
My interests are in Mathematical Physics, Probability, and Operator algebras.

List of subjects that are in my direct research spectrum:

Random graphs, matrices, and localization;

Spectral gap stability of quantum lattice systems;

Entropy, Complexity, and Information in QFT.


 Two Results in the Quantum Theory of Measurements (Del Vecchio, Fröhlich, Pizzo, R.; chapter in "Trails in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: A Volume in Tribute to Giovanni Morchio", to appear)

Channel Divergences and Complexity in Algebraic QFT (Hollands, R.; Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2023) -

Bayesian inversion and the Tomita-Takesaki modular group (Giorgetti, Parzygnat, R., Russo; The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2023) -

Relative Entropy and Curved Spacetime (Ciolli, Longo, R., Ruzzi; Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2022) -


Low energy spectrum of the XXZ model coupled to a magnetic field (Del Vecchio, Fröhlich, Pizzo, R.; preprint 2023) -

Boundary effects and the stability of the low energy spectrum of the AKLT model (Del Vecchio, Fröhlich, Pizzo, R.; preprint 2023) -

notes and slides

Convexity of Entropy on Curved Spacetimes, slides (Leipzig, May 2021) 

Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Net Cohomology for Free Massless Scalar Fields, slides (Tor Vergata, July 2020)

Handwritten notes on Quantum Bayes Theorem (April 2022)*

*Please, consider these notes as just a sketch of what are some thoughts of mine about Bayes inversion. There might be (with very high probability) errors, but in the end, some concepts and constructions presented here can be helpful to someone. I strongly encourage people to give me feedback and indicate the errors. I will consider transforming these handwritten notes into a more systematic exposition by digitalizing them and extending the explanations.