\nCabinets and lockers are useful because they provide a space for us to store personal belongings when we are up to something. In fact,they are so useful that we can find them almost everywhere. For instance, a locker in the gym, at school, in the office, in the transportation center, and many more. \n \nIn these settings, we do not have the mind to take care of our belongings all the time and we need some approach to ensure the safety and security of our valuables. This is where we bring the cabinet locks into play. Cabinet locks and locker locks are applicable solutions to secure the content and there are several types we can choose from, including the Keyless Combination Lock , Cam Lock , Hasp Lock and NFC Combination Lock.\n \nREAL is the very first lock manufacturer in Taiwan to introduce the keyless combination lock with the master key to the market. The master key allows the security manager to open the lock and set the number codes back to default setting if the cabinet user happens to forget their number. Apart from the combination lock, we also have cam locks and hasp locks that feature simple construction as well as ease of use. \n \nScroll down to check out REAL's cabinet lock and locker lock products. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require more information on our products and services."}] This website uses cookies to collect necessary user browsing behaviors so that we can provide you with a better browsing experience. For more information Please review the privacy policy

I got a practice kit with a transparent lock etc. Nothing terribly expensive. I would say within 5 minutes I was able to open it.* I am in disbelief*. Are the practice locks that easy or am I natural?

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But THEN I went to what I tought was an even cheaper filing cabient and BAM I hit a wall and couldn't get it open!!! :( I wonder. Have I just not found a lock that is really good and the ones I praticed on are just really really cheap.

How long did it take you guys to figure out the medeco lock for beginners? I know there are some that have you rotate the pins. I am a TOTAL newb to this but it's really fun! the puzzle solving aspect is like soo interesting to me.

The other alternative would be to convert to zigbee modules in the locks and build a chain of zigbee repeaters instead. The ZHA profile that smartthings uses allows for up to 15 zigbee hops into the hub and another 15 out again.

We realize there is a lot to consider when making decisions about your locker room needs. Fortunately, the team at Ideal Products is here to help you with your project! We can discuss and assist you in design, finish, color, and material choices, as well as fit and installation requirements.

Hi folks - Was looking for some input. I currently have Hubitat integrated with my home automation system, which is primarily based around Home Control Assistant (HCA). I've been using hubitat for a variety of zwave and zigbee switches, plugs, sensors and bulbs. However, I've set up my Yale YRD210 using a Leviton interface. I've programmed the original codes in on the lock's keypad. And written programs in HCA to control it and get various status and reports.

The Yales have generally been a good line of locks to pair with HE. I had trouble with my YRD256 a while ago (year or so ago using a C-4 hub) and swapped out the module with a Zigbee one - however there are a bunch of people in this community who have had great experiences with their Z-Wave modules and the HE hubs and firmware have changed since then so ymmv.

For the Lever Lock, because it was a recent acquisition, with a good stable mesh, it joined to the C-3 easily. When I got the C-7, one of the first devices I joined was an Aeon Repeater 7 and then I moved the Yale Lever lock from the C-3 to the C-7 and that was smooth too.

Barrier devices (Locks and Garage Door Openers) really benefit from a good mesh. And it's my experience that the mysterious process of the mesh choosing a Beaming device, takes more than a couple minutes. Which I translate into: join last.

Thanks both - that's encouraging. I only have a few zwave devices currently but I ordered a couple of those AEOTEC Range Extenders (7 Series), and I'll get those in place before attempting this. Will LCM or other Hubitat functionality allow me to send notification about who entered their code, battery state, lock state, etc?

Maybe, but that's in your area of expertise. If you can Exclude the Lock and then Include it successfully, then the Hubitat driver will go out an poll the lock for it's values. Be aware that this can take a good long time since there are 250 'slots' to poll.

Perfect - that's what I was looking for - thank you!

So it appears you don't have access to other information about the lock? For instance, the lock can send zwave codes to indicate it was locked/unlocked from the inside, it's jammed or tampered, multiple wrong codes entered, etc. Appears that the driver/app for this is strictly focused on user codes and battery. Is that correct?

