The Ranger policies are configured in the Ranger Console for the selected databases.

The Ranger Admin creates policies to set permissions at the user/group level on the selected table(s).Access to the tables can be allowed or disallowed as defined in the Ranger policy for the given user/group.

Reflections access: In order for Reflections to be created successfully, you must ensure that theDremio service user (the user running the Dremio process on the host) hasaccess to all relevant databases and tables.This is done by defining Ranger policies that establishes access permission for theDremio service user on the selected databases and tables.


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This behavior is triggered within the Ranger plugin libraries when hdfs-site.xml or hive-site.xml are present in the Hive plugin's configuration path (eg a sub-directory under /plugins/connectors/\. See Hive Configuration for more details).

To fix this environment issue, rename the ranger-hive-audit.xml configuration file generated by the Ranger Hive plugin installer to xasecure-audit.xml and copy it to the Dremio configuration path on all coordinator nodes.

If Dremio is deployed in a Kerberized environment and the Hive data source is unable to retrieve it's policies from Ranger,it is possible that the user running Dremio isn't configured to pull policies from the Ranger Admin host.If the Dremio service user doesn't have the permissions to download the desired service's policies,you may receive a failed to refresh policies error message in the Dremio logs.

Tag-based policies in Ranger-based authorization for Hive data sources are not supported in Dremio 24.0.x and earlier. Tag-based policies are only supported in Dremio 24.1.x and later. For more information, see Tag Based Policies.

If users and groups are defined in LDAP or Active Directory (AD),then the Dremio Coordinator host operating system (OS) must be configured to perform user lookup through LDAP/AD.This is a requirement of the Ranger plug-in, which defers the lookup to the host OS where the plug-in resides(in this case, the same host that the Dremio Coordinator is using to handle the query).If the host is incorrectly configured, then Ranger cannot lookup the correct user and group information.

Kudu 1.10.0 integrated with Apache Sentry to enable finer-grained authorizationpolicies. This integration was rather short-lived as it was deprecated in Kudu1.12.0 and will be completely removed in Kudu 1.13.0.

Ranger consists of an Admin server that has a web UI and a REST API where adminscan create policies. The policies are stored in a database (supported databasesystems are Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Anywhere)and are periodically fetched and cached by the Ranger plugin that runs on theKudu Masters. The Ranger plugin is responsible for authorizing the requestsagainst the cached policies. At the time of writing this post, the Ranger pluginbase is available only in Java, as most Hadoop ecosystem projects, includingRanger, are written in Java.

Once these files are created, you need to point Kudu Masters to the directorycontaining them with the -ranger_config_path flag. In addition,-ranger_jar_path and -ranger_java_path should be configured. The Java pathdefaults to $JAVA_HOME/bin/java if $JAVA_HOME is set and falls back tojava in $PATH if not. The JAR path defaults to kudu-subprocess.jar in thedirectory containing the kudu-master binary.

Ranger supports granting privileges to the table owners via a special {OWNER}user. You can, for example, grant the ALL privilege and delegate admin (thisis required to change the owner of a table) to {OWNER} ondb=*->table=*->column=*. This way your users will be able to perform anyactions on the tables they created without having to explicitly assignprivileges per table. They will, of course, need to be granted the CREATEprivilege on db=* or on a specific database to actually be able to createtheir own tables.

Apache Ranger is a security framework that brings comprehensive security to the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. A central UI is provided to manage security policies on various Hadoop applications like HDFS / Hive.

When Kerberos is not enabled for a Hadoop cluster, JuiceFS will regularly pick a random client to fetch security policies from Ranger Admin, and store as a file in JuiceFS so that all other clients reuse these resource and avoid putting more pressure on Ranger Admin. But if Kerberos is enabled, follow below steps to correctly handle.

Enabling Kerberos will forbid JuiceFS Clients from fetching security policies from Ranger, you need to configure download permission by setting and through Ranger Admin UI - HDFS Service, specify multiple users using comma-separated string. And after that, you need to refresh security policies as a user with download permission.

If the Kafka plugin is unable to communicate with Ranger admin, check that the property in file /usr/hdp//kafka/config/, is set to org.apache.ranger.authorization.kafka.authorizer.RangerKafkaAuthorizer .

