Annabelle Dashkovari


Annabelle Lepota Dashkovari

  • Sex: Female

  • Age: 16 (135 ghost years)

  • Race: Ghost (Haunting Angel)

  • Type: Passive

  • Occupation: None

  • Romantic Interest: None

  • Pet(s): None

About Annabelle Dashkovari:

Annabelle Lepota Dashkovari was born on the 13th of June in 1866, type.


Annabelle Dashkovari is about 182cm (5'11") tall and weighs about 152 pounds. He is described as lean, fair-skinned, and "hot/sexy" by girls who surround him on the street(s). He has dark green eyes and brown hair that is now dyed black to hide his old identity (the gray gradient on the ends of his hair is the result of the dye fading); it is often well-kept, neat, even, and is naturally straight with natural volume. His back has two prominent scars in the shape of burnt crescents where his wings used to be before they were burnt off when he was cast out of the heavens. He often wears fashionable modern clothes in order to further fit in with society and to help hide his old identity from himself and the Gods. It is rare that he would EVER wear his white chiton as it was what he wore back when he still served as the Commander of the Divine Watch. His golden choker with the lapis lazuli gem is now hidden away in a box within his place of residence, of which he hardly ever stays in.


Annabelle's family consists of the following:

  • Father: Erik Bronislav Dashkovari

  • Mother: Catherine Roža Dashkovari

  • Brother(s): Alaric Sumrak Dashkovari

  • Sister(s): None

  • Other: None

Annabelle's relations/relationships consists of the following:

  • Lazarus: Enemy

  • Rebecca: Enemy

  • Mathew: Friend

  • Name: Relation

