Random logic is a semiconductor circuit design technique that translates high-level logic descriptions directly into hardware features such as AND and OR gates. The name derives from the fact that few easily discernible patterns are evident in the arrangement of features on the chip and in the interconnects between them. In VLSI chips, random logic is often implemented with standard cells and gate arrays.[1]

Random logic accounts for a large part of the circuit design in modern microprocessors. Compared to microcode, another popular design technique, random logic offers faster execution of processor opcodes, provided that processor speeds are faster than memory speeds. A disadvantage is that it is difficult to design random logic circuitry for processors with large and complex instruction sets. The hard-wired instruction logic occupies a large percentage of the chip's area, and it becomes difficult to lay out the logic so that related circuits are close to one another.[2]

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One point that struck out to me the most was about the RISC's feature of using hard wired parts in its processor and in particular so called "Random Logic" . According to wikipedia one might best view it as a "simple" decoder from "high level logic" to hardware features like AND and OR gates.

This all deals with one of the major, and complex tasks in any processor. Namely decoding instructions. On a simple conceptual level, this may be viewed as taking the contents of the instruction register and translating this into logic commands to the various functional units of the processor to perform the desired action and then fetch the next instruction into the instruction register and repeat.

The random logic camp tends to look at the task as a sort of huge logic problem. Given an input (the instruction set), what outputs are needed (the instruction implementation). The result tends to look like a huge array of gates, flip-flops etc arranged in a non-intuitive (looking random, but no actual randomness here).Needless to say, for any non-trivial processor, this can be really complex.

The microcode camp on the other hand, maps each instruction to a stored program for a very simple but fast processor. Often, the microcode program is stored in very wide memory so that many program units can be simply connected to fields in the microcode with little or no additional decoding. In a sense, the microcode is implementing the random logic's output by table lookup.

These views are a gross simplification. Almost all random logic designs have small memory elements in them to simplify the state machines that are part of all processors, like the instruction fetch, operand decoding, or responding to interrupts. Likewise, almost all microcode machines employ some logic to speed up the decoding of the microcode to avoid needing insanely wide microcode memory. In addition, logic is often employed to allow the microcode to loop or branch to create more complex behaviour.

While microcode is extremely difficult to write, when an error is found, the code "simply" needs to be updated (assuming that you don't run out of microcode space, then well, problems) When a bug is found in the random logic decoder, it is not uncommon for the whole logic formulation to be affected. This can make random logic designs very hard to get right. The Z-8000 used random logic and its design was plagued by bugs in the instruction decoder. On the other hand, the simpler MC6809 also used random logic decoding and was highly successful.

The advantage of random logic is that it avoids the overhead of fetching the microcode from it's storage. In simpler processors avoiding this overhead can result in savings of silicon (that is money) and clock cycles (that is time).

RISC computers have much simpler instruction sets than CISC machines. This is a major reason why the random logic decoder is so often associated with RISC chips. CISC chips have intricate, complex instruction sets, so microcode is highly favoured for those designs.

Hiya, for a research questionnaire, I wish to randomise multiple branches to get all a similar amount of answers. In other words, after an introduction, a user is branched to one of the four groups of questions, before coming back to joint final questions: how can users be branched randomly?

I'm on the outskirts of my knowledge here, but my understanding is that the PLA decode ROM outputs its 130 control signals as a function of opcode and cycle, and the random logic is a purely functional unit that takes the PLA output as input in order to control the rest of the chip. I think you could combine the two into a single ROM; from looking at the die shot the random logic is about twice as large as the PLA so my guess would be that time/cost considerations, possibly including intelligent task subdivision and almost certainly including a calculation of debugging time as the 6502 was laid out literally by hand, using pen and ruler, led to the combined approach.

