Music Boosters Fundraising

General Fund Donations

We're aiming to raise $20,000 for our general fund this August and September. 

Please join us in supporting these hardworking band students with much-needed funds!

Donate to the RV Music Boosters general fund! 

Fundraisers to the General RVMB Fund

These fundraisers raise money to support all RVMB programs. 

An example of a previous MMM flyer

Mustang Music Mondays Fundraiser

Let someone else do the cooking and support RVMB in the process! We're holding a monthly Mustang Music Monday fundraiser, where the profits from sales at local restaurants are donated to RVMB. 

On WEDNESDAY November 13, join us at Old Chicago (at 88th and Wadsworth) in support of our band kiddos! More info coming soon.

Then in December, we'll take a break from our holiday events to let Lot One do the cooking for us, all in support of our RVMB program. Check back soon for more info!

Coffee Fundraiser is ongoing!

The spring Giving Bean Coffee & Tea fundraiser was a big success, and you have a chance to keep the momentum going! Our online storefront will stay open all year so that folks can continue to order or order for the first time, and students receive 25% of the sale as offsets for their Fair Share amounts. 

All you have to do is tell buyers to
1) use the Giving Bean Coffee & Tea RV Music Webstore link and
2) remember to enter your student's full name and seller ID when you check out. 

Products are shipped directly to the buyer!

We've got MERCH now! (till Nov 20th)

We're delighted to announce that, due to popular request, we've now got an extensive storefront of RVMusic merch available for anyone to order! $5 from every item goes to RV Music's general fund. Orders only open until 11/20/2024 (just in time for Christmas gifts!).

Products include band-, orchestra-, and color guard-specific clothing, as well as general RV Music clothing, all with our unique RV Music logo (see left for an example!). 

Check out our hoodies, shirts, pajama pants, hats and more for you to gear up with. Support the program, do some holiday shopping, and show your RV music pride all at the same time! Orders are due 11/20/24 and will be ready before Christmas. 

Be sure to share our store with your friends and family!

Mattress Fundraiser 

Looking for a new mattress? Once a year, anyone in the community has the chance to purchase a new mattress, as well as other items, at the RVMB annual mattress fundraiser! A portion of the proceeds going to the RVMB general fund. Use the below graphics to share on social media.

The mattress event for 2024 is over, but start talking to friends and family for 2025 orders!

RVHS 24 General.pdf

Fundraisers to Pay RVMB Fees

These fundraisers can be used to pay for your student's Marching Band or Orchestra fee. 

RaiseRight (formerly ShopWithScrip)

Our easiest and best fundraiser! No bugging family members to buy stuff they don’t need – but their shopping could help you, too! All earnings go towards the student's fees

King Soopers Community Rewards

And then, when the quarterly email comes out …

Butter Braids 

Once (or twice, sometimes) a year, students have the opportunity to sell Butter Braids. Proceeds go to the student's Marching Band or Orchestra fees. The images (shared below when the fundraiser is live) can be used to get the word out on social media!

Important Links