Ramiro H. Gálvez


Research Interests: Computer Science, Applied Economics, Natural Language Processing

My research interests center in studying how state-of-the-art machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) techniques can aid in understanding social, business and economic phenomena.

Journal articles

An empirical study of the effect of acoustic-prosodic entrainment on the perceived trustworthiness of conversational avatars (with Gravano, A.; Beňuš, Š.; Levitan, R.; Trnka, M. and Hirschberg, J.), Speech Communication 124 (2020): 46-67.

Differences in citation patterns across journal tiers: The case of economics (with Anauati, V. and Galiani, S.), Economic Inquiry 58.3 (2020): 1217-1232. Media coverage: VoxEU.

An empirical approach based on quantile regression for estimating citation ageing (with Galiani, S.), Journal of Informetrics 13.2 (2019): 738-750. Media coverage: VoxEU.

Half a century of stereotyping associations between gender and intellectual ability in films (with Tiffenberg, V. and Altszyler, E.), Sex Roles 81.9-10 (2019): 643-654. Media coverage: VoxEU, Nexciencia.

Crime and Violence: Desensitization in Victims to Watching Criminal Events (with Di Tella, R.; Freira, L.; Schargrodsky, E.; Shalom, D. and Sigman, M.), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159 (2019): 613-625. Media coverage: VoxEU.

Assessing author self-citation as a mechanism of relevant knowledge diffusion, Scientometrics 111.3 (2017): 1801-1812.

Assessing the usefulness of online message board mining in automatic stock prediction systems (with Gravano, A), Journal of Computational Science 19 (2017): 43-56.

Quantifying the life cycle of scholarly articles across fields of economic research (with Anauati, V. and Galiani, S.) Economic Inquiry 54.2 (2016): 1339-1355. Media coverage: Marginal Revolution, VoxEU.

Articles in conference proceedings

A unifying framework for modeling acoustic/prosodic entrainment: definition and evaluation on two large corpora (with Gauder, L.; Luque, J. and Gravano A.), SigDial 2020 pp. 215-224.

Testing the effects of acoustic/prosodic entrainment on user behavior at the dialog-act level (with Gauder, L.; Reartes M.; Beňuš, Š. and Gravano A.), Speech Prosody 2018 pp. 374-378.

Prosodic facilitation and interference while judging on the veracity of synthesized statements (Beňuš, Š.; Gravano A. and Trnka, M.), Interspeech 2017 pp. 2331-2335.

Disentrainment may be a positive thing: A novel measure of unsigned acoustic-prosodic synchrony, and its relation to speaker engagement (with Pérez J. M. and Gravano A.) Interspeech 2016 pp. 1270-1274.

Implementing acoustic-prosodic entrainment in a conversational avatar (with Levitan, R.; Beňuš, Š.; Gravano, A.; Savoretti, F.; Trnka, M.; Weise, A. and Hirschberg, J.) Interspeech 2016 pp. 1166-1170.

Book chapters

How different are citation patterns across journal tiers in economics? (with Anauati, V. and Galiani, S.) Publishing and Measuring Success in Economics (2020), CEPR Press.

Differences in citation ageing patterns across economics research articles are as sharp as those observed across fields of study (with Anauati, V. and Galiani, S.) Publishing and Measuring Success in Economics (2020), CEPR Press.


Current courses

Graduate courses

Undergraduate courses

Past courses

Graduate courses

Undergraduate courses


curriculum vitae [pdf]

Contact me

e-mail rgalvez [at] utdt [dot] edu

google scholar profile [link]

github profile [link]

twitter @RamiroHGalvez