
Self Motivation is Best Motivation: 


''Tomorrow`s problem cannot be solved with Yesterday`s Technology''; 





                         LEARN & BUILD......................................



Short Biography:-

I am Dr. Ravi Banoth, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIIT Tiruchirappalli, Trichy-Madurai Highway, Sethurapatti, Tiruchirappalli - 620012. He IS received his Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India, from the Department of Electronics Engineering in May 2022. He received his Master in Technology and Bachelor in Technology from  Electronics Communication and Engineering from JNT University Hyderabad, India, in 2007 and 2011, respectively. He is member of IEEE. His current research is in Adhoc Networks, Wireless Networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vehicular Adhoc Networks, Internet of Vehicles, Software Defined Networks, Digital Twin Networks, Queueing Theory, Telecommunication Networks, Stochastic Performance Evaluation, and Machine Learning. He is also a reviewer of several journals and conferences, such as IEEE ANTS, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, IEEE Access, WILEY JOURNAL OF Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Measurement: Sensors, WILEY JOURNAL OF International Journal of Network ManagementFrontiers in Energy Research,  and PLOS ONE, etc.  Please browse other tabs to know more about me and my research. 

Supervisor (PhD): Prof. Jaisingh Thangaraj, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad. 

Teaching and Research Experience:-


Research Areas/Interests: 

Machine Learning, Next Generation of Wireless Networks, 6G Intelligent Networks, Computer and Communication Networks, Computer Networks, Ad hoc Networks, Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Vehicular Communications, Intelligent Vehicular Networks, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks,  Data Networks, Internet of Vehicles, Software Defined Networks, Knowledge Defined Networks, Digital Twin Networks, Zero Touch Provisioning, Stochastic Networks, Queueing Theory. 

Additional Responsibilities:

Contact Details:

Dr. Ravi Banoth, Ph.D. (IIT Dhanbad)

Assistant Professor, 

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, 

First Floor Room No. 2065,

 Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli,  

Trichy-Madurai Highway, Sethurapatti, Tamil Nadu-620012.

Institute Email ID: ravib@iiitt.ac.in

Personal Email ID: ravi.banoth112@gmail.com

Contact Number: 9849882720



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