Chessie Ballant


Chessie Robert Ballant

About Chessie Ballant:

Chessie Robert Ballant was born on the 14th of April in 1998, and type.


Chessie Ballant is about 177cm (5'8") tall and weighs about 137 pounds. He is described as lean, pale, and "dead-looking" by others around him. He has blue eyes and brown hair where he dyed the ends of it a dark magenta color; it is often disheveled, messy, uneven at some ends, but is naturally straight and slightly wavy. One part of his hair is shorter than the rest as someone had cut his hair when they were bullying him at school, and so he keeps that part cut to remind him of his "battles" that he had to endure. He also has tattoos on his neck and left arm: a red rose with a green leaf underneath it on the arm and a design he drew on paper on his neck (black spikes with a line underneath and five dots underneath that). He often wears more feminine clothing (slightly fem-boy) as they are much more comfortable for him, but he always wears a gothic cross that his mother had given him before she died. He also has seven piercings: one through his bellybutton, one on his tongue, one curling around his bottom lip on the left-hand side, a cuff earring connecting to a studded earring on his right ear, and a simple studded earring on the left.


Chessie's family consists of the following:

  • Father: Fredrick George Ballant

  • Mother: Amelia Rose Ballant (Deceased)

  • Brother(s): None

  • Sister(s): None

  • Other: None

Chessie's relations/relationships consists of the following:

  • Luciano: Lover

  • Jessica: Lover

  • Alaric: Friend/Doctor

  • Emma: Friend


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