There are already numerous guides online on how to do that. So I will be brief, but refer to those guides for your exact configuration. I assume a new SD card which has already a Windows FAT partition with a size bigger than 4GB (I recommend 16GB). When I plugged that SD card on my laptop it was recognised as /dev/mmcblk0p1 and automatically mounted. First we need to unmount this partition and then to remember the device name (without the partition suffix, so /dev/mmcblk0 in my case). Note that if you are on BSD or OS X those steps are slightly different, check online. Using the device name we can flash the Raspbian image (after downloading the zip file, check that the SHA-256 checksum match, you can either pick-up the normal or the Lite version of Raspbian, but if your goal is a headless server, then the Lite is more suitable).

But there is a step 0 first! I just explained before how to install Raspbian without a screen, so it means that you will still be headless when upgrading to Jessie. Being headless means you are going to do the upgrade via ssh, so if you lose the network you could break the update. So to avoid this you need to use a small tool, I recommend tmux, but if you are more comfortable with screen or byobu. So we will install and execute tmux, and then run all commands within tmux (for a good introduction to tmux check Arch Linux wiki).

Raspbian Headless Download

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I've done this multiple times, recreating the ssh file at each boot, redownloading and reflashing the raspbian image, it always fails.I'm 100% certain of being the pi's local ip because i've attempted this around 10 times and it only appears when pi is on and ethernet is plugged in

You can certainly load a Raspberry Pi with its custom OS, a Linux Debian port called Raspbian, hook it up like a desktop computer and do all of the above. But for me, the most convenient way is to set it up on my local WiFi network and connect to it from the workstation where I do everything else, using my personal dev environment and code editors to also load programs onto the Raspberry Pi. That's where a headless, no-GUI Raspberry Pi is ideal.

After the imaging is complete, you could eject the SD card and boot up the Raspberry Pi with a monitor, then see a Linux command-line interface. But since this is going to be a headless, peripheral-free setup we need to give the OS some extra information to enable it to connect to a local WiFi network and enable to us to connect it to it from a workstation.

I just downloaded and wrote the Raspbian Stretch headless image to a micro SD card. I added a DHCP configuration to give the ethernet adapter a address. I then gave my desktop PC's ethernet adapter an address of and connected the PC to the raspberry pi with an ethernet cable.

I then followed the instructions in item #3 of the remote access readme by placing a single empty file named ssh in the root of the boot partition. I mounted this partition on a linux system and verified it contains all the raspbian boot files (such as cmdline.txt).

When I put the SD card back into the pi and boot, the ssh file is not removed and I always get a connection refused message when attempting to ssh into the pi. Any clue what's going wrong? I used the headless image and this method of access to avoid using a separate monitor and keyboard so the fact that this isn't working is kind of a pain.

This shows that it is a bad idea to change to fix IP-Address from the beginning. In the end it is easier just to change from DHCP to fix IP than to get a duplicated IP and no access to the internet as you want to access headless.

I can't get it working headless. I've followed every internet advice. I know this isn't the fault of pure data but of Linus Torvalds/the Linux community, but I'd like to plug in the raspberry pi, get it going headless on say, ring mod into some delay, and just go from there. But will this ever be possible? Please help.

@catkisser666 Yes, it is possible, a bit harder with stretch than it was with Jessie..

You will need to open your patch with a something.desktop file in the pi/.config/autostart folder.

Pd will need to be set as default program for the patch.

That will start Pd and open the patch after the X window is started and the whole Pi is booted up...... much the same as you are doing manually when you run it "not headless".

Permissions will need to be set for the .desktop file.

Here is an example of a .desktop file that starts a server on my Pi.....

