About Us

Rajshree Health Care is one of the most reputed Homeopathic Clinic situated in Patna (Bihar), well established , ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Clinic and built a strong and deep faith in numerous people all over Bihar as well as Jharkhand about homeopathy and its method of treating the patients. We at Rajshree Health Care are pledged to provide Excellent, Safe and Effective Homeopathic Treatment. We not only give results but also Permanent treatment. We provide doctor consultation and customized effective Homeopathic treatment to cure the disease naturally. So, We welcome you to Rajshree Health Care, "Transforming Life With a Healing Touch" 

                                                                                           Why Homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is Considered to be a safer form of treatment as there are no side effects linked to the same. According to Mahatma Gandhi Our Father of Nation "Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical." Homeopathy has the ability to cure diseases from roots because it not only focuses on big bookish names of disease but also on the detailed past history as well as psychology of the patients. That's why Homeopathy deserves those patients who want to get treated from root in a more effective and safer way. 

Why Choose Rajshree Health Care ?

Rajshree Health Care has lots of expertism in homeopathy. We have treated numerous patients all over Bihar as well as Jharkhand. We provide self made customized homeopathic mixtures to cure the disease from root, as well as well as well- researched diet plans, that will led to a permanent removal of the disease and its symptoms as well. Our doctor has more than 30 years of experience and have a excellent command over homeopathy.

Our treatment marked conspicuous response in symptoms of some diseases that are generally treated as "incurable" in our society. 

Our Expert Doctor

Dr. K. Sanjeeb Ranjan

D.H.M.S (B.R.A B.U, Muz.)

Member Of The Homoeopathic Medical Association Of India

Registered Under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

National Commission for Homoeopathy

      Treatments Offered


Migraines are mainly described by moderate to severe headaches that only affect one side of the head. People usually describe the pain as pulsating, throbbing or hammering. It often gets worse during physical activity or even if you move a little. The headaches may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Rajshree Health Care has shown very good results to numerous patients suffering from migraine. Generally,  migraine patients don't trust on homeopathy , and some patients spend thousands of rupees in allopathic treatment (neurologists), but we at Rajshree Health Care have made detailed treatment plan and some exercises to prove the strength of homeopathic treatment over migraine.


Asthma is a respiratory disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated symptoms of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing.

Chronic cough and breathlessness mainly affects the patients. We at Rajshree Health Care gained excellence in treatment of all types of respiratory diseases like asthma , chronic cough along with bronchitis. With the the help of modern science and personalised integrated homeopathic treatment , we treat the disease wholly.


A condition in which the tissues lining the sinuses (small hollow spaces in the bones around the nose) becomes swollen or inflamed. The sinuses are lined with cells that make mucous. Sinusitis can occur when too much mucous builds up in the sinuses or their openings become blocked. Repeated cold and coughing as well as headache in some cases may be associated along with sinus. Rajshree Health Care has proven excellent results regarding ENT problems like sinusitis or sinus. It can be treated in a very short span of time but during this short span , it needs patient to follow the diet plan strictly and take medicines regularly.


Leucoderma causes your skin to lose color or pigmentation. Smooth white or light areas called patches appear on your skin. If left untreated for long time it may spread, cover larger parts of skin. Rajshree Health Care helps patients with leucoderma by giving excellent recovery, faster treatment and proper balanced diet.


Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by red, flaky, scaly patches of skin that are covered with white scales.These usually appear on your elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, but can appear anywhere on your body. Most people are only affected by small spots. In some cases, the rash may cause itching or swelling. Rajshree Health Care has proven its expertism in treating Psoriasis many times. Homeopathy has the ability to cure it no doubt.

                                                   Liver Disease

When liver tissue starts getting damaged due to some kind of infection, accumulation of excess fat or alcohol in the liver, then it produces liver disease. For example Jaundice, High SGOT SGPT levels, Fatty Liver. Etc. If these diseases are not treated for a long time, a serious condition like liver cirrhosis is seen. Eventually liver disease can also lead to liver cancer and liver failure. Rajshree Health Care has the great ability to treat various kinds of liver diseases in a more efficient manner. With the help of test reports and detailed analysis of symptoms and past history, and also with a lots of experience we treat this disease with ease. It needs just two things one is patience and the other is careful and Effective Homeopathic Treatment.

                                                  Thyroid Disease

At Rajshree Health Care ISO 9001 : 2015 certified clinic, we have proven that homeopathic remedies can have deep and long-term effects on thyroid. We do not prescribe harmful medicines. We have successfully treated many people with well balanced and personalized integrated homeopathic treatment.Patients are treated only after detailed analysis of all the symptoms. And a balanced diet plan is also provided to ensure satisfaction. We will discuss more about our treatment method but first we will tell you what is thyroid disease?

                                                  Kidney Disease

At Rajshree Health Care we focus primarily on the underlying cause of Chronic Kidney Disease i.e. blood pressure and diabetes. Additionally, proper diet and lifestyle changes balance the underlying dosha. We provide homeopathic medicines to patients which have nourishing effect on the nephron and are also diuretic in nature. By this we achieve our main objective of rejuvenating the nephron.

                                                      Contact Us

Rajshree Health Care

West Patel Nagar Main Road (Via Petrol Pump),

Patna - 800023 (Bihar)

Mob :- 09431456586