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Steve Lukasik, Director, DARPA; Cybersecurity Expert

 Stephen Joseph Lukasik (pronounced looKAY-sik) , 88, Director, DARPA; Cybersecurity Expert, a physicist who sought to apply advanced technology to national security, overseeing Defense Department research on computer networking, artificial intelligence and the detection of nuclear explosions before becoming a prescient expert on cybersecurity, died of respiratory failure in Falls Church, VA on 3 October 2019. 

 Born on Staten Island, NY, he graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where received his PhD in Physics. 

 Lukasik received a bachelor's degree in physics from the school in 1951 and a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1956. He taught at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J., where he led the fluid physics division and drew the attention of DARPA, partly through a research project he managed for the Department of the Army.

 DARPA hired him in 1966 to oversee research on the detection of nuclear explosions, and in 1971 he was named the agency's director. Dr. Lukasik was credited with broadening its scope, backing research on artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles, the use of computers to hear and understand speech, and the potential for humans to influence the Earth's climate.

 In addition to serving as Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] and by 1975 he had left the agency, serving as chief scientist at Rand before holding the same title at the FCC from 1979 to 1982. He went on to serve as Vice President at both Northrop Corporation and TRW, and also served Xerox and SAIC.

 Dr. Lukasik was 14 when he decided to become a physicist, haunted by newspaper accounts of the atomic bombings of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended WWII. If science had enabled humans to harness the power of nuclear fission and fusion, he decided, it could also help forestall future destruction.

 Working with many others in his field, he helped develop methods to detect - and hopefully deter " nuclear explosions around the world, resulting in verification systems that proved crucial to agreements such as the Threshold Test Ban Treaty, signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1974.

 Through his work in the 1970s and '80s at the Defense Department and the Federal Communications Commission, Dr. Lukasik also became a Zeligesque figure in , the development of digital technologies. As the director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency, now known as DARPA, he backed the growth of ARPANET, an influential precursor to the Internet. And as chief scientist at the FCC, he helped commercialize spread-spectrum techniques, which were used for intelligence communications before becoming a cornerstone of WiFi and

 Bluetooth technologies.

 A man of wide-ranging interests, Dr. Lukasik amassed a collection of about 15,000 books on subjects including national security, shipwrecks, archaeology and geology, and participated in a 1988 effort to date the Shroud of Turin, venerated by millions of Christians as the burial cloth of Jesus. (Radiocarbon tests indicated the frayed length of linen was created in the Middle Ages, although Dr. Lukasik cast doubts on those findings.). 

 His focus later shifted from nuclear weapons to cybersecurity, a field that existed in part because of the support he secured for ARPANET. The network spawned a communications revolution that played out at first in DARPXs offices, where Dr. Lukasik encouraged the use of a system now known as email, checking messages about once an hour, often from a 30-pound "portable" computer terminal that he lugged on his travels.

 In that primitive age of digital messaging, emails were generally read only through a teletype machine, which printed long ribbons of text. Dr. Lukasik, who later donated 50 boxes full of paper to the Charles Babbage Institute, was not one to throw things away. He recalled complaining to Lawrence Roberts, who ran DARPA's Information Processing Techniques Office: "Larry, this email is great, but it's a mess!"

 "In typical Larry fashion, he came in the next day, and said, 'Steve, I wrote some code for you that may help.' And he showed me how to get a menu of messages, or file them, or delete them;' Mr. Lukasik said in an interview for ''Where Wizards Stay Up Late," a history of the Internet by Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon.

 "Roberts;' the authors noted, "had just written the first mail manager software:'

 Long after he left DARPA, Dr. Lukasik developed a reputation as a master of "red teaming;' an apocalyptic role-playing exercise in which he imagined potential national security threats from the perspective of U.S. adversaries. Friends said he anticipated the 9/11 terrorist attacks as well as Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election.

 "Steve would sometimes refer to his efforts as atoning for his sins, for having authorized and funded the development of an infrastructure that became a kind of threat to the country;' said Dr. Lukasik's longtime colleague Anthony Rutkowski, referring to the conceptual model at the heart of ARPANET and the Internet.

 In a phone interview, Rutkowski recalled flying home from Frankfurt to the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, while reading a report by Dr. Lukasik on the potential use of airplanes, explosives and other weapons by terrorist groups that might destroy urban infrastructure and coordinate their attacks over the Internet. "It was the most surreal thing in my life;' he said.

 According to Rutkowski, Dr. Lukasik later completed a report for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency on the potential for a state actor to "marshal resources surreptitiously using social networks," then disrupt elections and other sociopolitical institutions. 

 Rutkowski was unfamiliar with the report when the two friends met last year and discussed Russia's 2016 election interference."Bet you never envisioned that happening," Rutkowski recalled telling Dr. Lukasik. "He said, 'Just give me a couple of moments.' And he went to his office, came back with this report and said, 'Here it is, in considerable detail.' "

 He was active in civic affairs, and had a wide range of other interests. 

 Dr. Lukasik was still called upon to consult on national security issues in recent years. And while much of his work entailed red-teaming, he never abandoned science: At 81, he was

 awarded a patent for an invention involving a chemical warfare sensor made with carbon nanotubes.

 His marriage to Marilyn Trappiel ended in divorce, and in 1983 he married Virginia Dogan Armstrong, an FCC policy analyst. In addition to his wife Virginia, survivors include four children from his first marriage, two stepchildren, and other family. 

 The funeral service will take place on Monday, 21 October 2019 at 5 p.m. at Everly-Wheatley Funeral Home in Alexandria, VA, with a reception to follow. Burial will be private. be457b7860

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