Poster 19

All in the Family: Success of Therapeutic Programs for Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

Catherine Holowacz

In this work, it will be explored how environmental factors, such as familial involvement and status impact the success of habilitation and therapeutic programs for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Brofenbrenner's ecological systems theory will be utilized to examine the dynamic relationships between individuals' achievements and progress as they correspond with familial factors. More specifically, an in-depth, introspective analysis of several client's unique microsystems will occur in order to obtain a full understanding of the interactions at play. In addition, the study will investigate various forms of treatment and intervention in the hopes of redirecting a wide variety of behavioral tendencies. The primary method of gathering data involved observing and recording behaviors and cross-referencing those actions with noted familial factors. This particular project places emphasis on the importance of consistent and reliable emotional and physical support through the family system which is needed for client success. Personal interpretation, reflection, and experience will be included in this work as well. This independent study was conducted at Camp Acorn in Allendale, a local non-profit organization that serves individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

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Poster 19b