This element can make or break a good story. Dialogue is important and using it correctly is vital to the tone of your story. Slang words, ebonics and bad grammar is all apart of the streets and it is welcome. Unlike traditional editing urban fiction falls under a different ball game. You can use aint and for sho (for sure) because it reads like it sounds and provides authenticity to your urban fiction writing. Readers will quickly put down your work if you use proper english in your dialogue. Crazy I know!

This book introduces students to the basic concepts of urban studies. It is an interdisciplinary text that was developed for lower-division undergraduate students. The book is organized into thematic chapters that explore different aspects of urban life, such as the environment, housing, and culture. Each chapter introduces a new way of conceptualizing the city, presents core theories and concepts, and provides examples and case studies from cities around the globe to illustrate the ideas presented in the text. At the end of each chapter, there are review questions and a series of interactive field activities where students can apply the concepts introduced in the chapter to a real-world setting. Many of the field activities can be adapted to online or remote learning modalities. This textbook is appropriate for interdisciplinary courses with urban themes or for introductory urban studies, urban sociology, or urban geography classes.","image":"https:\/\/\/app\/uploads\/sites\/91\/2021\/09\/Urban-Literacy-Book-Cover.jpg","author":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Leanne Serbulo","slug":"leanne-serbulo"}],"editor":[],"translator":[],"reviewedBy":[],"illustrator":[],"contributor":[],"about":[{"@type":"Thing","identifier":"J","name":"Society and Social Sciences"}],"institutions":[{"@type":"Institution","code":"US-OR-021","name":"Portland State University","url":"https:\/\/\/"}],"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Portland State University Library","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Portland"}},"datePublished":"2022-05-09","copyrightHolder":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Leanne Serbulo"},"license":{"@type":"CreativeWork","url":"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc\/4.0\/","name":"CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)","code":"CC BY-NC","description":"\u00a9 2022 Leanne C. Serbulo"},"identifier":{"@type":"PropertyValue","propertyID":"DOI","value":"10.15760\/pdxopen-32"},"sameAs":"https:\/\/\/10.15760\/pdxopen-32","bookDirectoryExcluded":false,"language":{"@type":"Language","code":"en","name":"English"}}:root{--primary:#607d1e;--accent:#203a21;--accent-fg:#ffffff;--primary-dark:#607d1e;--accent-dark:#203a21;--primary-alpha:rgba(96,125,30,0.25);--accent-alpha:rgba(32,58,33,0.25);}:root{--reading-width:40em;}Skip to contentToggle MenuPrimary Navigation

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The text does not provide an index or glossary. However, it contains an accessibility containing information about a web version, text optimization for screen readers and file formats. The footnotes in each chapter are extensive. That said, it is a comprehensive source written in clear, accessible language free of academic jargon on the characteristics and types of city. It presents an assessment of urban subcultures and the kinds of cultures that urban neighborhoods and relationship networks create. It also elaborate on the nature of public spaces in the city, both as spaces where urban life plays itself out and where urban relations and conflicts are mediated, but also as the space designs that people regularly navigate to find their peace away from the city. It highlights paradigms in development and redevelopment politics at the intersection of gentrification and segregation and in relation to changing transportation, family and suburban cultures. It is rare to see beginner reader or graduate level text on urban studies dedicate an entire chapter to the sociopolitics of the physical environment in the city. Not only does this textbook undertake this task using ethnographic examples of environmental justice movements, grassroots organizations, but also builds on students' critical thinking skills by engaging them in research projects exploring the social distribution of pollution within a city thus examining clean natural environment to discriminatory social and revenue politics. What is also unique about the textbook is that it keeps the global perspective intact in all chapter discussions. A particular highlight in this regard is the cutting-edge topic of cities bidding to host global sports discussed in relation to development.

The real strength of the book is the student activities included in the "Test your Urban Literacy" section at the end of each chapter. It allows students to apply their knowledge from the course to studying programs, issues and phenomena in an urban environment. Topics range from face-block maps to observations of urban public spaces to identifying vernacular design features to examining infrastructural potential and its impact on human and natural environments in the city. The activities can be used in any interdisciplinary course on urban cultures and in both face-to-face and online classes.

All tables included in the book are accessible. There are no problems saving the book as a pdf document or accessing it online to customize it. Saving the book as a PDF file may change image rotations and table column width and text alignment, but those interface issues are minimal and do not distract or confuse the reader. 

The textbook uses information from studies conducted on cities around the world accurately from New York to Iceland. It is interesting how the book includes a chapter titled Culture in which the author has chosen culture as a point of departure to study ethnic enclaves, ghettoization, representation, development in the backdrop of colonization and related concepts.

One of the ways in which the text avoids discipline-specific jargon and works for interdisciplinary readership is by choosing a framework of culture concepts to introduce concepts and terminologies integral to urban studies. This allows the readers to contextualize information within a cultural framework. For example, the chapters titled Representation brings forward discussions on the politics of decision-making, growth-oriented policies, social services, built-environment as well as terminologies like Fordism in a city.

All tables included in the book are accessible. There are no problems saving the book as a pdf document or accessing it online to customize it. Saving the book as a PDF file may change image rotations and table column width and text alignment, but those interface issues are minimal and do not distract or confuse the reader.

Typically, books on urban cultures are either graduate studies level analyses of particular ethnographic studies on cities or else are organized around topics such as development or neighborhoods, which distances the informational narrative from culture, particularly for beginning learners. Not only is this textbook not culturally insensitive or offensive, it actually takes culture as a point of departure to examine various interdisciplinary approaches and terms important to urban cultures.

This book introduces students to the basic concepts of urban studies. It is an interdisciplinary text that was developed for lower-division undergraduate students. The book is organized into thematic chapters that explore different aspects of urban life, such as the environment, housing, and culture. Each chapter introduces a new way of conceptualizing the city, presents core theories and concepts, and provides examples and case studies from cities around the globe to illustrate the ideas presented in the text. At the end of each chapter, there are review questions and a series of interactive field activities where students can apply the concepts introduced in the chapter to a real-world setting. Many of the field activities can be adapted to online or remote learning modalities. This textbook is appropriate for interdisciplinary courses with urban themes or for introductory urban studies, urban sociology, or urban geography classes.

I was determined to expand my bookshelf with tattered, worn-out copies of these literary giants. I, however, found myself overwhelmed with where to begin. I quickly racked up large fines at the Indianapolis Public Library, as I always checked out more books than the allotted lending period permitted me to read. In denial, I would avert my gaze from the books accumulating dust on my nightstand. 0852c4b9a8

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