지역개발 및 계획연구실

Regional Development & Planning Lab

부산대학교 도시공학과

Department of Urban Planning and Engineering

Pusan National University

Busan, Republic of Korea 46241

Recent paper (SSCI, 2023, Ann of Reg Sci, Seongjun Yang and Donghyun Kim)

Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Vulnerable Occupations to Artificial Intelligence: Cases from South Korea 

With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent and is expected to replace a range of human tasks. In this context, this study seeks to identify occupations that are vulnerable to AI, and focuses on their occupational and spatial characteristics. Korean patent data within Google Patents and tasks of occupations based on ISCO-08 were collected and analyzed via dependency parsing to reveal the corresponding tasks and occupations with AI’s technical characteristics. Our analysis highlights the vulnerability of tasks that have remained unchanged for a long time, while managerial professions and other occupations involving new and complex tasks based on know-how are less susceptible to the influence of AI. The study also shows significant regional disparities in labor distribution according to AI vulnerability in Korea, forming a strong spatial cluster. While previous waves of automation primarily affected manual labor involving unskilled work and low levels of education, AI is expected to replace various forms of middle and high skilled and educated human work. As such, this study recommends that local governments prepare for the polarization of the labor market by AI based on the understanding of their employment structure.

Recent paper (SCOPUS, 2023, Urban Planning, Yeo-Kyeong Kim, Yun-Kyu Lee, and Donghyun Kim)

Natural Surveillance for Crime and Traffic Accidents: Simulating

Improvements of Street Lighting in an Older Community

This study aimed to plan an alternative for community street lighting in an older community by simulating illuminance improvements. We applied the natural surveillance principle of crime prevention through environmental design to an older community in Busan Metropolitan City in South Korea. We conducted four field investigations to identify lighting sources and measure their illuminance and heights. Using the Relux Pro program, the gaps in lighting were identified and alternative plans for improvement for night lighting were simulated. Narrow alleys and houses were sources of light disruption and lighting blind spots. We determined the location and type of lighting within the community and considered the continuity necessary to meet natural surveillance standards in alternative settings. We considered visibility, facial recognition, the risk of traffic accidents, and other variables (i.e., lamp type). Our results confirmed that the community’s average horizontal illuminance met the requirement of the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards and the minimal illuminance criterion of the International Commission on Illumination in all community lighting spaces—which was improved by about 2.2% to 85.7% compared to the previous situation. The results of this study are meaningful in that they present an effective planning support tool using simulation methods to establish community street lighting alternatives and determine their suitability.

Recent paper (SCIE, 2022, Int J Disaster Risk Sci)

A Regional Economy's Resistance to the COVID-19 Shock: Sales Revenues of Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprise in South Korea

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic that has heavily impacted not only the health sector, but also the economic sector in general. Many countries have projected a negative economic impact, and the effect on micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is predicted to be significantly large. This study estimated the regional resistance of MSME sales revenues and identified the regional economic factors that affect resistance by analyzing South Korea, a country with one of the lowest economic impact projections from COVID-19. Resistance was estimated by comparing sales revenues and changes in resistance observed during the early COVID-19 period to those recorded in the same weeks (weeks 6 to 9) of 2019. The factors that affect regional resistance were determined by conducting robust regression and spatial regression analyses. The results show that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, a direct risk factor, is negatively related to regional resilience, while diversity is positively related to regional resistance. To improve the regional resistance against uncertain events, this study recommends increased diversity among regional industrial structures to reduce the duration of the early shock of an unexpected adverse event.

Recent paper (SSCI, 2021, Sustainable Cities and Society)

Exploratory study on the spatial relationship between emerging infectious diseases and urban characteristics: Cases from Korea

In the modern global context of interconnected populations, the recent emergence of infectious diseases involves complex interactions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial correlations between urban characteristics, taking into account the socio-ecological aspects, and the emergence of infectious diseases. Using exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial regression between the infectious disease emergence data and 14 urban characteristics, we analyzed 225 spatial units in South Korea, where there was a re-emergence of measles and a 2015 outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. As results of exploratory spatial data analysis, the emerging infectious diseases had spatial dependence and showed spatial clusters. Spatial regression models showed that urban characteristic factors had different effects according to the type of infectious disease. Common factors were characteristics related to low socioeconomic status in water or food-borne diseases and manageable infectious diseases. Intermittent infections disease epidemics are related to high-quality residential environments and the response capacity of the local government. New infectious diseases are different than other infectious diseases, which are related to the ecological environment. This study suggests spatial policies for preventing infectious diseases considering the spatial relationships between urban characteristics and infectious diseases as well as the management of public health.


