CMake development began in 1999, in response to the need for a cross-platform build environment for the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK).[6][4] The project is funded by the United States National Library of Medicine as part of the Visible Human Project.[4] It was partially inspired by pcmaker, a predecessor to CMake, which was made by Ken Martin and other developers to support building of the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). pcmaker was a C program that converted Make files into MS Windows' NMake counterparts.[4] At Kitware, Bill Hoffman blended components of pcmaker with his own ideas, striving to mimic the functionality of Unix configure scripts. CMake was first implemented in 2000 and further developed in 2001.

The build files are configured depending on the used generator (e.g. Unix Makefiles for make) and associated toolchain files. Advanced users can also create and incorporate additional makefile generators to support their specific compiler and OS needs. Generated files are typically placed (by using cmake's flag) into a folder outside of the source's one (out of source build), e.g., build/.

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CMake has a relatively simple interpreted, imperative scripting language. It supports variables, string manipulation methods, arrays, function/macro declarations, and module inclusion (importing). CMake Language commands (or directives) are read by cmake from a file named CMakeLists.txt. This file specifies the source files and build parameters, which CMake will place in the project's build specification (such as a Makefile). Additionally, .cmake-suffixed files can contain scripts used by CMake.[21]

To generate a project's build files, one invokes cmake in terminal and specifies the directory that contains CMakeLists.txt. This file contains one or more commands in the form of COMMAND(argument ...).

CMake ships with numerous .cmake modules and tools. These facilitate work such as finding dependencies (both built-in and external, e.g. FindXYZ modules), testing the toolchain environment and executables, packaging releases (CPack module and cpack command), and managing dependencies on external projects (ExternalProject module):[28][29]

People encountering CMake for the first time may have different initialgoals. To learn how to build a source code package downloaded from theinternet, start with the User Interaction Guide.This will detail the steps needed to run the cmake(1) orcmake-gui(1) executable and how to choose a generator, andhow to complete the build.

For developers starting a project using CMake, the CMake Tutorialis a suitable starting point. The cmake-buildsystem(7)manual is aimed at developers expanding their knowledge of maintaininga buildsystem and becoming familiar with the build targets thatcan be represented in CMake. The cmake-packages(7) manualexplains how to create packages which can easily be consumed bythird-party CMake-based buildsystems.

The cmake executable is the command-line interface of the cross-platformbuildsystem generator CMake. The above Synopsis lists various actionsthe tool can perform as described in sections below.

To build a software project with CMake, Generate a Project Buildsystem.Optionally use cmake to Build a Project, Install a Project or justrun the corresponding build tool (e.g. make) directly. cmake can alsobe used to View Help.

The top-level directory containing source files provided by the project.The project specifies its buildsystem using files as described in thecmake-language(7) manual, starting with a top-level file namedCMakeLists.txt. These files specify build targets and theirdependencies as described in the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual.

This chooses the kind of buildsystem to generate. See thecmake-generators(7) manual for documentation of all generators.Run cmake --help to see a list of generators available locally.Optionally use the -G option below to specify agenerator, or simply accept the default CMake chooses for the currentplatform.

CMake may support multiple native build systems on certainplatforms. A generator is responsible for generating a particularbuild system. Possible generator names are specified in thecmake-generators(7) manual.

Print extra find call information during the cmake run to standarderror. Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing.See also the CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE variable for debugginga more local part of the project.

Reads a preset from/CMakePresets.json and/CMakeUserPresets.json. The preset may specify thegenerator and the build directory, and a list of variables and otherarguments to pass to CMake. The current working directory must containCMake preset files. The CMake GUI canalso recognize CMakePresets.json and CMakeUserPresets.json files. Forfull details on these files, see cmake-presets(7).

Process the given cmake file as a script written in the CMakelanguage. No configure or generate step is performed and the cacheis not modified. If variables are defined using -D, this must bedone before the -P argument.

The NAME=VALUE and --unset=NAME options are equivalent to--modify NAME=set:VALUE and --modify NAME=unset:, respectively.Note that --modify NAME=reset: resets NAME to the value it hadwhen cmake launched (or unsets it), not to the most recentNAME=VALUE option.