A Metal1-layer (M1) patterning study is conducted on 20nm node (N20) for random-logic applications. We quantified the printability performance on our test vehicle for N20, corresponding to Poly/M1 pitches of 90/64nm, and with a selected minimum M1 gap size of 70nm. The Metal1 layer is patterned with 193nm immersion lithography (193i) using Negative Tone Developer (NTD) resist, and a double-patterning Litho-Etch-Litho-Etch (LELE) process. Our study is based on Logic test blocks that we OPCed with a combination of calibrated models for litho and for etch. We report the Overlapping Process Window (OPW), based on a selection of test structures measured after-etch. We find that most of the OPW limiting structures are EOL (End-of-Line) configurations. Further analysis of these individual OPW limiters will reveal that they belong to different types, such as Resist 3D (R3D) and Mask 3D (M3D) sensitive structures, limiters related to OPC (Optical Proximity Corrections) options such as assist placement, or the choice of CD metrics and tolerances for calculation of the process windows itself. To guide this investigation, we will consider a `reference OPC' case to be compared with other solutions. In addition, rigorous simulations and OPC verifications will complete the after-etch measurements to help us to validate our experimental findings.

Hi everyone, I'm trying to work out if it's possible to use a combination of commas and semi colons to specify separate groups of pre-roll files from which Plex will create a fixed sequence of randomly selected pre-rolls?

For example: I want to show two pre-rolls in sequence before each movie, however the first pre-roll in that sequence I want to be selected randomly from pre-rolls A, B or C. The second pre-roll in the sequence I want to be randomly selected from pre-rolls D, E, or F.

Modern pacing systems are becoming more and more sophisticated. Conversion of the information supplied by a sensor into suitable parameters for a rate controlling algorithm and the management of complex timing are common tasks for an integrated circuit (IC) in cardiac pacing. An effective solution consists of using a microprocessor to implement algorithms and pacing modes in a flexible way. The key point of using the same hardware resources for different tasks on a time sharing basis allows the design of a less complex IC when compared to a random logic structure with the same performances. The major design problems in a full microprocessor solution are its relatively low operating speed due to the low frequency clock necessary for low current drain, and the sequential structure of the machine itself. This can lead to unacceptable timing inaccuracy in all situations requiring the management of complex decision trees. In order to take full benefit from the advantages of a microprocessor structure without these drawbacks, a mixed microprocessor-random logic approach has been investigated. This architecture uses a microprocessor core to perform all high level nonreal-time operations (setup of the pacing cycle, data reduction and processing, data integrity checks) while a set of random logic peripherals is used for all critical timing aspects.

We investigate dynamical properties of a quantum generalization of classical reversible Boolean networks. The state of each node is encoded as a single qubit, and classical Boolean logic operations are supplemented by controlled bit-flip and Hadamard operations. We consider synchronous updating schemes in which each qubit is updated at each step based on stored values of the qubits from the previous step. We investigate the periodic or quasiperiodic behavior of quantum networks, and we analyze the propagation of single site perturbations through the quantum networks with input degree one. A nonclassical mechanism for perturbation propagation leads to substantially different evolution of the Hamming distance between the original and perturbed states.

Averaged Hamming distance versus network size. For each network size an average over 1000 realizations over a period of 200 time steps is calculated. The initial perturbation locations are chosen randomly. For the quantum systems one Hadamard operation is applied on each target qubit before applying the logic function [compare Fig. 1].

This paper proposes a model, the linear model, for randomly generating logic programs with low density of rules and investigates statistical properties of such random logic programs. It is mathematically shown that the average number of answer sets for a random program converges to a constant when the number of atoms approaches infinity. Several experimental results are also reported, which justify the suitability of the linear model. It is also experimentally shown that, under this model, the size distribution of answer sets for random programs tends to a normal distribution when the number of atoms is sufficiently large.

I built an entirely discrete logic based circuit and I have this shift register converting data from the Y bus on an SN74LV8154 to serial data and my logic design allows the shift register to load 1 extra bit so it ends on the value of the SER input (which is held low) before SH/LD goes low again but the output ends up in a seemingly random state not related to the input where it could be high or low and if it's high the output will slowly die down while oscillating at a high frequency well above the 10MHz clock source. 006ab0faaa

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