사전협상제 타당성논의 단계도 전문가 참여 필요



1000만명, 490조원 부울경 메가시티. 최대걸림돌은 밥그릇 싸움



부산시장 후보 3대공약 봤더니..도시개발에 집중, 난개발 염려



다대소각장 부지개발, 부산시, 공영개발로 급선회..재원, 사업성 확보 관건



습도 66% 넘는 습윤 폭염 기승.. 더 열받아 온열환자 급증



미래 폭염 위험 고령인구...김해,창원 가장 많아



폭염대책, 그늘막,쿨링포그 한계.. 도시구조 개선해야


김동현(Donghyun Kim, Ph.D)

부교수(Associate Professor)

도시공학과(Department of Urban Planning and Engineering)

부산대학교(Pusan National University)

#731, Bldg 401, 2, Busandaehak-ro, 63beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea

E-mail: donghyun-kim@pusan.ac.kr

지역경제개발(Regional Economic Development), 도시 회복력(Urban Resilience), 지역격차(Regional Disparities), 사회적 혁신(Social Innovation), 사회적 인프라(Social Infrastructure), 도시 역학(Urban Epidemiology), 지역계획(Regional Planning), 협력적 계획(Collaborative Planning)

2012.02. 공학박사(도시 및 지역계획 전공). 연세대학교 일반대학원 도시공학과(Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Engineering, Yonsei University)

2005.02. 행정학사. 성균관대학교 행정학과(B.S. in Public Administration, Sungkyunkwan University) 

2019.03 ~ Present : 조교수, 부산대학교 공과대학 도시공학과(Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Engineering, Pusan National University)

2017.11. ~ 2019.02.  : 연구위원, 한국환경정책평가연구원(Senior Research Fellow, Korea Environment Institute) 

2012.04. ~ 2017.10.  : 부연구위원, 한국환경정책평가연구원(Research Fellow, Korea Environment Institute) 

2012.03. ~ 2017.08. : 강사, 연세대학교 공과대학 도시공학과(Lecturer, Department of Urban Planning and Engineering, Yonsei University)

2020.09 ~ 2023.08.: [한국연구재단] 폭염위험사회에 따른 도시 및 지역의 다차원적 영향진단(SSK 지원사업)

                                               [NRF Korea]  Multi-dimensional Impact on Urban and Regional Areas in Risk Society of Heatwave

2020.06 ~ 2030.05. : [한국연구재단] 외부충격에 대한 도시 회복력 체계의 다면적 영향 진단과 미래예측을 위한 통합적 동태모형 개발(지역대학우수과학자 지원사업)

                                                 [NRF Korea]  Multi-impacts of external shocks on urban resilience systems and integrated urban dynamic model for future projections

2022.01 ~ 2028.12 : [한국환경산업기술원] 도시공간 기후탄력성 진단평가 및 모의기술 개발

                                               [KEITI] Developing the evaluation and simulation models for climate resilience at urban level

2020.01 ~ 2024.12. : [한국환경산업기술원] 환경보건감시체계 구축 및 예방관리 기술개발 

                                                [KEITI]  Smart and Advanced Environmental Health Surveillance System


(석사 졸업, 2022)

Juhan Lee (Master)


석사학위 논문


(석사 졸업, 2022)

Giwoong Park (Master)

부산대학교 도시공학과 박사과정

석사학위 논문


(석사졸업, 2022)

Seoyoung Yoo (Master)


석사학위 논문


(석사 졸업, 2023)

Seongjun Yang (Master)

부산대학교 도시공학과 박사과정

석사학위 논문

[SCIE/SSCI Indexed]

27. Seongjun Yang, Donghyun Kim. 2023. Spatial distribution and characteristics of vulnerable occupations to artificial intelligence: cases from South Korea. Annals of Regional Science (in press) (2023.07.07). /SSCI

26. Donghyun Kim, Jae Sik Jeon. 2023. Spatial relationship between COVID-19 and previous infectious disease outbreaks: Evidence from South Korea. Heliyon, 9, e15635. (2023.04.27) / SSCI