I'm trying to get my pi zero running headless. I've followed the instructions here and can get it to load a patch on start up. I get audio from the usb audio when I have a screen connected by hdmi. When I start up with no screen attached I get no usb audio. Sorry I'm pretty new to all this. Any help would be much appreciated

Trying to set up a headless Pi Zero W using the built in wifi. With the changes from Jessie to Stretch in Raspbian, setting up how to get your Pi connected to your home wifi has changed somewhat - with spa_supplicant.conf now used and particular coding required to make it work -ref 3rd post - =203716

Remote config Use auto config? * Say Y if not sure * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine Auto confirm is set: answering Yes, override by setting config parameter config_is_local=false If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link: :53682/auth?state=fGCl_xV6QNdmsgBsPeo8pw Log in and authorize rclone for access Waiting for code... Remote config Use auto config? * Say Y if not sure * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine Auto confirm is set: answering Yes, override by setting config parameter config_is_local=false 2020/06/14 11:46:36 Failed to configure token: failed to start auth webserver: listen tcp bind: address already in use

I am trying to run the perspective workstation on a headless raspberry pi. Below are the services/scripts and errors that launch perspectiveworkstation. I know my services are working because the commented-out chromium launches as my test. Also note, if the service is disabled I receive the same error when running sh ~/perspectiveworkstation/perspectiveworkstation.desktop from CLI

As far as I can tell, Ubuntu was designed to use DHCP on first startup, and was designed to brick the network configuration if you try to use a Static IP. It is impossible to connect to a newly booted headless Ubuntu Server on a raspberry pi without an IP scanner.

As much as I love the Raspberry Pi's, I rarely have a mouse and keyboard handy for setup, and nearly all concessions, I want to run the Pi in headless mode (and ssh into the machine). This guide is a bullet point tick list to getting the Pi accessible on the network.

Maybe I was not clear before:

Previously I had set up my RPi with raspbian where I could pre configure my wireless settings and that worked great to get connected to wlan immediately without the need for an ethernet network and then use SSH. I had also tried that using OSMC. Same procedure, pre configure wireless settings and only using wlan.

Now I am asking if this is working for volumio and if so, how?

A "headless" computer is one that operates without a monitor, keyboard, or mouse. The Raspberry Pi works great as an inexpensive computer that can help people learn to program and create fun, interesting projects (without many repercussions if you break something--just reflash the SD card!). The one downside is that as a computer (as opposed to a microcontroller), it requires a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to work, which can quickly increase the costs of acquiring the necessary components.

The Raspberry Pi has several options available for operating systems. It's often recommended that beginners start with NOOBS, as that walks the user through the necessary steps of installing an operating system. However, it usually requires a monitor to see the selection process, so we'll be creating an image of Raspbian manually. Additionally, we'll be using Raspbian Lite, which saves us space and time by not including the desktop (i.e. the graphical interface). Because we're creating a headless image, we'll be doing everything through the command line!

I've tried downgrading to TeamViewer 11 as other topics pointed out, but it didn't work either.

Any directions? Are there any specific settings I need to do for the headless connection to work?

Pretty lost here...

Same problem here. Raspberry Pi 4, and TeamViewer refuses to let me in when I am running headless. Once I boot the Pi with a monitor connected everything works just fine. I would love to see a solution for this, as this makes TeamViewer quite useless for the particular project I am working on right now.

I have used this technique to run Sonic Pi headless. However it is not compatible with using VNCserver on the same Pi.

However with the latest OS, I boot (for example on a Pi400) with VNCserver enabled, but no monitor attached, and then I can either attach with a vnc client from my mac, or I send signals to SP via the cli gem as Ethan suggests. Note you can set SP to boot automatically by copying the desktop file to the autostart folder

 cp usr/share/applications/sonic-pi.desktop ~/.config/autostart

Once you have SP running with your PiSound board, you can use the sonic-pi-cli to send a file of commands to sonic pi using sonic_pi "run_file '/path/to/filename'" The cli has to be running on the same pi, but it is possible to call it from a remote machine using a python script.

4 years ago I did quite a large project involving 2 PiSound boards and an iPad or iPhone running TouchOSC which shows what can be done headless. (the code probably needs slight tweaking to suit the latest OSC protocols in SP 3.3.1)

There is no need to have a monitor, mouse and keyboard plugged into the Raspberry Pi; it can be operated quite easily and effectively as a headless system. In days past, large Unix systems sat in a room the end user would never hope to see, and they were accessed from a terminal like this one: 2351a5e196

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