Amar Farooqui Early Social Formations Pdf Download


Early Social Formations by Amar Farooqui: A Book Review

Early Social Formations is a book by Amar Farooqui, a professor of history at Delhi University. The book covers the evolution of human societies from the Paleolithic era to the medieval period, with a focus on India and its interactions with other regions. The book aims to provide a comprehensive and critical overview of the various aspects of social formations, such as modes of production, class relations, state formation, religion, culture, and gender.

The book is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the emergence of human societies and the development of agriculture, pastoralism, and metallurgy. The second part examines the rise and decline of ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, and India. The third part explores the formation of feudal societies in Europe, West Asia, China, and India. The fourth part discusses the transition from feudalism to capitalism and the impact of colonialism and imperialism on the world.

The book is based on a wide range of sources, both primary and secondary. It draws on archaeological evidence, historical texts, literary works, and contemporary scholarship. It also incorporates insights from various disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, economics, and political science. The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with ample examples and illustrations. It also provides questions and exercises at the end of each chapter to help students test their understanding and enhance their analytical skills.

Early Social Formations is a valuable resource for students and teachers of history, as well as anyone interested in learning about the origins and diversity of human societies. It offers a comprehensive and critical perspective on the social formations that shaped the course of human history.The following is a brief summary of each chapter of the book:

Chapter 1: The Emergence of Human Societies. This chapter traces the evolution of human beings from their ape-like ancestors to the emergence of Homo sapiens. It also discusses the development of language, art, religion, and technology among early humans.

Chapter 2: The Development of Agriculture, Pastoralism and Metallurgy. This chapter examines the origins and spread of agriculture, pastoralism, and metallurgy in different regions of the world. It also analyzes the social and environmental consequences of these developments.

Chapter 3: The Rise and Decline of Ancient Civilizations. This chapter explores the characteristics and achievements of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, and India. It also explains the factors that led to their decline and collapse.

Chapter 4: The Formation of Feudal Societies in Europe. This chapter describes the transformation of Europe from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the emergence of feudalism. It also discusses the role of the church, the nobility, the peasantry, and the towns in feudal society.

Chapter 5: The Formation of Feudal Societies in West Asia. This chapter covers the history of West Asia from the rise of Islam to the Mongol invasions. It also examines the political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of Islamic civilization.

Chapter 6: The Formation of Feudal Societies in China. This chapter outlines the history of China from the Han dynasty to the Ming dynasty. It also analyzes the features and dynamics of Chinese feudalism.

Chapter 7: The Formation of Feudal Societies in India. This chapter surveys the history of India from the Gupta period to the Delhi Sultanate. It also studies the structure and functioning of Indian feudalism.

Chapter 8: The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. This chapter explains the causes and effects of the transition from feudalism to capitalism in Europe. It also compares and contrasts the European experience with that of other regions.

Chapter 9: The Impact of Colonialism and Imperialism on the World. This chapter assesses the impact of colonialism and imperialism on the political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of the world. It also evaluates the resistance and response of the colonized peoples.


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