Are the raw codes visible in events? They typically look something like n003: followed by several comma-delimited triplet numbers, eg n003: 178,200,200,000

(Sorry for all the questions - the LCM documentation is minimal, so it doesn't seem that I can determine this without actually joining a lock to the system).

The last bit is eerily similar to a spinlock. In fact, it is a basic spinlock. :)

I agree with @nobugz on this: the cost of the interlocked operations used in lock-free multi-threading is dominated by the cache and memory-coherency tasks it must carry out.

What you gain however with a data structure that is "lock-free" is that your "locks" are very fine grained. This decreases the chance that two concurrent threads access the same "lock" (memory location).

The trick most of the time is that you do not have dedicated locks - instead you treat e.g. all elements in an array or all nodes in a linked list as a "spin-lock". You read, modify and try to update if there was no update since your last read. If there was, you retry.

This makes your "locking" (oh, sorry, non-locking :) very fine grained, without introducing additional memory or resource requirements.

Making it more fine-grained decreases the probability of waits. Making it as fine-grained as possible without introducing additional resource requirements sounds great, doesn't it?

To get "lock-free" multi-threading right, you have to understand memory models.

Getting the memory model and guarantees correct is not trivial however, as demonstrated by this story, whereby Intel and AMD made some corrections to the documentation of MFENCE causing some stir-up among JVM developers. As it turned out, the documentation that developers relied on from the beginning was not so precise in the first place.

Locks in .NET result in an implicit memory barrier, so you are safe using them (most of the time, that is... see for example this Joe Duffy - Brad Abrams - Vance Morrison greatness on lazy initialization, locks, volatiles and memory barriers. :) (Be sure to follow the links on that page.)

A good STM can get as close to fine-grained locking as it gets and will probably provide a performance that is close to or on par with a hand-made implementation.One of them is STM.NET from the DevLabs projects of MS.

If you are not a .NET-only zealot, Doug Lea did some great work in JSR-166.

Cliff Click has an interesting take on hash tables that does not rely on lock-striping - as the Java and .NET concurrent hash tables do - and seem to scale well to 750 CPUs.

@Ben made many comments about MPI: I sincerely agree that MPI may shine in some areas. An MPI based solution can be easier to reason about, easier to implement and less error-prone than a half-baked locking implementation that tries to be smart. (It is however - subjectively - also true for an STM based solution.) I would also bet that it is light-years easier to correctly write a decent distributed application in e.g. Erlang, as many successful examples suggest.

MPI, however has its own costs and its own troubles when it is being run on a single, multi-core system. E.g. in Erlang, there are issues to be solved around the synchronization of process scheduling and message queues.

Also, at their core, MPI systems usually implement a kind of cooperative N:M scheduling for "lightweight processes". This for example means that there is an inevitable context switch between lightweight processes. It is true that it is not a "classic context switch" but mostly a user space operation and it can be made fast - however I sincerely doubt that it can be brought under the 20-200 cycles an interlocked operation takes. User-mode context switching is certainly slower even in the the Intel McRT library.N:M scheduling with light-weight processes is not new. LWPs were there in Solaris for a long time. They were abandoned. There were fibers in NT. They are mostly a relic now. There were "activations" in NetBSD. They were abandoned. Linux had its own take on the subject of N:M threading. It seems to be somewhat dead by now.

From time to time, there are new contenders: for example McRT from Intel, or most recently User-Mode Scheduling together with ConCRT from Microsoft.

At the lowest level, they do what an N:M MPI scheduler does. Erlang - or any MPI system -, might benefit greatly on SMP systems by exploiting the new UMS.

I guess the OP's question is not about the merits of and subjective arguments for/against any solution, but if I had to answer that, I guess it depends on the task: for building low level, high performance basic data structures that run on a single system with many cores, either low-lock/"lock-free" techniques or an STM will yield the best results in terms of performance and would probably beat an MPI solution any time performance-wise, even if the above wrinkles are ironed out e.g. in Erlang.

For building anything moderately more complex that runs on a single system, I would perhaps choose classic coarse-grained locking or if performance is of great concern, an STM.

For building a distributed system, an MPI system would probably make a natural choice.

Note that there are MPI implementations for .NET as well (though they seem to be not as active). ff782bc1db

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