It searches a package using find_package() and prints theresulting flags to stdout. This can be used instead of pkg-configto find installed libraries in plain Makefile-based projects or inautoconf-based projects (via share/aclocal/cmake.m4).

Here are some of the CMake variables that are used often, along with abrief explanation. For full documentation, consult the CMake manual,or execute cmake --help-variable VARIABLE_NAME. See FrequentlyUsed LLVM-related Variables below for information about commonlyused variables that control features of LLVM and enabled subprojects.

Here are some of the CMake variables that are rarely used, along with a briefexplanation and LLVM-related notes. For full documentation, consult the CMakemanual, or execute cmake --help-variable VARIABLE_NAME.

Add -fuse-ld={name} to the link invocation. The possible value depend onyour compiler, for clang the value can be an absolute path to your customlinker, otherwise clang will prefix the name with ld. and apply its usualsearch. For example to link LLVM with the Gold linker, cmake can be invokedwith -DLLVM_USE_LINKER=gold.

The find_package(...) directive when used in CONFIG mode (as in the aboveexample) will look for the LLVMConfig.cmake file in various locations (seecmake manual for details). It creates a LLVM_DIR cache entry to save thedirectory where LLVMConfig.cmake is found or allows the user to specify thedirectory (e.g. by passing -DLLVM_DIR=/usr/lib/cmake/llvm tothe cmake command or by setting it directly in ccmake or cmake-gui).

/LLVMConfig.cmake where is the location where LLVM CMake modules areinstalled as part of an installed version of LLVM. This is typicallycmake/llvm/ within the lib directory. On Linux, this is typically/usr/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMConfig.cmake.

The binaries are installed in ~/.vs/cmake. After deploying the binaries, your project automatically regenerates. If the CMake specified by the cmakeExecutable field in CMakeSettings.json is invalid (it doesn't exist or is an unsupported version), and the prebuilt binaries are present, Visual Studio ignores cmakeExecutable and uses the prebuilt binaries.

Thanks for the insight, Chester. I think I stumbled upon almost the same thing, late yesterday. I tried using CMake to just create its usual build system (e.g. cd build, cmake ../path/to/source ...) that I can use to build from the console. Then, I Import from "makefile project with existing code", enable breakpoints as per your later post, then create a debug configuration, and then I can edit/build/debug normally. This doesn't require keeping the .cproject/.project in revision control, though that may change.

Otherwise, create a folder for a new project. From the Terminal window, create an empty folder called cmakeQuickStart, navigate into it, and open VS Code in that folder by entering the following commands:

The ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} is a special built-in CMake variable representing the path to the directory currently being processed by CMake. In other words, your arbitrary data gets copied to the build directory (this becomes even clearer after you run cmake, so watch for this to come up again later).

The first step, familiar to anyone who's built their fair share of open source C++ projects, is to create a build directory, change to it, and then run the cmake .. command. I'm a lazy typist, so I name my build directory b, but you can use whatever makes the most sense to you:

To invoke an interactive CMake session, use the ccmake command. There's not much to see for this simple example project, but a big project like the digital audio workstation Rosegarden makes the user interface invaluable.

Nice one! But I would still recommend invoking a build and an installation via CMake, 'cmake --build .' and 'cmake --install .' respectively, instead of calling 'make' and 'make install' directly. This is just more portable as it provides an uniform abstract commands regardless of a generator used (e.g. 'Unix Makefiles' vs Ninja).

Such an approach is specially useful for additional, top-level, build scripts (like a Python/Bash script calling CMake with all the right parameters/defines for a project) or while integrating an external packaging/dependency management system, like Conan, into a project.

How to update CMake version?How to make a release?MiscellaneousDocumentation: code: -build/cmake-python-distributionsMailing list: !forum/scikit-buildLicenseThis project is maintained by Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin from Kitware Inc.It is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Rather than using the command line and the -D flag to set variables, I've been using set() inside the CMakeLists.txt for my simple "learner" one-directory project. The advantage is not having to remember and/or copy and paste long directory names every time I call cmake -DVARIABLE_NAME=path/to/infinity/and/beyond .. be457b7860

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