Historically, each zone had its own address book directly under the zone configuration. In Release 11.2, they moved from the zone level to the device global level. Within this global level, you can create an address book by name and attach it to a zone so those objects are only available within the zone to which the address book is attached. Within the global level, there is also a global address book that you can create objects that are available within every zone on the device. The caveat to this is that you either have to do everything zone based or global based. If you have zone-specific address books, you cannot use the global le vel configuration or you will get a commit failure.

The GAL is a shared, searchable directory of all the users, groups, shared contacts, and resources defined for your Google Workspace domain. These same global contacts are available from the Gmail interface on the web.

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If you modify the GAL in Google Workspace, each user's list is updated in Outlook, too. It can take up to 24 hours for updates to become available in Outlook or for users to view the GAL after they install GWSMO.

As a Directory administrator, you can manage the GAL to control user information visibility in Google Contacts and other Google services. If users in your domain cannot access any global addresses in either Outlook or Gmail, verify contact sharing is turned on in the Google Admin console.

To modify contact sharing settings, you need to be a Super Admin or Services Admin, or have Directory settings services privileges in a custom role. For details, go to Make a user an admin or Create, edit, and delete custom admin roles.

To ensure the GAL is available to GWSMO users, you need to turn on your organization's Directory and set the contact sharing settings in your Google Admin console. For details, go to Turn on the Directory and set sharing options.

By default, global addresses include the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address fields defined when each user is added to your Google Workspace account. GWSMO supports the following fields during a sync:

Depending on the config, after implementing changes to the GAL, it might take up to 24 hours, in some extreme cases 48 to get the changes to propagate.

Administering the offline address book in Outlook - Microsoft Support

We have had the same issue for a while but it usually is in regards to new users. The issue we discovered was a permissions issue on the virtual directories. At first we started looking at the directories that effect the OAB but as we started digging more and more issues started to appear to the point we took a nuclear approach. We recreated the virtual directories. Once we did that all issues were gone but so were many of our customizations. If you go down this path make sure they are documented.

Hello all. I have an issue right now that I have been working on. Initially I tried to delete a Global configured address entry in an Address Group (it has a blue ball icon). When I delete it and clicked "Ok", the changes does not reflect whereby the save button does not appear.

Then after quite a while, I am able to navigate to the Global portion. Here the same Address group with address entries exist but without the blue ball icon (it has the brown square icon instead). From here I am able to delete the required address entry in that specific Address Group and click the button "Save".

How is this possible? I would understand that an address entry that had been configured in Global is unable to be deleted in ADOM section. But the address entry was deleted in Global and yet it is not reflected in the ADOM section. This causes some issue to the end user's experience.

Hi Simon. Thank you for your feedback. Previously what I did was just remove the address entry in the Address Group at the Global portion and hit "Save", and I don't think I had done any re-assignment that you had mentioned.

Hi Simon. Thank you for your detailed response and it helps a lot in understanding the "assignment" that you mentioned. However I am not able to see the attached image in your latest post. Is it the same image as in your previous post?

Greetings, Hi Simon. Thank you for your detailed response and it helps a lot in understanding the "assignment" that you mentioned. However I am not able to see the attached image in your latest post. Is it the same image as in your previous post? Referring to my image attached named "FMG_01.jpg", I noticed that there are:1. Assigned USED Objects Only2. Assigned ALL Objects3. (Checkbox) Automatically Install Policies to ADOM Devices. May I know what would be the difference (and functions) between item 1 and 2?For item 3, if we tick the checkbox, would the changes made on Global configuration be automatically propagated/pushed to the respective ADOM without having to perform any re-assignment? Thanks & regards, Ellyas.

for your mentioned "Save", I think you enabled workspace function (ADOM lock) and thus if you change any policy and object config, will trigger save button highlighted, so you need to save the change to backend database, otherwise config change may lose if you close browser, but save will not assign global config change to ADOM database

2 add ADOMs for this package, different package may have different ADOM as its package target (in attached pic, "Assignment" tab), you can even specify only some packages in this ADOM, will be assigned for step1 global policy package

-- so here FMG will assign all global ADOM object to ADOM level (no matter used by the policy package you plan to assign, or not used), so you will see many global objects in ADOM level then3. (Checkbox) Automatically Install Policies to ADOM Devices.