25. Yeo-Kyeong Kim, Yun-Kyu Lee, Donghyun Kim. 2023. Natural Surveillance for Crime and Traffic Accidents: Simulating Improvements of Street Lighting in an Older Community. Urban Planning, 8, 2, in press. (2023.04.04) / ESCI(SCOPUS)

24. Wonjin Sim, Suyeon Park, Jihye Ha, Donghyun Kim, Jeng-Eun Oh. 2023. Evaluation of population estimation methods for wastewater-based epidemiology in a metropolitan city. Science of the Total Environment, 857, 159154. (2023.01.30) / SCIE

23. Chanyong Kim, Donghyun Kim. 2022. Changes in the spatial differences of immigrants by COB’s income between 2008 and 2021 in South Korea. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 49, 9, 2556-2558. (2022.11.30) / SSCI

22. Donghyun Kim. 2022. Exploring spatial distribution of social vulnerability and its relationship with the Coronavirus Disease 2019: The Captial Region of South Korea. BMC Public Health, 22, 1883. (2022.10.10) / SCIE

21. SangHyeok Lee, Donghyun Kim. 2022. Multidisciplinary Understanding the Urban Heating Problem and Mitigation: A Conceptual Framework for Urban Planning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 10249. (2022.08.18.) / SSCI

20. Hoyong Kim, Donghyun Kim. 2022. Changes in Urban Growth Patterns in Busan Metropolitan City, Korea: Population and Urbanized Areas. Land, 11(8), 1319. (2022.08.16.) / SSCI

19. Seong-Jin Lee, Joong-Hoo Park, Seung-Min Cha, Donghyun Kim. 2022. A Regional Economy’s Resistance to the COVID-19 Shock: Sales Revenues of Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in South Korea. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 13, 190-198 (2022.03.14.)/ SCIE

18. Insin Kim, Soojung Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Dongjin Kim, Yeol Choi, Donghyun Kim, Tensen Ni, Jie Yin. 2022. Identifying Key Elements for Establishing Sustainable Conventions and Exhibitions: Use of the Delphi and AHP Approaches. Sustainability, 14, 1678 (2022.02.01.) / SSCI

17. Seoyoung Yu and Donghyun Kim. 2021. Changes in Regional Economic Resilience after 2008 Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Korea. Sustainability, 13(20), 11392 (2021.10.15.) / SSCI

16. Donghyun Kim. 2021. Visualizing the regional patterns of two crises: The COVID-19 outbreak and decreasing MSME sales during three different phases of 2020 in Korea. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 53(7), 1591-1593 (2021.04.29) / SSCI

15. Donghyun Kim. 2021. Exploratory Study on the Spatial Relationship Between Emerging Infectious Diseases and Urban Characteristics: Cases from Korea. Sustainable Cities and Society, 66, 102672 (2021.03.31) / SCIE

14. Donghyun Kim, Junbeom Lee. 2020. Spatial Changes in Work Capacity for Occupations Vulnerable to Heat Stress: Potential Regional Impacts from Global Climate Change. Safety and Health at Work, 11(1), 1-9 (2020.03.14.) / SSCI

13. Donghyun Kim, Jung Eun Kang. 2020. Building Consensus with Local Residents in Community-Based Adaptation Planning: The Case of Bansong Pilbongoreum Community in Busan, South Korea. Sustinability, 12(4), 1559 (2020.02.19.) / SSCI

12. Donghyun Kim, Seul-Ki Song. 2019. The Multifunctional Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Community Development: An Analytical Review Based on 447 Cases. Sustainability, 11, 3917 (2019.07.18.) / SSCI

11. Donghyun Kim, Seul-Ki Song. 2018. Measuring changes in urban functional capacity for climate resilience: Perspectives from Korea. Futures, 102, 89-103 (2018.09.) / SSCI  

10. Donghyun Kim, Jung Eun Kang. 2018. Integrating climate change adaptation into community planning using a participatory process: The case of Saebat Maeul community in Busan, Korea. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 45(4) 669-690 (2018.07.) / SSCI  

9. Donghyun Kim, Up Lim. 2017. Social Enterprise as a Catalyst for Sustainable Local and Regional Development. Sustainability, 9(8), 1428. (2017.08.12) / SSCI  

8. Donghyun Kim, Up Lim. 2017. Wage Differentials between Heat-Exposure Risk and No Heat-Exposure Risk Groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 685. (2017.06.24) / SSCI 

