Hi @ashutoshshelke. I encountered the same issue today. Unlike @isimmons33, my Element does not include an onClick event. After doing some research online, I discovered I could wrap the icon element in a and move the onClick attribute into that . The onClick function still works as expected, but the IDE no longer throws an error.

In Visual Studio Code, if you ctrl+Click the icon name in your import statement, you should be directed to the appropriate line in index.d.ts. From there, if you ctrl+Click the type IconType, you should be directed to the appropriate line in iconBase.d.ts. If you ctrl+Click the prop IconBaseProps in that line, you should be directed to the block of code just above. For me, the block of code looked as follows:

React Icon

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Bootstrap Icons are SVGs, so you can include them into your HTML in a few ways depending on how your project is setup. We recommend using a width: 1em (and optionally height: 1em) for easy resizing via font-size.

You can also use the SVG within your CSS (be sure to escape any characters, such as # to %23 when specifying hex color values). When no dimensions are specified via width and height on the , the icon will fill the available space.

When using SVGs with elements, screen readers may not announce them as images, or skip the image completely. Include an additional role="img" on the element to avoid any issues. See this article for details.

The basic premise of this is that it is part of my header. It has only one twitter icon (svg) right now. I want to be able to add more icons in the future (e.g. facebook, github) hence why I want to be able to pass in some reference to an icon into a single gsap timeline to describe the hover animation (defined as glowAnimation function) when mouse over an icon, and reverse that timeline when mouse leaves that icon. So I created a function with that timeline. But I'm unsure how to pass the twitterIcon reference (made using useRef) into the onMouseEnter attribute.

This basically has to do with encapsulation. Right now you're not using a DOM node element in the JSX, you're using a React component, which is it's own type of object . Because of that you should use forward ref in order to get the reference to the DOM node inside the child component in the parent component.

Each icon can be imported as a React component, which renders an inline SVG element. This way, only the icons that are imported into your project are included in the final bundle. The rest of the icons are tree-shaken away.

To customize the appearance of an icon, you can pass custom properties as props directly to the component. The component accepts all SVG attributes as props, which allows flexible styling of the SVG elements. See the list of SVG Presentation Attributes on MDN.

The example below imports all ES Modules, so exercise caution when using it. Importing all icons will significantly increase the build size of the application, negatively affecting its performance. This is especially important to keep in mind when using bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, or Vite.

This is not the case for the latest NextJS, because it uses server side rendering. The icons will be streamed to the client when needed. For NextJS with Dynamic Imports, see dynamic imports section for more information.

Lucide react exports a dynamic import map dynamicIconImports, which is useful for applications that want to show icons dynamically by icon name. For example, when using a content management system with where icon names are stored in a database.

For instance, if they choose the icon FiHelpCircle, in the code I will have to import it as:

 import { FiHelpCircle } from "react-icons/fi"; and other icons may be imported from somewhere different

This would involve listing the icons you wish to have available within the Prismic UI for editors to select from. I don't know if you want to limit the number of icons that editors can add to the documents in the repository, but you could add Select fields with the names of the icons, and so you could create a function like the following:

You can use scriptUrl as an array after @ant-design/icons@4.1.0, manage icons in one from multiple iconfont.cn resources. If icon with a duplicate name in resources, it will overridden in array order.

You can then use any of those icons anywhere in your app without needing to re-import into each component. So if you used icons in a couple of components, that would end up looking something like this:

Then, create a babel-plugin-macros.config.js and add the fontawesome-svg-core settings. You can set the license to either free or pro depending on the icons you are planning to use. (Learn more about setting babel macros)

Thanks for the response! Yea, I got rid of that error by manually installing react-is although it was a styled-components dependency. NPM must be taking the day off! Anyways that fixed styled-components, but no effect to react-icons.

