There are 6 demo types that buyers need to make an effective decision. Besides what each of these types of demos entails, you also need to understand where they fall in the sales cycle. The first of these 6 demo types is the Vision Demo. The Vision Demo is a brief demo at the top of the sales cycle, or beginning of the buyers experience, and this focuses on the value proposition. In a vision demo you are emphasizing the problem you are solving, the solution you offer, and the benefit that implementing your solution brings. Problem, Solution, Benefit.

Inside the Demo Vision are up to 2 NES/Famicom motherboards, each with individual RF and composite AV outputs. Each NES has EPROMs for PRG and CHR data, and there is an on-board MMC5 mapper (to control timing/RAM??). The CHR ROM is revision A, and the PRG ROM is revision B.

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I am new to Xilinx and I am trying to execute the Embedded Vision Demo on Vivado 2017.4 version (attached below). This is my first time working with Block Designs and HLS so can you please guide me on how to successfully perform the mentioned demo project. Following the Read_me file I have generated the block design of the demo on Vivado. However, I am unable to export the project to SDK as it gives the error "Cannot write hardware definition file as there are no generated IPI blocks" (I am not sure if this is correct next step but I am trying follow the reference manual of z7-20 pcam 5c for this demo as well). Kindly guide me with the steps to be followed in order to get the demo working.

It will bypass the demo perspective app and will take you to your gateway home page. Then you can go to Config -> Gateway Settings -> Homepage Redirect URL and change that back to /web/home and once you save and reload the gateway it will no longer automatically bring you to your Perspective application.

Want to try out this service with samples that return data in a quick, straightforward manner, without technical support? We are happy to introduce Vision Studio in preview, a platform of UI-based tools that lets you explore, demo and evaluate features from Computer Vision, regardless of your coding experience. You can start experimenting with the services and learning what they offer, then when ready to deploy, use the available client libraries and REST APIs to get started embedding these services into your own applications.

Vision Demos are the first step to creating a buying process that improves the customer experience while scaling your existing teams and assets. This is where sales enablement tools can really help speed up your sales process and reduce demo lag time.

What are buyers thinking at this stage? Buyers are assessing what options they have to solve their problems. They are looking for content that demonstrates whether or not your solution will be useful to them and how their life will be different once your solution has been implemented.

Should you Automate it? Yes! These demos are repetitive and are most helpful to customers when they are watchable on demand. Consider using demo creation software or intelligent demo automation to remove the burden from sales and presales teams.

One of our goals with iNaturalist is to provide a crowd-sourced species identification system. This means that if you post a photo of a species you don't recognize to iNaturalist, the community should tell you what you saw. On average observations take 18 days to be identified by the community, with half of all observations identified in the first 2 days. As iNaturalist grows, keeping this identification rate steady requires an ever increasing burden on a relatively small group of identifiers. Fortunately, there have been major advances in machine learning approaches like computer vision in the past few years that might help share the burden with identifiers. Our goal is to integrate computer vision tools into iNaturalist to help the community provide higher quality identifications faster as iNaturalist continues to grow.

iNaturalist's explorations into computer vision began in mid-2016 as one of Alex Shepard's side-projects. This work soon became limited by the hardware needed to efficiently train deep neural networks. Fortunately, NVIDIA donated two Graphical Processing Units in December of 2016. Around this time we serendipitously met Grant Van Horn and the rest of the Visipedia team through their recent work with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology on the Merlin Bird ID App.

The Visipedia team adapted their code for training and testing image classification models using the TensorFlow open-source software library to work with iNaturalist observations and we got this running on the NVIDIA hardware. Training image classification models works by feeding them large sets of of labeled images. In our case, the images are photos from iNaturalist observations and the labels are their species level identifications. Once trained, the model can be used to identify images by receiving unlabeled image and assigning labels to them. This is more-or-less what the iNaturalist computer vision demo does.

