Welcome to the Relationship and Psychotherapy (RAP) Lab

University of Denver

Jesse Owen, PhD., Licensed Psychologist

Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology, Morgridge College of Education

Welcome to the Relationship and Psychotherapy Lab (RAP Lab) led by Dr. Jesse Owen, Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Denver. Our research seeks to contribute to the enhancement and understanding of couples' relationship functioning, Multicultural Orientation (MCO) as well as to develop a deeper understanding of the common and specific factors related to therapeutic effectiveness. An underlying assumption of our mission is that we contextualize our work through cross-cultural factors that are inherently interwoven with the lives of individuals, couples, and therapists.

RAP Lab Meetings

Our meetings for Fall 2022 will be in person room KRH 409 on Mondays from 1-2pm.

Recent Lab News

Welcome to our new RAP lab members: Shane Trujillo, Myles Hugee, Lexi Banbury, Charlie Brunt, Jackson Lawrie, and Marion Carilli.

Lab members recently presented different posters at APA 2022 and the SPR 2022 Conference on topics such as: " Two’s Company, Three’s A Crowd? An Empirical Exploration of the Occurrence and Impact of Split Alliances in Couple Therapy", " The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy in Jails: A Benchmark Comparison", and "Intentions and Interventions in Jails: Therapists methods for addressing ruptures and the impact on client-rated MCO"

RAP Lab recently wished longtime members off to their internship placements for the 2022-2023 school year:

  • Sree Sinha- San Franscico VA

RAP Lab Current/Alumni news:

Geneva Polser-Crabtree: Recently secured a visiting Assistant Professor position at the University of Denver, School of Education, Counseling Psychology program.

Jeremy Coleman: Recently secured an Assistant Professor position at Augusta University, Psychological Science Department, Psychology Program.

Joanna Drinane: Secured an Assistant Professor position at the University of Utah, Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology Program.

Sandra Bertman: Recently received the highly competitive federally-funded APA's Minority Fellowship Training Award