Icons should be thought of as plain text; they inherit the size and color of their context or can be set directly. Icons themselves do not have any state or handlers, those should be at a higher level like a button. Amplify UI does not include any icons other than the ones Amplify UI components like Alert and Accordion use.

Using allows us to keep the path data and basic appearance of our icons defined in one place so that they could be updated once and change everywhere, while still giving us the benefit of updating them on the fly.

Some of you at this point might be wondering why we would use an SVG icon system rather than an icon font to begin with. We have our own comparison on that subject. Plus there are a ton of people writing and speaking about this right now

One of my awesome coworkers at Trulia, Mattia Toso, also recommended a really nice, much more clean way of declaring all of these props. We can reduce repetition of the this.props here by declaring const for all our uses, and then just simply apply the variable instead:

SVG icon systems are beautifully simple and easily extendable in React, have less HTTP requests, and are easy to maintain in the future, due to the fact that we can completely update the output in the future without any repetitive markup changes. We can increase performance by opting into exactly what we need. We can change them on the fly with props for color and even add CSS animation. All of this, and we can also make them accessible for screen readers, which makes React and SVG icon systems a really nice way to add icons to views on the web.

If you are using with svg4everybody to ajax your svg sprites from a CDN and get around CORS issues (as recommended here ), you end up writing a bunch of SVGs to the DOM anyway. I like the suggestion of building it into the JS payload and removing svg4everybody from the equation.

Hide the icon completely, because the meaning is already spelled out in the neighboring text. That would be: 

Provide accessible text for the icon, with the ability to change that text for each use, and allowing for internationalization: [This text must not be always the same].

This can be done by outputting the aria-hidden and the elements conditionally, depending on whether the code using the component provides accessible text or not (no accessible text provided: aria-hidden="true").

Since support was good in my tests for in-page SVG elements (separated SVG documents is a different story), I tend to avoid adding extra aria-labelledby, which get wrong or outdated values really quickly in practice.

I think me and my team have spent hours wrestling with icon fonts. This ranges from tasks like debugging icon font output, to telling people how to set up their system to include fontforge/fontcustom to tweaking SVG code to render well as an icon font . I hope these woes will be over now with this new solution.

A problem with directly importing SVGs in React and relying on Webpack or something to bundle them into JS is the resulting icon system is usable only from React land. I see vendor lock-in for such trivial thing as a bigger problem than the performance issues mentioned above.

Hi Stephan,

Yeah, if you look up in the comments and the post, this was all addressed and the post was updated. I can update all of the other codepens, though, to avoid future confusion. I only updated the one that was the reference for the accessibility.

To use a single react icon, import the component and the desired icon(s) from the @coreui/icons library. Then, include the component in your code and specify the icon prop with the imported icon variable. Additionally, you can set the desired size for the icon using the size prop.

To use all icons available in the CoreUI React Icons package, import the CIcon component and the entire @coreui/icons library using the * as syntax. Then, reference the desired icon within the icon prop.

The CoreUI React Icon component offers versatile color customization options, empowering you to personalize the icons in multiple ways. You can effortlessly modify the colors by utilizing either class names or CSS variables, providing flexibility and ease in creating visually stunning and cohesive icon designs.

CoreUI React Icons leverage local CSS variables, such as --ci-primary-color and --ci-secondary-color (for Duotone icons), to facilitate real-time customization. This allows developers to easily customize the icons by providing their own custom CSS variables.

People who are blind, have low vision, or have other visual impairments make up approximately 10% of the world's population, and more than 5% of people worldwide have hearing loss that makes them unable to function normally.

This applies to both the content you're using icons to represent (such as the status of your shopping cart or the number of unread messages), as well react icons as interactive controls (such as buttons, form elements, toggles, etc.).

If your icons are only for decorative purposes, the CoreUI React Icon Component will ensure that assistive technology ignores the icon. In addition to referencing an icon as normal, the aria-hidden=true attribute has been introduced, so there is nothing else you need to do. 152ee80cbc

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