The demo runs your image through the computer vision model and displays the top 10 returned species labels. Because not every possible species is represented by a label in the model (only 10,000 out of a possible 2,000,000 species) the demo also displays a coarser recommendation such as 'Grasshoppers (order Orthoptera)' that we can be more confident in even if all the possible species aren't covered by the model. Fortunately, most observations (85%) posted to iNaturalist do fall within this labeled set of species with 15% falling in the long tail of species beyond the data threshold (the out-of-sample set).

If location, date, and/or taxonomic information is provided along with the image, the demo uses spatio-temporal data from the iNaturalist database (e.g. which butterflies have been seen nearby at this location and date) to weight the computer vision results. For example, a visually similar species that hasn't been seen nearby might be down-weighted, while a species seen nearby might might be included in the top 10 results even if its not yet represented in the computer vision model.

We are currently working to test the recommendations made by the demo to understand how well it performs and what changes we can make to improve performance (e.g. tweaking the weights). We are also working on improving the computer vision model itself both by updating it with new data, experimenting with the types of data to train it on, and exploring new types of models. We're hoping an upcoming iNaturalist competition sponsored by Google at the CVPR 2017 conference will result in creative new ideas for how to improve the model. Lastly, we're working to integrate this technology into the iNaturalist site. Our initial step will be to build a semi-automated species chooser into the mobile apps to help add species names to newly created observations.

*Note: The Demo Boy II revision A firmware allows the timer to run for switch values %101 and %111, but does not define timer values for these settings. Instead, the code following the timer value table is interpreted as timer values.

The Demo Boy II revision A firmware requires one or two resets to reliably enter stable operation, and Demo Boy II documentation instructs that 2 resets should be performed. This issue is fixed in the Demo Vision firmware. The Demo Vision firmware duplicates the reset code, running it twice with no other significant changes compared to the Demo Boy II. The reset code disables rendering, waits for at least 4 frames, sets up the palettes, nametables, attributes, MMC5, scroll, and timer, releases the Game Boy from reset, and enables rendering. It is not currently known why executing this twice prevents the problem.

The Demo Boy II revision A firmware contains unused code that is incompatible with the finalized hardware. A joypad-reading function is present that targets standard controllers, but keeps OUT1 set, suggesting that OUT1 may have originally controlled Game Boy reset. Another function reads Game Boy screen pixel data from $8000-A3FF, separates it into bitplanes, and copies it into CHR-RAM, but in the finalized hardware, all of this is automated, there are two screen buffers, and the Game Boy screen data is not believed to be mapped into the CPU address space.

Hello, I've been trying to get the vision demos working on our board. I've followed the steps from the "Build Environment Setup", "Build Instructions", and the "Run Instructions" documents packaged with the SDK. I'm using the 8.1 SDK from here: -SDK-LINUX-J721E/

We understand that investing in cutting-edge software that can potentially transform your business is an important decision that requires reflection. This is why we are pleased to offer a demonstration and trial of CABINET VISION, our industry-leading CNC cabinet design software, to professionals in the woodworking industry. Fill out the form below to tell us a little bit about your projects and your goals. Our specialists will get back to you to set you up with a CABINET VISION demo and trial.

Applies to: Vision 8.o or higher, Vision Pro 7.3 or higher


 If the teacher has a higher resolution than the students during a demo, or the student being showcased during a showcase student has a higher resolution than the students, the text on the screen is unreadable. 


 There are two ways you can remedy this:


 1) Stop the demo, then lower the resolution on the higher resolution computer to an equivalent resolution or lower and then restart the demo.

 2) Use the windowed demo and turn off the fit to window option on the student computers.


 This will restore the ability to read the text on the screen.

One thing I neglected to mention in my initial hands-on post was the process of the demo itself. The demo occurred in a private room at the Field House with me and two Apple representatives. There were demo units available to look at inside Steve Jobs Theater and in the common area of the Field House, but (with the exception of Robin Roberts) all demos occurred in private, and pictures and videos were not allowed. 2351a5e196

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