-Message Center.

Tell it to only run when RealPlayer is running. Also in the popup Message Center when there are no messages you have a big button saying "Configure Messages." Click that, and uncheck everything (Sports, news, etc) as well as the 3 options on the bottem regarding player updates and whatnot. This way Message Center won't even pop up when RealPlayer is running because you have it set to not check for anything.

And, you'll notice Content-Media Types as well in the Preferences. Click that and uncheck the hog the whole system option and choose to customize the file types. A box pops up where you can uncheck everything you don't want. I usually leave all the Real file types checked as well as that AAC thing that nothing else I have seems to have.

Another thing I do is in General I use the drop down menu to choose Player Only-no media browser. This way it opens with a little player and all I need to do if I do want the Real site with all the stuff to watch is click the tab on the player.

If you set up this stuff when you first install it it's easier since you wouldn't need to open up your other players like you do now. Now you've got to set WMP, Winamp, Quicktime, whatever, to tell them what stuff you want them to take back as when you opened RealPlayer to do this stuff it stole all the file types. Now, it won't do that anymore.

Next time you start with a fresh system, don't just click next when installing RealPlayer, but look for the screen that "Recommends" that you have RealPlayer play all supported media types. Uncheck that and choose to customize. Do there what you did now to just leave the Real types checked.

Pretty easy. There's no mythical spyware or file format stealer. Naturally any company that gives you something for free is probably going to by default want you to use it all the time and leave all its advertising (Message Center) options checked so you see all the ads. It's nice that we can turn it all off. Actually pretty surprising. It's ad supported but lets us turn off the ads!Click to expand...ECK:

Now you are talking! I see the whole picutre now and I thank you for it. I hope the others that had contributed to this thread note your last response for it is right on the money. Thanks. I am going to print it up and save it. It's a **** good answer. David Favin,#192005/06/17Dave H 628InactiveJoined:2005/01/28Messages:19Likes Received:0 Real Player File Associations

This behavior is exactly why Real Player is not allowed on any of my machines anymore; it started doing exactly what they were suing Microsoft for.

When I last installed Real Player, it took over file associations it couldn't even handle, trashing an installation of Compton's Encyclopedia that could only be repaired with a format and reinstall of everything else. When, on top of that, they copped an attitude because an update I paid for wouldn't download, that was the last straw.

I understand about setting file associations when something installs, and have gained knowledge about changing them after the fact if something doesn't work right, but their software and their attitude became too aggressive and rude for my taste. Abuse me once, shame on you; abuse me twice and I will make sure everyone knows about my product experience.

Dave H

BTW, my current "product experience" is Norton SystemWorks 2005--I am formatting the drive on a second computer so I can be rid of it and install products that work without hosing the machine. Dave H 628,#20Show Ignored ContentPage 1 of 212Next > /* /* ]]> */ Thread Status:Not open for further replies.Share This PageTweet Log in with FacebookLog in with TwitterLog in with GoogleYour name or email address:Do you already have an account?No, create an account now.Yes, my password is:Forgot your password? Stay logged inSign up now!DonateWindowsBBSForums>Other>Other PC Software>

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