Middle School

Social Studies

 "Investing in our students for tomorrow's possibilities"

TDOE Social Studies Standards

More teacher resources can be found in the Schoology Groups

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6th Grade Social Studies

This course will be the student's first concentrated survey of world history and geography and is designed to help students think lilke historians, focusing on historical concepts in order to build a foundational understanding of the world. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards in order to deepen the understanding of world history and geography. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of government, including the beginning of democratic practices. 

7th Grade Social Studies

This course is a continuation of the 6th grade survey of world history and geography and is designed to help students think like historians, focusing on historical concepts in order to build a foundational understanding of the world. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards in order to deeping the understanding of world history and geography. Special empasis will be placed on the development of government, including the beginning of democratic practices

8th Grade Social Studies

This course is the first of a two year survey of U.S. history and geography and picks up where 7th grade finishes their study of world history. This course is designed to help students think like historians, forcusing on historical concepts in order for students to build an understanding of the history of the U.S. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards in order to enhance students' understanding of the content. This course can be used for compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1028, in which all districts must ensure that a project-based civics assessment is given at least once in grades 4-8 and once in grades 9-12. 

contact ramseyl@rcschools.net


Lee Ramsey | RCS Secondary Social Studies Specialist | ramseyl@rcschools.net | 615-893-5815 ext. 22196