Things to do in Plano TX

The median household income in Plano is $79,234, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 60 percent above the national average, and 8.1 percent of residents are below the poverty line, compared to a national rate of 15.1 percent.Dec 28, 2011

But William Foreman himself declined the settlers' name proposal. Later on, Dr. Dye searched for a very unique name which could be used as the official name of the town. And the chosen name was the word “Plano” which means “plain” (as in the type of terrain) in Spanish.Feb 6, 2015

PLANO, TX — There is no denying Plano has seen extensive growth and expansion in recent years, but the city certainly doesn't sacrifice safety for progress — at least according to a recent study from WalletHub. In fact, the study found Plano to be the safest city in Texas and the No. 8 safest city in the U.S.Dec 4, 2017

Plano is a city in north Texas. The Heritage Farmstead Museum is a restored 19th-century farm with original tools and furniture, plus a replica 1895 schoolroom. The Interurban Railway Museum traces the history of the Texas Electric Railway, and has a vintage rail car. Trails wind through a nature preserve in Oak Point Park. Northeast of town is Southfork Ranch, made famous as the setting for the TV series “Dallas.”



Plano, TX, USA