RDI Visual Resource Management

RDI Resource Design Inc's Visual Landscape Inventory Projects on Google Earth

Google Earth map of RDI's extensive Visual Landscape Inventories in British Columbia since 1996

Rdi has been producing visual landscape inventories since 1996 for the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD) along scenic highway corridors, challenging rivers, remote lakes, and magnificent coastal waterways

Forest Landscape Handbook

The original 1981 Guide for VRM in BC (not linked - no digital version found)

RDI's Visual Landscape System, 2001

A process for Visual Resource Management by RDI Resource Design Inc presented to the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Portland, OR, and further developed for CEMA in Alberta.


Contact RDI at rdi@rdi3d.com or 604-689-3195; or use contact form on www.rdi3d.com

Sea-to-Sky VLI

A view from Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver, BC

Sea-to-Sky VLI

A view from north of Whistler, BC