Hi, I am Rakesh, Born in the ancient city Patna, India, that is also known for Budhha's place, Currently (04/2021 to present) working at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, Aarhus N, Denmark, as a Postdoctoral Fellow. My key role is to design a monolithically integrated narrow linewidth laser on an InP platform and supervised by Prof. Martijn J. R. Heck and Prof. Nicolas Volet.  

I worked (09/2020 to 03/2021) before as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Prof. Hon Ki Tsang, who is also my PhD-thesis supervisor. I happen to be an experimentalist and specialize in the Integrated quantum photonics for generating and processing the entangled photons on the photonic circuits. Before begin to my PhD career, I had acquired some knowledge about integrated silicon photonics working as a Junior research assistant (11/2015 to 08/2016) at the CUHK. 

When not working, I can be found doing indoor/outdoor activities which are cooking, driving, listening music, travelling and watching movie/tv-series.  

Research Keywords: Integrated Optics, Non-linear Optics , Semiconductor lasers
