The tone was set early this year. An [uplifting keynote]( -john-perry-barlow) from John Perry Barlow, former songwriter for the Grateful Dead and co-founder of the [Electronic Frontier Foundation]( ), who seemed to be speaking directly to us at times:

Of course, according to some definitions, the term P2P is only reallyapplicable to services with 'significant autonomy from centralservers' [8], and SMS is far too reliant on telco'sinfrastructure to really qualify as true P2P. However, it's worthlooking at the meteoric rise of SMS as an example of how users'preference for apparently limited services can quickly outpace moretechnologically advanced services, such as WAP. The growth of'accidental' networks such as this reaffirm the influence of usersbehaviour within distribution networks, but also demonstrate howdifficult it is to design effective distribution networks with such anunpredictable user base.

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It's important to keep in mind that as Doheny-Farina makes thiscritique, he does so to move to an alternative to the mass-marketing,global-reaching, technology-from-a-few-merged-sources road we are on. Henotes, for example, in Chapter 4. "Seeking Public Space in aVirtual World," that who we are online, how we presentourselves and how we interact with others is determined, for most of us,by the parameters of the technologies before us. His run-down ofthe commands he was likely to use in MOOs offer a good illustrationof this; though MOOs are environments which invite particpantprogramming, Doheny-Farina notes, that he, like most other MOO users, rarely take up the invite. Thereforeour presentation of who we are is mediated not by place--it doesn'tmatter where we type from--what matters is how wellwe can manipulate the software. MOOs are not places, he argues, somuch as the semblance of places, chimera of those elusive thirdplaces. be457b7860

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