-- this is the function, to auto do the install after assign, otherwise after assign, you need to go to ADOM level, and do the policy package install, to push the config change to real FGT device, but next time, if you change global config, you still need to do the assign or assign/install again, FMG will not auto apply this change to ADOM level, this always needs manual operation like install function

The Fortinet Security Fabric brings together the concepts of convergence and consolidation to provide comprehensive cybersecurity protection for all users, devices, and applications and across all network edges.

How do I hide Office 365 Group email addresses from the OFFLINE Global Address List? They are hidden from the normal Global Address list via PowerShell commands. However, I cannot get them to be hidden in the OFFLINE Global Address List

I know that there is a work around by creating a user and then create a custom address book and share that out to all authenticated users, this would work only if the share can be automatically be added to to all users, rather then each user having to add it them-selves.

Doe anyone if that is possible?

If you use the sogo webinterface, you can automatically share a self generated addressbook with authenticated users. Click on sharing, choose the user, give the rights and choose subscribe user.

Addressbook_share975601 48.7 KB

At the user it looks like the following picture:

Addressbook_shared_by_user975635 43.8 KB

By doing it this way we can then create a php web page on the internal customer portal, so a the users will be able to edit/update their own details, and only administrators can add new accounts, or even create a Db trigger to add a new account to the contacts table, then as part of the onboarding the user and update the rest of their details.

Yes you do have a MS Ad. but that is for one domain, and we will have multiple email domains domain, so creating an AD domain is an option, but only as a last resort if we cannot figure this out, but not a path we want to go down as yet.

I have just installed Nethserver on esxi server , and the interface looks good, just had some issues with the interactive installation, it would not allow me to assign a 100Gb disk so it can automatically configure it, gave that a few tries than opted of one of the other installation methods. and got it up and running.

You can install only the mailserver, but for spam filtering you also can install rspamd and for a webinterface you can choose between webtop, sogo, nextcloud, horde (you have to use @mrmarkuz repository) and rouncube.

How do I change the dc=directory,dc=nh to be dc=domainname,d=com?

This seems to be default setting with no option to change it.

Also how to I setup multiple domain in the local ldap?

Is there a way to share directory info (Global Address List / GAL) between two willing M365 organizations? I feel like it should be as simple as this screen (attached screenshot, Exchange Online Admin Portal menu 'Organization' > 'Sharing', but this is just for calendar info. Where/how would I approach this, other than writing my own customer powershell solution (I've thought about it) or buying some 3rd party or installing MIM or something complicated or expensive like that? I was hoping for something as genuinely simple as this Organization > Sharing menu... just with contact, instead of Calendar only-information (which is only useful if you know the address or information of the user or group you're trying to email or schedule a message with. :)).

I've been googling but not getting very good results. I'm kind of shocked this isn't a feature or common scenario that partner organizations would desire when both on a collaboration platform like Exchange/Teams? We've all had that scenario where we're like "Who's that new sales rep at orgY?" so we can include them in an email... the GAL is invaluable, it seems. I've been working in non-profit for 25 years and we've had this sort of setup since the first days of Exchange 5.5 and Galsync ~2000. I don't understand why this is a more commonly demanded or available feature, or why I can't find any documentation on this or voice of other customers that would seem to want it (a few posts here and there). 

Any thoughts or experts? Is there an easy way to do this between two tenants that aren't part of the same billing same AAD etc., just orgX.onmicrosoft.com wants to share contacts with orgY.onmicrosoft.com. 

Man, my specificity here tonight makes me realize I've been peer-programming with ChatGPT too much tonight. : ) Have a good night all! (You're not bots) Thanks! 152ee80cbc

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