Randomness and PDEs

We regret that this workshop is cancelled due to COVID-19.

Dates: 29 June -- 3 July, 2020

Venue: Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

The workshop aims at bringing 30-40 active researchers working on different aspects of randomness and PDEs, including singular stochastic PDEs, dispersive PDEs, homogenisation, stochastic analysis, quantum field theory, etc.

3-hour mini courses:

Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin): The Markovian point of view on some singular SPDEs

Nikolay Tzvetkov (Cergy-Pontoise): Hamiltonian PDEs with random initial data

Hendrik Weber (Bath): Large scale theory for singular SPDEs

Invited speakers:

Giuseppe Cannizzaro (Warwick)

Ajay Chandra (Imperial)

Antoine Dahlqvist (Sussex)

Dirk Erhard (Federal da Bahia)

Chenjie Fan (Chicago)

Benjamin Gess (MPI Leipzig and Bielefeld)

Yu Gu (Carnegie Mellon)

Martin Hairer (Imperial)

Alexey Korepanov (Exeter)

Cyril Labbé (Paris Dauphine)

Thierry Lévy (Sorbonne)

Xue-Mei Li (Imperial)

Terry Lyons (Oxford)

Ian Melbourne (Warwick)

Hao Shen (Wisconsin-Madison)

Vedran Sohinger (Warwick)

Rongchan Zhu (Beijing Institute of Technology and Bielefeld)

Xiangchan Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences and Bielefeld)

Registration and financial support

Please fill in the registration form (before 1 May, 2020).

We have reserved limited accommodation at St Anne's College, Oxford. Priorities will be given to PhD students and early career researchers.

Due to the high demand, we are unfortunately no longer able to accept further requests for accommodation. If you would like to attend and require accommodation, one possibility is this website. For people who have registered before 1st March, we will get back to your accommodation request as soon as possible.

Organisers: Ilya Chevyrev, Weijun Xu

Contact randomness.pde.2020@gmail.com for more enquiries.

We acknowledge the financial support from EPSRC and LMS.