7. Cheol Hee Son, Kyoung Hak Hyun, Donghyun Kim, Join In Baek and Yong Un Ban. 2017. Development and Application of a Low Impact Development (LID)-Based District Unit Planning Model. Sustainability, 9(1), 145. (2017.01.19) / SSCI  

6. Donghyun Kim, Songmi Park. 2017. Improving Community Street Lighting using CPTED: A Case Study of Three Communities in Korea. Sustainable Cities and Society 28, 233-241.(2017.01) / SCIE 

5. Donghyun Kim, Junbeom Lee. 2016. Development of a web-based tool for climate change risk assessment in the business sector. Sustainability, 8(10), 1013 (2016.10.11.) / SSCI  

4. Donghyun Kim, Up Lim, 2016. Urban Resilience in Climate Change Adaptation: A Conceptual Framework. Sustainability, 8(4), 405 (2016.04.23.) / SSCI  

3. Donghyun Kim, Heonyeong Lee, Up Lim, 2016. Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Occupations Vulnerable to Climate Change in Korea, Sustainability, 8(1). 34 (2015.12.31.) / SSCI  

2. Up Lim and Donghyun Kim, 2015. Toward Sustainable Economic Growth: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis to Regional Income Convergence in US BEA Economic Areas, Sustainability, 7(8): 9944-9959(2015.07.24.) / SSCI  

1. Up Lim and Dong Hyun Kim. 2010. Do Birds of a feather flock together? Exploring the geography of educational segregation in Seoul, Korea. Studies in Regional Science. 40(2): 481-496.(2010.11.22.) / SCOPUS

[KCI Indexed]

27. 박기웅, 김동현. 2023. 2008년 글로벌 경제위기 충격 이후 임금 결정요인의 변화 –개인 및 지역수준 변수를 중심으로-. 지역산업연구, 46(2), 113-132. (2023.06.30.)

26. 박기웅, 김동현. 2023. 지역산업의 기후변화 대응기술 혁신유형에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구. 대한지리학회지, 58(3), 199-216 (2023.06.30.)

25. 김유현, 김동현. 2023. 시공간 종속을 고려한 빈집발생 요인 추정에 관한 연구. 한국지리정보학회지, 26(2), 1-10. (2023.06.30.)

24. 이주한, 김동현. 2022. 기후변화에 따른 지역별 미래 폭염위험 고령인구의 추정. 대한지리학회지, 57(3), 269-283. (2022.06.30.)

23. 정보경, 홍성빈, 박소정, 양성준, 김동현. 2022. 코로나-19 감염증의 확산과 공간적 특성: 숙주, 환경적 요인, 기존 신규 감염병과의 관계. 한국지리정보학회지, 25(1): 1-12. (2022.06.30.)

22. 유서영, 김동현. 2022. 지역경제의 구조적 요인이 기업성과(기업매출)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 다층모형을 이용하여. 지역산업연구, 45(2): 3-18. (2022.06.30.)

21. 박기웅, 김동현. 2021. 동남권 지역의 지식 간 연관성 밀도와 기술 복합성 측정에 관한 연구. 지역연구, 37(3), 3-18. (2021.09.30.)

20. 김소영, 김동현. 2021. 고학력 인적 자본의 공간적 분포에 미치는 요인분석 : 석·박사 집단을 중심으로. 한국지리정보학회지, 24(2): 1-14. (2021.06.30.)

19. 이주한, 김동현. 2020. 지역경제 성장에 따른 지역 내부의 경제적 격차 추정에 관한 연구. 지역연구, 36(3): 29-40. (2020.09.30.)

18. 이영경, 김찬용, 김동현, 임업. 2017. 기후변화 대응 관련 도시계획수단의 우선순위 평가 : 도시기본계획 수단을 사례로. 한국지역개발학회지, 29(2): 1-20. (2017.06)

17. 김동현, 송슬기. 2017. 그린인프라의 커뮤니티 편익에 대한 사례연구. 국토계획, 52(1): 185-195. (2017.02)

16. 김동현, 강정은. 2016. 니즈평가 기법을 활용한 기후변화 적응역량 평가, 환경정책, 24(3): 51-72. (2016.09)

