
5 Best Culinary in Yogyakarta

By Pelita Air Website

Travel won't complete without culinary. Here's our top picks culinary in Yogyakarta.



Gudeg is one of the famous local dishes and a must-try food in Yogyakarta. It is made from young unripe jack fruit stewed for several hours with palm sugar and coconut milk, and commonly served with egg or chicken. There are different types of Gudeg: dry and wet gudeg. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk, while wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. Gudeg can be packed into a besek (box made from bamboo) or kendil (clay jar), or canned. While there are many places serving Gudeg in Yogyakarta, Our best three favourites are Gudeg Yu Djum, Gudeg Bu Amad and Gudeg Pawon.



Satay Klathak is mutton satay that made from goat meat that roast with some salt and pepper. For those who want to eat satay with a different way, just came to try Satay Klathak. One thing that special to this satay is the skewer is not made of bamboo, but comes from the spokes of a bicycle. The use of iron skewers to substitute for bamboo skewers will result in evenly-cooked goat meat as iron is known as a good heat conductor. The most three favorite satay klathak are Sate Klathak Pak Bari Pasar Wonokromo, Sate Klathak Pak Pong and Sate Klathak Pak Jono. Besides satay, they also provides other menus such as gulai and tongseng. It is really worth to try.



If You are looking for night dish then fried duck will be a good option. Fried duck usually served with coconut rice and sambal. The fried duck is typically very crispy outside and moist inside. The famous fried duck in Yogyakarta are Bebek Cak Koting, Bebek H. Slamet and Nasi Bebek Mba Desi Kaliurang.



Soto, traditionally made with chicken/beef broth that was marinated over several hours, mixed with subtle aromatic spices. Some people prefer to soak their whole portion of rice in the soup, and some just have it on the side. In Yogyakarta, You can find both best place to eat chicken soto or beef soto. Warung Soto Kadipiro Asli is the most favorite chicken soto, while Soto Pak Sholeh is the most favorite one for beef soto.



One of the most popular snack in Yogyakarta is Bakpia. Traditionally, Bakpia is a round-shaped initially stuffed with mung beans, but modern variants have recently come in other fillings as well, e.g. chocolate, cheese, taro and durian. Bakpia Kurnia Sari, Bakpia Pathok 25 and Bakpia Pathok 75 are the most three popular Bakpia that You can try during Your visit to Yogyakarta.