The file helm/ranger/values.yaml defines the default values for the Helm chart.Typically the user creates another YAML file to override some of these default values.In our example, we create a new YAML file values-ranger.yaml.

We need a PersistentVolume for storing data for Ranger.The user should update values-ranger.yaml to use a desired type of PersistentVolume.In our example, we create a PersistentVolume using NFS.The PersistentVolume should be writable to user nobody (corresponding to root user).

The configuration key should use the Ranger service for HiveServer2.The configuration key should use the host name assigned to Ranger.

Before executing queries,the user should create a new Ranger service ORANGE_hive(if it is not available yet).The user can access Ranger Admin UI at :6080(specified by policymgr_external_url in ranger-key/ should be set to the user hive, or the owner of HiveServer2.Then Ranger can inspect metadata (such as databases, tables, users) managed by HiveServer2while HiveServer2 can retrieve its Ranger service profile.

Apache Ranger is a tool to manage access controlpolicies for Hadoop/Hive and related object storage systems such as Delta Lake.It provides a simple and intuitive web-based console for creating and managingpolicies controlling access to the data.

Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) can be integrated with Ranger as an access control system. When aquery is submitted to SEP, SEP parses and analyzes the query to understandthe privileges required by the user to access objects such as schemas andtables. Once a list of these objects is created, SEP communicates with theRanger service to determine if the request is valid. If the request is valid,the query continues to execute. If the request is invalid, because the user doesnot have the necessary privileges to query an object, an error is returned.Ranger policies are cached in SEP to improve performance.

When used for global access control, the Starburst Ranger integration extends thebasic functionality of Ranger with the Starburst Ranger plugin. It allows Ranger to provide access control forall data sources defined by a catalog in Starburst Enterprise, and all other datasources supported by SEP.

As you can see from the list above, some resources are hierarchically organizedwithin a catalog and below. This allows you for example to restrict access to acomplete catalog, a specific schema, or table or even down to a column,procedure, or function within a schema.

It is best to create fine grained resource sets, especially when using columnmasking and row filtering. Using policies with wildcards can create hard tounderstand, or even unpredictable behavior, when there are multiple policiesthat apply to the same resource. For example, both *-schema-table-column andcatalog-*-table-column apply to column in table in catalog. Thesecond definition is more specific and therefore preferred to keep yourconfiguration easier to understand.

SEP enforces column-level privileges granted to roles. For example, if a useris only granted access to a subset of table columns, they are only able to queryfrom these columns. If they execute an SQL statement that refers to othercolumns, the query fails with an error.

In addition to enforcing the policies in Apache Ranger, SEP integrates withthe Apache Ranger Key Management Service, and has support for AWS Glue DataCatalog, row level filtering and tag-based policies.

The SEP integration with Ranger allows you to set location privileges toensure the correct users have access to create objects in specific objectstorage locations. Location privileges support CREATE TABLE and CREATE SCHEMA operations, as well as CALL system.register_partion for Hive catalogs.

In Ranger, you must create the appropriate policies as locations are denied bydefault. Location privileges support recursive or non-recursive policies. Forexample, if you have a recursive policy with the location /tmp/allow then/tmp/allow/nested is valid.

For example, you have to treat is as a replacement for authorization by the userconfigured for the connection to the data source, or any restrictions in thedata source utilized by user impersonation or credential pass-through. It isimportant to avoid these other configurations, and let Ranger manage all accessto keep the overall setup simple and manageable.

You can use the Ranger system access control to enforce User Defined Function(UDF) policies. A UDF in SEP is deployed as a plugin(Functions) and stored in the SEP global namespace. Thisglobal namespace is managed at the system access control level.

The Ranger resource hierarchy for all UDF policies requires an associateddatabase (or schema) namespace when creating the policy. Because the globalnamespace is independent of any connector namespace, this poses a slightchallenge to control access to UDFs using Ranger. To overcome this you mustspecify $sep as the database name in Ranger. This keeps all SEPfunctions under the $sep database in Ranger resource hierarchy. 152ee80cbc

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