Rajitha Ramanayake

Researcher | Traveler | Learner


A bit about me...

I'm a researcher, a student and a tech enthusiast. My current focus is on computational machine ethics. By nature, this is an interdisciplinary pursuit, which includes learnings from different disciplines such as computer science, philosophy, law, politics, and psychology.

I am currently a PhD student at the
School of Computer Science, University College Dublin. I am currently working on the topic of implementing and evaluating ethical behaviour in machines - specifically in autonomous decision making. This research touches on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, implementing different philosophical thoughts in machines, Machine Learning, Computational Social Choice and Evaluation methods for ethical AI. I am supervised by Dr. Vivek Nallur.

I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering with First Class honours from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Soon after, I joined the industry and worked on applications of machine learning in DevOps environments. Thereafter I joined my alma mater as a temporary lecturer and worked there until I started my PhD.