15. 김동현. 서혜정. 2016. 커뮤니티의 기후변화 취약성 분석을 위한 방법과 적용: 부산광역시 새밭마을과 필봉오름마을을 대상으로. 국토계획, 51(2): 229-253.(2016.04)

14. 김동현, 송슬기. 2016. 도시 고온현상에서의 토지피복 유형과 체감온도 간 관계분석, 국토계획. 51(1): 137~152.(2016.02)

13. 서혜정, 김동현. 2015. 그린인프라 기법 적용을 위한 토지 적정성 평가 연구, 국토계획. 50(3): 91~108.(2015.04.30)

12. 김동현. 2015. 기후변화 적응을 위한 리스크 평가 및 유형화 : 영국의 정성적 리스크 평가 방법론 적용, 환경정책연구 14(1):53-83.(2015.03.31.)

11. 김동현. 2015. 기후변화 영향에 취약한 직종 파악을 위한 탐색적 연구, 노동정책연구. 15(1):111-146.(2015.03.31)

10. 김동현, 서혜정, 이병국. 2014. 비도시화 토지의 지속가능한 토지이용을 위한 그린인프라 적용기법 : 에코델타시티 사례를 중심으로. 대한환경공학회지. 36(6): 402-411.(2014.6.30.)

9. 김동현, 최희선. 2013. 수변지역에서의 저영향개발기법(LID) 적용을 위한 계획과정 도출 및 모의효과. 환경정책연구. 12(1): 37-58.(2013.3.31./2013년도 우수논문)

8. 김동현, 임업, 최예술. 2012. 청년층 노동의 공간적 이동 및 교육정도가 임금에 미치는 영향. 한국지역개발학회지. 24(5):95-104.(2012.12.31)

7. 김동현, 최예술, 임업. 2012. 일반화위계선형모형을 이용한 지역 간 노동이동요인에 관한 연구. 지역연구. 28(3): 3-24.(2012.9.30)

6. 김동현, 정주철. 2011. 상수원관리지역의 토지이용가치 손실평가에 관한 연구. 지방행정연구. 25(3): 383-402.(2011.9.15.)

5. 김동현, 정주철. 2011. 다층모형을 활용한 상수원 관리지역 주민지원사업 평가에 관한 연구. 대한토목학회논문집D 31(3): 469-476.(2011.5.31.)

4. 김동현, 임업. 2010. 서울시 생산자서비스의 공간적 집중. 국토계획 45(5): 217-227.(2010.10.31.)

3. 김동현, 임업. 2010. 인적자본의 거주지 분리에 관한 탐색적 공간자료 분석. 지역연구 26(2): 3-15.(2010.6.30.)

2. 김동현, 조성철, 임업. 2009. 지역적 맥락을 고려한 지역개발 거버넌스. 국정관리연구 4(1): 117-130.(2009.6.30.)

1. 김동현, 임업, 장훈. 2009. 갈등의 유형화를 통한 갈등사례 분석과 그 정책적 함의. 지역연구 25(2): 3-22.(2009.6.30.)

김동현. 2023. 도시계획 개념사전. [공저], 서울: 학고재. (ISBN: 978-89-562-5453-1) / 2023.06.30

김동현. 2018. 제9장 지역사회정책. [한국지역학회(공저), 지역·도시정책의 이해], 서울: 홍문사. (ISBN: 978-89-777-0417-6) / 2018.09.10

김동현. 2017. 기후회복력과 미래의 도시. 커뮤니케이션북스 (ISBN: 9791128805905) / 2017.05.04

Up lim, Ye Seul Choi, Chanyong Kim, and Donghyun Kim. 2016. Exploring the Geography of Educational Segregation in Seoul, Korea. In Kim, E. and Kim, Brian H. S.(Eds) Quantitative Regional Economic and Environmental Analysis for Sustainability in Korea. Singapore: Springer.(DOI:10.1007/978-981-10-0300-4 / ISBN: 978-981-10-0298-4)

임업·김동현. 2013. 사회적 기업과 지속가능한 지역발전. 서울: 집문당(ISBN: 978-89-303-1628-6) / 2013.12.20

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2020 대한국토도시계획학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상 수상(학부생-정보경, 박소정, 홍성빈)

2020 한국지리정보학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상 수상(석사과정-유서영)

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2021 대한국토도시계획학회, 한국지리정보학회 추계학술대회 우수논문상 수상(석사과정-박기웅, 학부과정-이선경, 정보경)

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