Rebekah A. Stein

Photograph of brown-haired woman smiling at camera with teeth in front of green foliage.

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Physical Sciences at Quinnipiac University. I defended my PhD in November 2020 from the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and have a B.S. in Geology-Biology from  Brown University (2014). After completing my PhD, I spent two years working in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at University California, Berkeley with Daniel Stolper and Todd Dawson.

We know well that our environment is changing, and my interests lie in how this impacts plant function and health, as well as biotic potential for carbon sequestration. Broadly, I use isotope and bulk biogeochemistry in plants and soils to understand the past, present, and future. In particular, I am interested in how the biosphere interacts with and records the environment, and the how the geosphere drives the mechanisms that control plant function. 

Outside of studying rocks, I also enjoy climbing them. I love endurance athletics and have participated in long-distance running, biking, triathlon, and hiking events. I regularly do jiu jitsu and love spending quality time with my dogs, and enjoy dabbling in baking, cooking, and sketching (especially trees). 

More information can be found on my Google Scholar page, ResearchGate profile, and ORCID page. Additionally, I can be contacted at rebekah.stein AT

My CV can be downloaded here.